Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Մեր կայքում դուք կարող եք պատվիրել նյութեր՝ ուղղիղ կապ հաստատելով մասնագետներից ցանկացածի հետ:
    The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian

    Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն

    The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian

    Էջերի քանակ: 21

    Կոդ: #25710

    4200 դր.

    Օգտագործված գրականության ցանկ


    1.   Alston W.P    Illocutionary acts and sentence meaning, Ithaca and London, 2000
    2. Austin, J. L. (1962) How to Do Things with Words, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Develops the distinction between performative and constative utterances into the first systematic account of speech acts.)
    3. Bach, K. (1994) 'Conversational impliciture', Mind & Language 9: 124-62. (Identifies the middle ground between explicit utterances and Gricean implicatures.)
    4. Bach, K. and R. M. Harnish (1979), Linguistic Commuication and Speech Acts, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Combines elements of Austin's taxonomy and Grice's theory of conversation into a systematic account of the roles of the speaker's communicative intention and the hearer's inference in literal, nonliteral and indirect uses of sentences to perform speech acts.)
    5. Grice, H. P. (1989) Studies in the Way of Words, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (The essays on meaning and conversational implicature provide a framework for distinguishing speaker meaning from linguistic meaning and for explaining their relationship.)
    6. Searle, J. (1969) Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. (Presents a theory of speech acts relying on the notion of constitutive rules.)
    7. Strawson, P. F. (1964) 'Intention and convention in speech acts', Philosophical Review 73: 439-60. (Applies Grice's account of meaning to support the claim that most speech acts are communicative rather than conventional, as Austin had suggested.)
    8. Tsohatzidis, S. L., ed. (1994) Foundations of Speech Act TheoryPhilosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, London: Routledge. (Collection of original essays on outstanding problems in the field, with useful bibliography.)



    Chapter 1. Theoretical aspect of the problem

    Chapter 2.

    2.1. Functioning of requests

    2.2. Phonetic patterns of requests

    2.3. Grammatical patterns of requests

    2.4. Basic differences of the ways of making request in Armenian and English



    Եթե կայքում տեղադրված ինֆորմացիյան բավարար չէ հասկանալու համար նյութի պարունակությունը ուղարկեք հարցում և մեր մասնագետները կարճ ժամանակում կուղարկեն Ձեզ անրաժեշտ ինֆորմացիյան:
    Ուղարկել հարցում

    Եթե այս նյութը այն չէ ինչ դուք փնտրում էիք, ապա դուք կարող եք այն պատվիրել www.referat.am կայքում գրանցված մասնագետներից ցանկացածին շատ մատչելի և հուսալի (ողղիղ կապ մասնագետի հետ) եղանակներով:
    Պատվիրել նյութ

    Գնել նյութը

    Լրացրեք բոլոր դաշտերը
    Ձեր պատվերը հաջողությամբ ընդունված է: Մեր մասնագետները կարճ ժամանակ հետո կապ կհաստատեն Ձեզ հետ:

    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p> <ol> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Alston W.P&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Illocutionary acts and sentence meaning, Ithaca and London, 2000</li> <li>Austin, J. L. (1962)&nbsp;<u>How to Do Things with Words</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Develops the distinction between performative and constative utterances into the first systematic account of speech acts.)</li> <li>Bach, K. (1994) &#39;Conversational impliciture&#39;,&nbsp;<u>Mind &amp; Language</u>&nbsp;9: 124-62. (Identifies the middle ground between explicit utterances and Gricean implicatures.)</li> <li>Bach, K. and R. M. Harnish (1979),&nbsp;<u>Linguistic Commuication and Speech Acts</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Combines elements of Austin&#39;s taxonomy and Grice&#39;s theory of conversation into a systematic account of the roles of the speaker&#39;s communicative intention and the hearer&#39;s inference in literal, nonliteral and indirect uses of sentences to perform speech acts.)</li> <li>Grice, H. P. (1989)&nbsp;<u>Studies in the Way of Words</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (The essays on meaning and conversational implicature provide a framework for distinguishing speaker meaning from linguistic meaning and for explaining their relationship.)</li> <li>Searle, J. (1969)&nbsp;<u>Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language</u>, Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. (Presents a theory of speech acts relying on the notion of constitutive rules.)</li> <li>Strawson, P. F. (1964) &#39;Intention and convention in speech acts&#39;,&nbsp;<u>Philosophical Review</u>&nbsp;73: 439-60. (Applies Grice&#39;s account of meaning to support the claim that most speech acts are communicative rather than conventional, as Austin had suggested.)</li> <li>Tsohatzidis, S. L., ed. (1994)&nbsp;<u>Foundations of Speech Act Theory</u>:&nbsp;<u>Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives,</u>&nbsp;London: Routledge. (Collection of original essays on outstanding problems in the field, with useful bibliography.)</li> </ol> description_2 <p><strong>Contents</strong></p> <p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p><strong>Chapter 1. Theoretical aspect&nbsp;of the problem</strong></p> <p><strong>Chapter 2. </strong></p> <p><strong>2.1. Functioning of requests</strong></p> <p><strong>2.2.</strong> <strong>Phonetic patterns of requests </strong></p> <p><strong>2.3. Grammatical patterns of requests</strong></p> <p><strong>2.4. Basic differences of the ways of making request in Armenian and English</strong></p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p> title_arm The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian title_eng convertot_1 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_2 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_3 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_4 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_5 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_6 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_7 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_8 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_9 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_10 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_11 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_13 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_14 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_15 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_16 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_17 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_18 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian