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Chapter 1. Some Features of Advertising
1.1. Methods of Persuasion in Advertising
Chapter 2. Linguistic Techniques Used in Advertisement
2.1.Syntactic Features of Advertisement
2.2 Lexical Features of Advertisement
2.3. Stylistic Devices Used in Advertisement
The USE of Simile in Advertisements
3.1. On the Theory of Simile
3.2. Some peculiarities of the Use of Simile in Advertisement
title_arm Simile in Advertisement title_eng convertot_1 Simile in Advertisement convertot_2 Simile in Advertisement convertot_3 Simile in Advertisement convertot_4 Simile in Advertisement convertot_5 Simile in Advertisement convertot_6 Simile in Advertisement convertot_7 Simile in Advertisement convertot_8 Simile in Advertisement convertot_9 Simile in Advertisement convertot_10 Simile in Advertisement convertot_11 Simile in Advertisement convertot_13 Simile in Advertisement convertot_14 Simile in Advertisement convertot_15 Simile in Advertisement convertot_16 Simile in Advertisement convertot_17 Simile in Advertisement convertot_18 Simile in Advertisement