kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>REFEREANCES</strong></p>
<li>Allen Thorndike Rice, editor,<em> Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (George S. Boutwell),</em> p. 110.</li>
<li>James Russell Lowell,<em> Abraham Lincoln (,</em></li>
<li>James Oakes,<em> The Radical and The Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics,</em> p. 93.</li>
<li>M. L. Houser,<em> Lincoln’s Education and Other Essays,</em> p. 31.</li>
<li>Roy P. Basler, editor,<em> Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (CWAL), Volume I (Temperance Address, February 22, 1842),</em> p. 273.</li>
<li>Douglas L. Wilson,<em> Lincoln’s Sword: The Presidency and the Power of Words,</em> p. 143.</li>
<li>David Zarefsky,<em> ‘Public Sentiment is Everything’: Lincoln’s View of Political Persuasion, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association,</em> Summer 1994, p. 40.</li>
<li>Allen Thorndike Rice, editor,<em> Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (David R. Locke),</em> p. 445.</li>
<li>James Oakes,<em> The Radical and The Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics,</em> p. 194.</li>
<li>Allen Thorndike Rice, editor,<em> Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (Goerge W. Julian),</em> pp. 55-56.</li>
<li>James M. McPherson, editor,<em> “We Cannot Escape History”: Lincoln and the Last Best Hope of Earth (William E. Gienapp, “Abraham Lincoln and Presidential Leadership”),</em> p. 79.</li>
<li><em> CWAL, Volume II (Speech at Bloomington, September 26, 1854),</em> p. 236.</li>
<li><em> CWAL, Volume II (Speech at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854),</em> p. 256.</li>
<li>Kenneth M. Stampp,<em> And the War Came: The North and the Secession Crisis, 1860-1861,</em> p. 187.</li>
<li>James Oakes,<em> The Radical and The Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics,</em> p. 260.</li>
<li>Joseph Schafer, editor and translator,<em> Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869,</em> p. 340.</li>
description_2 <p><strong>Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches.</strong></p>
<p>SDs and EM in Political Discourse</p>
<li>Style and language of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's speeches. Public Opinion</li>
<li>Linguo - Stylistic Analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s Speeches</li>
title_arm Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches title_eng convertot_1 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_2 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_3 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_4 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_5 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_6 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_7 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_8 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_9 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_10 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_11 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_13 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_14 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_15 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_16 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_17 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches convertot_18 Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln's speeches