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Teaching reading skills intermediate level
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
<p> </p>
<li>G.J. Brumfit, “Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching”, Cambridge, 1975</li>
<li>H. McDonough “Psychology in Foreign Language Teaching”, Allen and Unwin, 1976</li>
<li>Adams B C, Bell L C, Perfetti C A. A trading relationship between reading skill and domain knowledge in children’s text comprehension. Discourse Processes, 1995</li>
<li>G. Rogova, “Methods of Teaching English”, Prosveshenie, 1975</li>
<li>C. Richards “Teaching, Listening and Speaking”, Cambridge, 2007</li>
<li>Carver, Ronald P. Reading rate: a review of research and theory. Boston: Academic Press, 1990.</li>
<li>Rayner, Keith. The Psychology of Reading. Pollatsek, Alexander. London: Routledge, 1995.</li>
<li>Oakhill J, Garnham A. Becoming a Skilled Reader. Blackwell, New York, 1988</li>
<li>Sanabria Díaz G, Torres Mdel R, Iglesias J. "Changes in reading strategies in school-age children", November 2009.</li>
<li>Gipe, Joan P. Multiple Paths to Literacy: Corrective Reading Techniques for Classroom Teachers. Merrill Pub Co, 1998.</li>
<li>Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers., “ Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.”; Cambridge university. press, 1986</li>
<li>Caleb Gattegno, Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools: The Silent Way. New York City: Educational Solutions, 1972.</li>
<li>Finocchiaro, M. & Brumfit, C. The Functional-Notional Approach. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1983.</li>
<li>Krashen, S.D. , & Terrell, T.D. The Natural Approach. Hayward, CA: The Alemany Press, 1983.</li>
<li>Faerch, C, K. Haastrup, and R. Phillipson. Learner language and language learning. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters 14, 1984.</li>
<li>Klippel, F. Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.</li>
description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>Chapter 1.Peculiarities of Reading skills</p>
<p>Chapter 2. Types and Methods of Reading Activities and Methods of Teaching Reading. Intermediate and Advanced Levels.<br />
<br />
Intermediate and Advanced Levels.<br />
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
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title_arm Teaching reading skills intermediate level title_eng convertot_1 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_2 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_3 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_4 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_5 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_6 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_7 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_8 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_9 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_10 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_11 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_13 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_14 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_15 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_16 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_17 Teaching reading skills intermediate level convertot_18 Teaching reading skills intermediate level
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Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <ol>
<li>Anderson, R.C., and Freebody, P. (1981). Vocabulary knowledge. In J. Guthrie (Ed.), Comprehension and teaching: Research reviews, 77–117. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.</li>
<li>Bradley, B. Lindstrm and H. Rystedt, Rationalities of collaboration for language</li>
<li>learning in a wiki, ReCALL, 22(2) (2010), 247-265.</li>
<li>Crookal D., Simulation, Gaming and Language Learning, (1990), New York:</li>
<li>Newbury House.</li>
<li>Doff A. Teach English Cambridge University Press, 1988</li>
<li>Elley, W. B. (1989). Vocabulary acquisition from listening to stories. Reading Research Quarterly, 24, 174–187.</li>
<li>Freeman D.L., Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd Ed.), (2000),</li>
<li>London: Oxford University Press.</li>
<li>Harmer J., The Practice of English Language Teaching, (1991), London: Longman.</li>
<li>Juel, C. Biancarosa, G., Coker, D., and Deffes, R. (2003). Walking with Rosie: Acautionary tale of early reading instruction. Educational Leadership, April, 13–18.</li>
<li>Kirilova E. Readings in Methods of Teaching EFL , 1981</li>
<li>Linse C.T., Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners, (2006), New</li>
<li>York, NY: McGraw-Hill</li>
<li>McCallum. 101 Word Games for Students of English as a Second or Foreign Language, New York, Oxford University Press, 1980 </li>
<li>Lynn, Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge University Press, 2006</li>
<li>Lynn, Challenges for ELT from the expansion in teaching children, ELT Journal Volume 57/2 April 2003, Oxford University Press</li>
<li>Nicholson, D. & Williams, G. (1975) Word games for the teaching of reading. London.</li>
<li>Pitman Education Library.</li>
<li>Peterson. Writing Skills Practice Book for EFL, Washington, 2003</li>
<li>Piaget. J. The language and thought of the child. Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company. 1955.</li>
<li>Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. Moscow, 1975.</li>
<li>Templeton, S. (1989). Tacit and explicit knowledge of derivational morphology: Foundations for a unified approach to spelling and vocabulary development in the intermediate grades and beyond. Reading Psychology, 10, 233–253</li>
<li>Templeton, S. (2004). The vocabulary-spelling connection: Orthographic development and</li>
<li>morphological knowledge at the intermediate grades and beyond. In J. Baumann and E. Kameenui (Eds.), Vocabulary instruction, 118–138. New York: Guilford Press.</li>
description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>Chapter 1</p>
<p>Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching</p>
<p>Chapter 2</p>
<p>Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction</p>
<p>2.1. Teaching English to Children in EFL setting</p>
<p>2.2. Teaching Vocabulary to Children</p>
<p>2.3. Textbook Analysis</p>
<p>Bibliography </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
title_arm Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_2 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_3 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_4 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_5 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_6 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_7 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_8 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_9 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_10 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_11 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_13 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_14 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_15 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_16 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_17 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction convertot_18 Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction
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The main methodological concepts of teaching
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
<p>1. Кривобокова И.Я., Лотарева Т.В. Некоторые приемы обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1989. - № 1. - с. 22-23; c. 52</p>
<p>. Негневицкая Е.И., Никитенко З.Н., Артамонова И.А. Книга для учителя. М., Просвещение, 1997. 357 c.</p>
<p>. Витт Н.В. Эмоциональное воздействие речи учителя иностранного языка. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - №6. - c. 34</p>
<p>. Корнаева З.В. Об отборе коммуникативного минимума для начального этапа обучения в средней школе. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1989. -№ 1. - с. 36.</p>
<p>. Бим И.Л., Биболетова М.3. Возможные формы и содержание курсов обучения иностранным языкам в начальной школе. // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2001. - № 2. - с. 3.</p>
<p>. Jonassen D.H. Constructing learning environments on the web: Engaging students in meaningful learning. EdTech 99: Educational Technology Conference and Exhibition 1999: Thinking Schools, Learning Nation. - 1999 - p. 45-46</p>
<p>. David Nunan. Communicative Language Teaching - 2204</p>
<p>. Shaw Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980; Horner & McGinley, 1998</p>
<p>. Brown H.D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An attractive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman</p>
<p>. Scott W.A., & Ytreberg, L.H. (2000). Teaching English to children. New York: Longman</p>
<p>. Rodrieguez R.J. & White, R.N. (2003) From role play to the real world. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc.</p>
<p>. Horner & McGinley, 2000</p>
<p>. Berer, Marge and Frank, Christine and Rinvolucri, Mario. Challenge to think. Oxford University Press, 2002</p>
<p>. Денисова Л.Г. Место интенсивной методики в системе обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. Иностранные языки в школе. 1999.№4</p>
<p>. Китайгородская Г.А. Методика интенсивного обучения иностранному языку. - М., 1986г.</p>
<p>. Ляховицкий М.В. Методика преподавания иностранного языка. - М., 1981г.</p>
<p>. Миролюбов А.А., Рахманов И.В., Цейтлин В.С. Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. - М., 1967г.</p>
<p>. Пассов Е.И. Урок иностранного языка в средней школе. - М., 1988г.</p>
<p>. Пассов Е.И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению. - М., 1989г.</p>
<p>. Пассов Е.И., Кузовлёв В.П., Коростелёв В.С. Цель обучения иностранному языку на современном этапе развития общества. Иностранные языки в школе. 1990 г. №6</p>
<p>. Пассов Е.И. Коммуникативный метод обучения иноязычному говорению. - М., 1991г.</p>
<p>. Рогова Г.В., Верещагина И.Н. Методика обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе в средней школе. - М., 1988г.</p>
<p>. Рогова Г.В, Рожкова Ф.М «Английский за два года», - М., 1981г.</p>
<p>. Скалкин В.Л. Английский язык для общения. - М., 1986г.</p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>CHAPTER 1.</p>
<p>Comparative Teaching Methodologies</p>
<p>CHAPTER 2. </p>
<p>Grammar Translation Method</p>
<p>1.2 Direct Method</p>
<p>1.3 Audio-Lingual Method</p>
title_arm The main methodological concepts of teaching title_eng convertot_1 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_2 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_3 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_4 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_5 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_6 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_7 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_8 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_9 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_10 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_11 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_13 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_14 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_15 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_16 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_17 The main methodological concepts of teaching convertot_18 The main methodological concepts of teaching
Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
The means of developing reading skills
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
<p> </p>
<li>Adams, M. (1990). Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.</li>
<li>Baumann, J., & Hoffman, J. (1998, May). Where are teachers' voices in the phonics/whole language debate? Results from a survey of U.S. elementary classroom teachers. Reading Teacher, 51(8), 636. Retrieved September 9, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.</li>
<li>Bovee, O. (1972, February). Which method of teaching reading is the best?. Education, 92(3), 1. Retrieved September 9, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.</li>
<li>Chall, J. S. (1967). Learning to read: The great debate. New York: McGraw-Hill.</li>
<li>Heilman, A. W. (1998). Phonics in proper perspective. Columbus, OH: Merrill.</li>
<li>Honig, B. (2001). Teaching our children to read: The components of an effective, comprehensive reading program. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.</li>
<li>Jeynes, W., & Littell, S. (2000, September). A meta-analysis of studies examining the effect of whole language instruction on the literacy of low SES students. Elementary School Journal, 101(1), 21. Retrieved September 9, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.</li>
<li>Lyon, G. R. (1994). Research in learning disabilities at the NICHD. Bethesda, MD: NICHD Technical Document/Human Learning and Behavior Branch.</li>
<li>Rayner, Keith (1995). The Psychology of Reading. Pollatsek, Alexander. London: Routledge.</li>
<li>Stauffer, R. G. (1970). The language-experience approach to the teaching of reading. New York: Harper & Row.</li>
<li>Spache, G. D. & Spache, B. E. (1969). Reading in the elementary school. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.</li>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p> </p>
<p>Chapter 1. Reading Process</p>
<p>1.1.Reading Activities</p>
<p>1.2.Reading Development. Phase 1</p>
<p>1.3.Reading Development. Phase 2-3 </p>
<p>Chapter2. Means of Developing Reading Activities </p>
<p>2.1. The Whole Language Reading Methods</p>
<p>2.2. Whole language techniques</p>
<p>2.3 The Phonetic Reading Method and Techniques</p>
<p>2.4. The Balanced Method and Techniques</p>
<p>2.5. Reading Difficulties</p>
<p> </p>
title_arm The means of developing reading skills title_eng convertot_1 The means of developing reading skills convertot_2 The means of developing reading skills convertot_3 The means of developing reading skills convertot_4 The means of developing reading skills convertot_5 The means of developing reading skills convertot_6 The means of developing reading skills convertot_7 The means of developing reading skills convertot_8 The means of developing reading skills convertot_9 The means of developing reading skills convertot_10 The means of developing reading skills convertot_11 The means of developing reading skills convertot_13 The means of developing reading skills convertot_14 The means of developing reading skills convertot_15 The means of developing reading skills convertot_16 The means of developing reading skills convertot_17 The means of developing reading skills convertot_18 The means of developing reading skills
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The prosody of punctuation marks
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
<li>Martin Hewings, Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1999</li>
<li>Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка: Учебник по курсу теоретической грамматики для студентов пед. институтов. 2-е изд. Л.: Просвещение, 1971</li>
<li>Longman, L .E Alexander English Grammar Longman Group UK Limited, 1988</li>
<li>Н. А. Кобрина, Е. А. Корнеева, М. И. Оссовская, К. А. Гузеева, Грамматика английского языка: Морфология. Синтаксис. Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических институтов и университетов по специальности № 2103 "Иностранные языки". - СПб., СОЮЗ, 1999.</li>
<li>В. Л. Каушанская “Грамматика английского языка”. Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов, Ленинград 1963</li>
<li>И.П. Крылова, Е. М. Гордон “Грамматика современного английского языка”, Москва, 2003</li>
<li>Michael Swan, English Grammar</li>
<li>Thomson Martinet, Practical English Grammar</li>
<li>Chung, S. (1983) Transderivational relationships in Chamorro phonology<em>. Language </em>59 (1). 35-66.</li>
<li>Ladefoged, P. (1993) <em>A Course in Phonetics. </em>(Third Edition) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.</li>
<li>Williams, B. (1982) The Problem of Stress in Welsh. <em>Cambridge Papers in Phonetics and Experimental Linguistics Vol. 1.</em> Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge.</li>
description_2 <p>Introduction<br />
Chapter 1. Prosody <br />
Chapter 2. Types of Punctuation Marks<br />
2.1. Punctuation Marks for the Vertical Segmentation of the Flow of Speech<br />
2.2.Punctuation Marks for the Vertical Segmentation of the Flow of Speech<br />
Conclusion<br />
Bibliography<br />
