Էջերի քանակ: 22
Կոդ: #18495
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[1] Klein-Heßling W., et al. COCOSYS V2.3 User’s Manual, Revision 0, Draft version from January 16, 2007, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH
[2] S.Bznuni. Core Inventory Database Development for Radiological Consequences Analysis. NRSC-ARMATOM-01-09, Yerevan, 2009
[3] RADTRAD: A Simplified Model for RADionuclide Transport and Removal And Dose Estimation. NUREG/CR-6604
[4] Accident analysis LOCA 150mm diameter break accident, ARMATOM, ANPP SAR
[5] Confinement thermal-hydraulic analyses, RT-ARMATOM-01/11_-01_111115_rev01
[6] Analysis of Radiological Consequences of DBA and BDBA and Specification of Emergency Arrangement Zones, April 30, 2011, VUJE
[7] Правила Ядерной Безопасности Реакторных Установок Атомных Станций (ПБЯ РУ АС - 89) ПНАЭ Г-1-024-90, 1990
[7a] Russian science centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Instruction for controlling fuel cladding tightness for VVER-440 (type V-230 and V-213) during operation and shutdown regimes, Moscow, 1998
[8] Russian science centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Calculation of gap inventory for ANPP Unit 2, Moscow, 2009
[9] Fauske & Associates, Inc., FAI Aerosol Correlation, An Industry Degraded Core
Rulemaking (IDCOR) Program Report, Bethesda, MD, 1984.
[10] D. A. Powers and S. B. Burson, “A Simplified Model of Aerosol Removal by
Containment Sprays,” NUREG/CR-5966, SAND92-2689, Sandia National Laboratories,Albuquerque, NM, 1993.
[11] US NRC, “Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants,” NUREG-0800.
[12] R.K.Hilliard, L.F.Coleman, C.E.Linderoth, J.D.McCormack, A.K.Postma,
“Removal of Iodine and Particles from Containment Atmospheres by Sprays” Containment Systems Experiment Interim Report, BNWL-1244, Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington 99352
[13] Advice on Source term, e-mail from June 26, 2011, by Josef Misak
[14] European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants, April 2001
[15] Additional data for RC calculation, e-mail from 3/3/2011, by Juraj Klepac
[16] U.S. Nuclear and Regulation Commission, Alternative radiological source terms for evaluating design basis accidents at nuclear power reactors, regulatory guide 1.183, July 2000
3 Computer Codes and Used Calculation Models
3.1.1 Thermo-hydraulic analyses
3.1.2 Radiological consequences
4.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions
4.1.1 Conservatism of assumptions for T-H analyses of the primary and secondary circuit
4.1.2 Conservatism of assumptions for T-H analyses of containment
4.1.3 Conservatism of assumptions for source term calculations
4.2.1 Makeup of iodine release
4.2.2 Transport in confinement
4.2.4 Reduction of airborne radioactivity in confinement by sprays
4.2.5 Atmospheric dispersion coefficients
4.2.6 Dose conversion factor by isotope consideration and breathing rate
4.3 ANPP confinement model description
4.3.5 Leakages from confinement
4.3.6 Releases through confinement flaps
4.3.7 Environment to Volumes pathways
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