title_arm The prosody of punctuation marks title_eng convertot_1 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_2 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_3 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_4 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_5 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_6 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_7 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_8 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_9 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_10 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_11 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_13 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_14 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_15 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_16 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_17 The prosody of punctuation marks convertot_18 The prosody of punctuation marks
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The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. Condon John C.( 1966). When People Talk with People/Semantics and Communication. Messages. A Reader in Human Communication-New York-1974,Civikly J.M., University of New Mexico.</p>
<p>2. Davis F.( 1974).How to Read Body Language. Messages. A Reader in Human Communication-New York-Civikly J.M. University of New Mexico.</p>
<p>3. Dictionary of Gestures.<u> <a href="http://members.aol.com/nonverbal2/dictionl.htm">http://members.aol.com/nonverbal2/dictionl.htm</a></u>.</p>
<p>4. Differences in Nonverbal <u><a href="http://communication.www.bvte.edu/">Communication.www.bvte.edu</a></u>. 15 Sept.2000.</p>
<p>5. Ekman, P. & Friesen, W. V. (1969) Nonverbal Leakage & Cues to Deception. Psychiatry, 32.</p>
<p>6. Hall,(1984).Nonverbal Sex Differences: Communication Accuracy and Expressive Style. Paris: The John Hopkins University Press.</p>
<p>7. Harrison, D., Jaques, M., Strickland, P. (1993). Design by manufacture simulation using a glove input. In: Warwick, K., Gray, J. and Roberts, D., Virtual reality in engineering. UK</p>
<p>8. Hattori, T. (1987). A study of nonverbal intercultural communication between Japanese and Americans - Focusing on the use of the eyes. JALT Journal 8.</p>
<p>9. Mehrabian A.( 1972).Communication Without Words/Psychology Today-Messages. A Reader in Human Communication-New York-Civikly J.M. University of New Mexico.</p>
<p>10. Morris. D (1977) Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour, New York: Henry Abrams.</p>
<p>11. Satir V.(1967). Communication. A Verbal and Nonverbal Process of Making Requesrs of the Receiver/Conjoint Family Therapy. Messages. A Reader in Human Communication-New York-Civikly J.M. University of New Mexico.</p>
<p>12. Schramm W.How Communication Works/The Process and Effortsnof Mass Communication. Messages. A Reader in Human Communication-New York-Civikly J.M. University of New Mexico.</p>
<p>13. Tait, J.L , Wibe, J. A and Yarbrough, J.P.,(1978) Process and Leadership Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University.</p>
<p>14. Zuckerman, M. & Lipets, M., Koivumaki, J. & Rosenthal, R. (1975). "Encoding & Decoding Nonverbal Cues of Emotion"; <u>Journal of Personality and Social Psychology</u>, Vol. 32.</p>
<p>15. Birdwhistell. (1970). Kinesics and Context. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.</p>
<p>16. Fan, Y. (2000). Classroom management: a case study. College English Journal, Vol. 4. No.11:179-180.</p>
<p>17. Hodge. (1971). Interpersonal Classroom Communication through Eye Contact. Theory into Practice, 10(1971): 264-267.</p>
<p>18. Ikram. (2010). Classroom Geography: Who Sit Where In The Traditional Classrooms. The Journal of International Social Research. Vol. 3. No.10:87-90.</p>
<p>19. Kimberley, T. (2008). Physical Classroom Arrangement. EDUC 345 Assignment 2</p>
<p>20. Littlewood, W.T. (1984). Foreign and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Cambridge University Press.</p>
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<p>22. Patrick. (1988). Nonverbal Communication. USA: Natl Eduaction Assen.</p>
<p>23. Samovar. (2000). Communication Between Cultures. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.</p>
<p>24. Shen Minxian. (1999). The Use of the Body Language in Elementary School. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Vol.</p>
<p>25. Susan B. Rosa. (2003). Using nonverbal communication to improve teacher effectiveness. Responsive Classroom Newsletter</p>
description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>Chapter 1. Communication and Non-Verbal Communication.</p>
<p>Chapter 2. The Usage of Means Non-Verbal Communication in English Class</p>
<p>List of Literature</p>
<p> </p>
title_arm The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class title_eng convertot_1 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_2 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_3 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_4 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_5 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_6 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_7 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_8 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_9 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_10 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_11 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_13 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_14 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_15 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_16 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_17 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class convertot_18 The Usage of Non verbal means of communication in English Class
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Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <ol>
<li>Adrian Akmajian et al., Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT Press, 2001</li>
<li>Collins Cobuild – English Grammar. 1998. Compound Nouns, Compound Adjectives,</li>
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<li>Marchand H. Studies in Syntax and Word-Formation. Munich, 1974.</li>
<li>Ginzburg R. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. Moscow, 1979.</li>
<li>Talbot J., Taylor. Linguistic Theory and Structural Stylistics. - Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1981.</li>
<li>William O'Grady, J. Archibald, M. Aronoff, and J. Rees-Miller, Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001</li>
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<li>Пумпянский А.Л. Лексические закономерности научной и технической литературы. Англо-русские эквиваленты. Калининград, 1980.</li>
<li>Толикина Е. Н. Некоторые лингвистические проблемы изучения термина // Лингвистические проблемы научно-технической терминологии.</li>
description_2 <p> </p>
<p>Chapter 1</p>
<p>Word-Building Process</p>
<p>Chapter 2</p>
<p>Word-Building in Scientific English </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
title_arm Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary title_eng convertot_1 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_2 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_3 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_4 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_5 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_6 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_7 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_8 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_9 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_10 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_11 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_13 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_14 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_15 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_16 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_17 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary convertot_18 Word building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary
Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>In Chapter 1</p>
<p>Peculiarities of Reading and Writing</p>
<p>In Chapter 2</p>
<p>The Role of Reading in the Development of Writing Skill</p>
<p>References </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
title_arm Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language title_eng convertot_1 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_2 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_3 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_4 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_5 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_6 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_7 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_8 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_9 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_10 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_11 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_13 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_14 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_15 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_16 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_17 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language convertot_18 Writing and Reading Constituents of Written Language
Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
Games in the English Language Class
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p><br />
Introduction<br />
Chapter 1. The Concept of Games<br />
Chapter 2. Types of Games <br />
Conclusion<br />
Bibliography<br />
title_arm Games in the English Language Class title_eng convertot_1 Games in the English Language Class convertot_2 Games in the English Language Class convertot_3 Games in the English Language Class convertot_4 Games in the English Language Class convertot_5 Games in the English Language Class convertot_6 Games in the English Language Class convertot_7 Games in the English Language Class convertot_8 Games in the English Language Class convertot_9 Games in the English Language Class convertot_10 Games in the English Language Class convertot_11 Games in the English Language Class convertot_13 Games in the English Language Class convertot_14 Games in the English Language Class convertot_15 Games in the English Language Class convertot_16 Games in the English Language Class convertot_17 Games in the English Language Class convertot_18 Games in the English Language Class
Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
Language of church and bible
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description_2 <p>Introduction</p>
<p>Chapter 1. Language of Church</p>
<p>Chapter 2. Language of Bible</p>
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Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
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Chapter 1. Reading Process
Chapter2. Means of Developing Reading Activities
Կուրսային | Անգլերեն
Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>Baltra, A. (1990) ‘Language Learning Through Computer Adventure Games’, Simulation & Gaming vol 21, no 4, pp. 445-452</p>
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p> </p>
<p>Chapter 1</p>
<p>Peculiarities of the Teaching of Preschool Children </p>
<li>Characteristics of Preschool Children</li>
<li>Teaching Kindergarten Reading and Writing Comprehension</li>
<p style="margin-left:35.25pt"> </p>
<p>Chapter 2</p>
<p>Educational Games in Preschool</p>
<p style="margin-left:35.25pt">2.1. The Role of Game in Learning</p>
<p>2.2. Games and Foreign Language Learning in Preschool</p>
<p>2.3. Examples of Games Used in Preschool</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
title_arm Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool title_eng convertot_1 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_2 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_3 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_4 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_5 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_6 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_7 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_8 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_9 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_10 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_11 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_13 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_14 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_15 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_16 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_17 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_18 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool
Կուրսային | Հոգեբանություն
Արժեքային կողմնորոշումների և ինքնակարգավորման առանձնահատկությունների ուսումնասիրություն
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2. Թադևոսյան Ա., Արժեքային գործընթացներն ու միտումները Հայաստանում, Երևան, 1998:<br />
3. Թորգոմյան Լ., Մանկավարժական արժեբանության հիմունքներ, Ուս. ձեռն., Եր., 2011:<br />
4. Նալչաջյան Ա. Ա. (1984 թ.). Հոգեբանական բառարան (Լույս տպ.). Երևան:</p>
<li>В. Виндельбанд. История новой философии в ее связи с общей культурой и отдельными науками. В 2 т. Том 2. От Канта до Ницше. М. 2000.</li>
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<p style="margin-left:-1.0cm"> </p>
description_2 <p style="text-align: center;">Ներածություն</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Գլուխ 1. Արժեք և արժեքների տեսություններ</p>
<li style="text-align: center;"> հասկացության մեկնաբանությունը</li>
<li style="text-align: center;"> մեկնաբանության տարբեր տեսույթուններ</li>
<li style="text-align: center;">2. Ինքնակարգավորում և հաջողություն</li>
<li style="text-align: center;">Ինքնակարգավորում, դրա սահմանումը և նկաագրությունը</li>
<li style="text-align: center;">Հաջողության ձգտումը և անհաջողությունից խուսափելու </li>
<li style="text-align: center;"> </li>
<li style="text-align: center;">3. Արժեքների կողմնորոշումների ուսումնասիրություն</li>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;">3.1 .Արժեքի կողմնորոշում և մեթոդների ընտրություն</p>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;">3.2. Ստացված արդյունքների նկարագրություն</p>
<li style="text-align: center;"> </li>
<li style="text-align: center;"> </li>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;"> </p>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;"> </p>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;"> </p>
<p style="margin-left: -1cm; text-align: center;"> </p>
title_arm Արժեքային կողմնորոշումների և ինքնակարգավորման առանձնահատկությունների ուսումնասիրություն title_eng convertot_1 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_2 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arandznahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_3 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_4 Arjeqayin koxmnorozumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_5 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_6 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_7 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_8 Arjeqayin koghmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_9 Argheqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_10 Argheqayin koghmnorosumneri EV inqnakargavorman aranznahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_11 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_13 Arjeqajin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutjunneri usumnasirutjun convertot_14 Arjeqayin kwxmnwrwshumneri EV inqnakargavwrman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_15 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_16 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshymneri EV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkytyynneri ysymnasirytyyn convertot_17 Arjekayin koxmnoroshumneri EV inknakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun convertot_18 Arjeqayin koxmnoroshumneri YEV inqnakargavorman arancnahatkutyunneri usumnasirutyun
Կուրսային | Հոգեբանություն
Արտ-թերապևտիկ միջոցների կիրառումը լոգոպեդական աշխատանքներում
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
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<li>Копытин А.И., Арт-терапия в эпоху постмодерна.Санкт-Петербург, 2002</li>
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<li> Алексеева М.Ю. "Практическое применение элементов арт-терапии в работе учителя". М., 2003.</li>
<li> Артпедагогика и арттерапия в специальном образовании / Е.А. Медведева, И.Ю.Левченко, Л.Н.Комиссарова, Т.А.Добровольская. - М.: Изд. центр «Академия», 2001.-248 с.</li>
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description_2 <p>Արտ-թերապևտիկ միջոցների կիրառումը լոգոպետական աշխատանքում</p>
<p>Արտ-թերապևտիկ միջոցների կիրառումը լոգոպեդական աշխատանքում</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
title_arm Արտ-թերապևտիկ միջոցների կիրառումը լոգոպեդական աշխատանքներում title_eng convertot_1 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_2 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_3 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_4 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan azxatanqnerum convertot_5 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_6 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarumy logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_7 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashkhatanqnerum convertot_8 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_9 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_10 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarumy logopedakan askhatanqnerum convertot_11 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_13 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_14 Art-terapEVtik mijwcneri kirarum@ lwgwpedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_15 Art-terapEVtik mighocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum convertot_16 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarym@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerym convertot_17 Art-terapEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanknerum convertot_18 Art-terapYEVtik mijocneri kirarum@ logopedakan ashxatanqnerum
Կուրսային | Հոգեբանություն
Հիշողություն և մշակույթ, հիշողությունը որպես մշակութային և սոցիալական երևույթ
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. Լևոն Աբրահամյան, Ազգային ինքնության հաստատման չորս հարացույցները. 2006.<br />
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4. Մարության Հ., Հայ ինքնության պատկերագրությունը: Հատոր 1. Ցեղասպանության հիշողությունը և Ղարաբաղյան շարժումը, Երևան, ՀՀ ԳԱԱ «Գիտություն» հրատ., 2009 <br />
5. Մարության Հ., Հիշողության դերն ազգային ինքնության կառուցվածքում. Տեսական հարցադրումներ, Երևան 2006. Էջ 6:</p>
<li>Adorno, Theodor W.: Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft, in: ders.: Gesammelte Schriften in 20 Bänden, hrsg. von Rolf Tiedemann, Frankfurt am main 1997, Bd. 10</li>
<li>Anthony D. Smith, Myths and Memories, Լ. 2008, p. 208.</li>
<li>Barry Schwartz, Iconography and Collective Memory: Lincoln’s Image in the American Mind.– The Sociological Quarterly, Volume 32, Number 3, 1991</li>
<li>Barry Schwartz, The Social Context of Commemoration: A Study in Collective Memory.– Social Forces, Vol. 61, No. 2 (Dec., 1982)</li>
<li>Benjamin, Walter: Über den Begriff der Geschichte (1939), in: ders.: Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. I.2, hrsg. Von Rolf Tiedemann und Hermann Schweppenhäuser, Frankfurt am Main 1991.</li>
<li>Burke, Peter: Geschichte als soziales Gedächtnis, in:Mnemosyne. Formen und Funktionen der kulturellen Erinnerung, hrsg. von Aleida Assmann und Dietrich Harth, Frankfurt am Main 1991</li>
<li>E.J.Hobsbawm, The Social Function of the Past: Some Questions. – Past and Present, No. 55 (May, 1972)</li>
<li>Eric Hobsbawm, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe Today.– Anthropology Today, Volume 8, No. 1. (February, 1992).</li>
<li>Jacques Le Goff. History and Memory. New York, 1992</li>
<li>Levy, Daniel / Sznaider, Nathan: Erinnerung im globalen Zeitalter: Der Holocaust, Frankfurt am Main 2001.</li>
<li>Raphael Samuel, Theatres of Memory. Volume 1: Past and Present in Contemporary Culture. London and New York, 1994.</li>
<li>Schmitt, Carl: Die Buribunken, in: Summa. Eine Vierteljahresschrift 2, 4, 1918.</li>
<li>Traverso, Enzo: Gebrauchsanleitungen für die Vergangenheit. Geschichte, Erinnerung, Politik, Münster 2007.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.holocausttaskforce.org/about-the-itf/stockholm-declaration.html?lang=en">www.holocausttaskforce.org/about-the-itf/stockholm-declaration.html?lang=en</a> </li>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p>Ներածություն</p>
<p>1. Հիշողության դերն ազգային ինքնության կառուցվածքում</p>
<p>2. Հիշողության և մշակութային քաղաքականությունը գլոբալիզացիայի դարաշրջանում</p>
<p>Օգտագործված գրականության ցանկ</p>
title_arm Հիշողություն և մշակույթ, հիշողությունը որպես մշակութային և սոցիալական երևույթ title_eng convertot_1 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_2 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_3 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_4 Hizoxutyun EV mzakuyt, hizoxutyun@ orpes mzakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_5 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_6 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyuny orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_7 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_8 Hishoghutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoghutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_9 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_10 Hisoghutyun EV msakuyt, hisoghutyuny orpes msakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_11 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_13 Hishoxutjun EV mshakujt, hishoxutjun@ orpes mshakutajin EV socialakan erEVujt convertot_14 Hishwxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishwxutyun@ wrpes mshakutayin EV swcialakan erEVuyt convertot_15 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_16 Hishoxytyyn EV mshakyyt, hishoxytyyn@ orpes mshakytayin EV socialakan erEVyyt convertot_17 Hishoxutyun EV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin EV socialakan erEVuyt convertot_18 Hishoxutyun YEV mshakuyt, hishoxutyun@ orpes mshakutayin YEV socialakan erYEVuyt
Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն
Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի