Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք (Կուրսային - գտնվել է 9563 նյութ)

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Listening comprehension and listening activities

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    Listening  Comprehension

    1.1. Stages of Teaching Listening  Activities

    1.2. Types of Listening

    Chapter 2.

    Principles and Strategies for Developing Listening skills

    2.1. Principles of Teaching Listening

    2.2. Strategies for Developing Listening Skills

    Chapter 3.

    Analysis of English Language Textbook of the 5th Form of G. Vereshagina I.N. and Afanasyeva O.V




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    Means of developing reading skills

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    Chapter 1. Reading Process

    Chapter2.  Means of Developing Reading Activities



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    Methods of teaching reported speech

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    Chapter 1. What is the Grammar

    Chapter 2. Methods of Teaching Reported Speech



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    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility title_eng convertot_1 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_2 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_3 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_4 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_5 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_6 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_7 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_8 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_9 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_10 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_11 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_13 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_14 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_15 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_16 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_17 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility convertot_18 Modal verbs may and can for permission and possitility

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Modal verbs of expressing obligation

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


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    12. Jespersen, O (1927) A Modern English Grammar, volume 3. Allen and Unwin, London







    Chapter 1. The Notion ofModality

    1. efinition of Modality
    2. Wаys of Exprеssing Modality

    Chapter 2. Modal Verbs Expressing Obligation




    title_arm Modal verbs of expressing obligation title_eng convertot_1 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_2 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_3 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_4 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_5 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_6 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_7 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_8 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_9 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_10 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_11 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_13 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_14 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_15 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_16 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_17 Modal verbs of expressing obligation convertot_18 Modal verbs of expressing obligation

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    2. I.R.Galperin. Stylistics. M. V.Sh. 1981
    3. V.A.Kukharenko. A Book of Practice in Stylistics. M. V.Sh. 1986
    4. Hometask: Galperin pp. 123-135, Kucharenko pp. 10-13, ex. 1, p.13. Арнольд с. 275-315.СРС: get samples of basic phonetic SDs on separate cards.      
    5. Edgar Allan Poe –‘’The Raven’’, 1945  (J.D. Priestley,“ Angel Pavement”) 


    1. http://poetarium.narod.ru/poe/raven8.htm
    2. http://www.uspoetry.ru/poem/111
    3. http://lib.ru/INOFANT/POE/crown3.txt


    CHAPTER 1.

    Phonetic Stylistic devices

    CHAPTER 2.

    Stylistic devices in ‘’The Raven’’




    title_arm Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe title_eng convertot_1 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_2 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_3 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_4 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_5 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_6 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_7 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_8 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_9 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_10 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_11 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_13 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_14 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_15 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_16 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_17 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe convertot_18 Phonetic Stylistic Devices in The Raven by Edgar Poe

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Polysemy in Language and Speech

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    description_2 title_arm Polysemy in Language and Speech title_eng convertot_1 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_2 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_3 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_4 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_5 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_6 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_7 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_8 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_9 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_10 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_11 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_13 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_14 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_15 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_16 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_17 Polysemy in Language and Speech convertot_18 Polysemy in Language and Speech

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    Practical Aspects of Teaching through Video in Foreign Classroom

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    Chapter 1. Contemporary Methods of Teaching English

    Chapter 2. Aspects of Teaching through Video                                                                                                                          



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    Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool

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    Chapter 1

    Peculiarities of the Teaching of Preschool Children   

    1. Characteristics of Preschool Children
    2. Teaching Kindergarten Reading and Writing Comprehension

    Chapter 2

    Educational Games in Preschool

    2.1. The Role of Game in Learning

    2.2. Games and Foreign Language Learning in Preschool

    2.3. Examples of Games Used in Preschool



    title_arm Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool title_eng convertot_1 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_2 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_3 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_4 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_5 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_6 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_7 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_8 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_9 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_10 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_11 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_13 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_14 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_15 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_16 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_17 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool convertot_18 Stimulatinglearning through educational games in preschool

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    Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

    Asmuth, Bernhard. Einführung in die Dramenanalyse. Stuttgart: Metzler 1990³.

    Bentley, Eric. The Life of the Drama. New York: Atheneum 1979.

    Pfister, Manfred. Das Drama: Theorie und Analyse. Wilhelm Fink: München, 1982.

    Pfister, Manfred. The Theory and Analysis of Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.

    Platz-Waury,Elke. Drama und Theater: Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 19995.

    1 Elke Platz-Waury, Drama und Theater: Eine Einführung (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 19995) 128. Bernhard Asmuth, Einführung in die Dramenanalyse (Stuttgart: Metzler 1990³) 8 f.

    2 Platz-Waury 130.

    3 Manfred Pfister, Das Drama: Theorie und Analyse (Wilhelm Fink: München, 1982) 149. Referred to as "Pfister" in the following.

    4 Manfred Pfister, The Theory and Analysis of Drama (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991) 104.

    5 Pfister 150

    6 Platz-Waury 135 - 137

    7 Platz-Waury 136. III.6. Poetic function.

    8 Pfister 150. Platz-Waury 135. V. Dramatic language and action.

    9 Platz-Waury 134. II.1. Dramatic language deviates from everyday language.

    10 Platz-Waury 130

    11 Platz-Waury 140. V. Dramatic language and action.

    12 Eric Bentley, The Life of the Drama (New York: Atheneum 1979) 70.

    13 Platz-Waury 133.

    14 Platz-Waury 134. IV. Characterisation by means of language.

    15 Platz-Waury 134.

    16 Pfister 151-153. Platz-Waury 148.



    CHAPTER 1.  


    CHAPTER 2.




    title_arm Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama title_eng convertot_1 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_2 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_3 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_4 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_5 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_6 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_7 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_8 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_9 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_10 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_11 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_13 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_14 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_15 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_16 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_17 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama convertot_18 Stylistic pecularities of Language of Drama

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    Summery British house.

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Summery British house. title_eng convertot_1 Summery British house. convertot_2 Summery British house. convertot_3 Summery British house. convertot_4 Summery British house. convertot_5 Summery British house. convertot_6 Summery British house. convertot_7 Summery British house. convertot_8 Summery British house. convertot_9 Summery British house. convertot_10 Summery British house. convertot_11 Summery British house. convertot_13 Summery British house. convertot_14 Summery British house. convertot_15 Summery British house. convertot_16 Summery British house. convertot_17 Summery British house. convertot_18 Summery British house.

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
    1. Anderson, A., and Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
    2. Feyten, C. M. (1991). The Power of Listening Ability:An Overlooked Dimension in Language Acquisition.The Modern Language Journal 75: 173-80
    3. Harmer,J. (2007) The Practice of English Language Teaching. 4th ed. London: Longman.
    4. Jones, Pauline (1996). Planning an oral language program. In Pauline Jones (ed.), Talking to Learn. Melbourne: PETA, pp. 12–26.
    5. Lindsay, C. and Knight, P. (2006) Learning and Teaching English. Oxford: OUP
    6. Merrifield, J. (2000). Equipped for the Future research report: Building the framework, 1993-1997.Washington, DC: National Institute for Literacy. (http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/ collections/eff/merrifield_eff.pdf)
    7. Mohan, B. (1986). "Language and content." Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
    8. Richards, J. (Eds.) Methodology in TESOL–A book of readings. Newbury House: New York. (pp.177-190)
    9. Richards, Jack C. Teaching Listening and Speaking From Theory to Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2008, New York
    10. Ronald, Katharine, and Roskelly, Hephzibah. "Listening as an act of composing". Paper presented at 36th Conference on Colleg Composition and Communication, 1985. 12pp. [ED 257094].
    11. Rost, M. (2002). Teaching and Researching Listening. London, UK: Longman.




    Chapter 1

    Teaching Listening Comprehension in EFL Classroom 


    Teaching  Speaking



    title_arm Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_2 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_3 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_4 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_5 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_6 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_7 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_8 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_9 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_10 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_11 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_13 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_14 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_15 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_16 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_17 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class convertot_18 Teaching Comprehension and Speaking in English class

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    1. Anthony, E.M. 1963. Approach, method and technique. English Language Teaching 17:63-67
    2. Brown, H. D. (1994a). Principles of Language Learning and Teach -ing . New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents
    3. Holliday A., 1994. Appropriate Methodology and Social Context,  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press
    4. Hymes, Dell, 1971 “Competence and performance in llinguistice theory” in R. Huxley and E. Ingram (eds.) Language Acquisition: Models and Methods. London: Academic Press
    5. Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and Culture in Language Teaching .Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    6. Liz & John Soars, Headway Pre-Intermediate Coursebook and its cassette, OUP, Oxford,1994
    7. Oxenden, C.& Seligson, P. English File and its cassette, OUP, Oxford,1997.
    8. Omaggio, A. C. Teaching Language in Context: Proficiency-Oriented Instruction. Boston
    9. Pigg, D. "Choosing and Using Dialogues" in TESOL vol.10. September,1976.
    10. Pilleux, M. The Dilogue:A Useful Tool in Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, vol 3. No3. pp 203-206
    11. Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence: some roles of comprehensible input and comprehensible output in its development. In S. M. Gass and C. G. Madden, eds. Input in
    12. Second Language Acquisition . Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
    13. Widdowson, H.G. 1978. Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press
    14. Wilkins, David A. 1976. National Syllabuses. Oxford: Oxford University Press    
    15. Wood, D. “Formulaic Language in Acquisition and Production: Implications for Teaching.” TESL Canada Journal 20, no. 1 (2002): 1–15.


    Chapter 1 Teaching Methods

    Chapter 2 Teaching Dialogic Skills



    title_arm Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_2 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_3 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_4 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_5 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_6 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_7 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_8 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_9 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_10 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_11 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_13 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_14 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_15 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_16 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_17 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners convertot_18 Teaching Dialogic Skills to EFL learners

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching dialogic skills

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Cattegno, Cabel, 1976. The Common Sense of Teaching Foreign Languages. New-York: Educational Solutions
    2. L. Karapetyan, A. Markaryan Methods of teaching English as a foreign language, Yerevan 2015.
    3. Lado, Robert, 1964 Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach. New-York: McGraw - Hill
    4. Lewis, Glyn E., 1974, Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy: Theoretical Study
    5. Michael McCarthy, 1991 Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge Language Teaching Library.
    6. Perrott, E., Effective Teaching - A practical guide to improving your teaching, Longman Inc., 1982.




    Chapter 1.The main peculiarities of teaching dialogue

    1.1.Teaching Dialogic Skills

    1.2.Development of  Dialogic Skills

    Chapter 2 Development of communicative skills through dialogue

    2.1.Development of dialogue through communication

    2.2.Communicative peculiarities in the development of dialogic skills

    2.3.Methods of Teaching Dialogic Speech Skills

    Chapter 3.Analysis of English Language Textbook






    title_arm Teaching dialogic skills title_eng convertot_1 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_2 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_3 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_4 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_5 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_6 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_7 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_8 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_9 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_10 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_11 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_13 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_14 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_15 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_16 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_17 Teaching dialogic skills convertot_18 Teaching dialogic skills

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Anderson, R.C., and Freebody, P. (1981). Vocabulary knowledge. In J. Guthrie (Ed.), Comprehension and teaching: Research reviews, 77–117. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
    2. Bradley, B. Lindstrm and H. Rystedt, Rationalities of collaboration for language
    3. learning in a wiki, ReCALL, 22(2) (2010), 247-265.
    4. Crookal D., Simulation, Gaming and Language Learning, (1990), New York:
    5. Newbury House.
    6. Doff A. Teach English Cambridge University Press, 1988
    7. Elley, W. B. (1989). Vocabulary acquisition from listening to stories. Reading Research Quarterly, 24, 174–187.
    8. Freeman D.L., Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd Ed.), (2000),
    9. London: Oxford University Press.
    10. Harmer J., The Practice of English Language Teaching, (1991), London: Longman.
    11. Juel, C. Biancarosa, G., Coker, D., and Deffes, R. (2003). Walking with Rosie: Acautionary tale of early reading instruction. Educational Leadership, April, 13–18.
    12. Kirilova E. Readings in Methods of Teaching EFL , 1981
    13. Linse C.T., Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners, (2006), New
    14. York, NY: McGraw-Hill
    15. McCallum. 101 Word Games for Students of English as a Second or Foreign Language, New York, Oxford University Press, 1980 
    16. Lynn, Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge University Press, 2006
    17. Lynn, Challenges for ELT from the expansion in teaching children, ELT Journal Volume 57/2 April 2003, Oxford University Press
    18. Nicholson, D. & Williams, G. (1975) Word games for the teaching of reading. London.
    19. Pitman Education Library.
    20. Peterson. Writing Skills Practice Book for EFL, Washington, 2003
    21. Piaget. J. The language and thought of the child. Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company. 1955.
    22. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching English. Moscow, 1975.
    23. Templeton, S. (1989). Tacit and explicit knowledge of derivational morphology: Foundations for a unified approach to spelling and vocabulary development in the intermediate grades and beyond. Reading Psychology, 10, 233–253
    24. Templeton, S. (2004). The vocabulary-spelling connection: Orthographic development and
    25. morphological knowledge at the intermediate grades and beyond. In J. Baumann and E. Kameenui (Eds.), Vocabulary instruction, 118–138. New York: Guilford Press.


    Chapter 1

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching

    Chapter 2

    Teaching Vocabulary at the Initial Stage of Instruction

    2.1. Teaching English to Children in EFL setting

    2.2. Teaching Vocabulary to Children

    2.3.   Textbook Analysis






    title_arm Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_2 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_3 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_4 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_5 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_6 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_7 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_8 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_9 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_10 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_11 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_13 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_14 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_15 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_16 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_17 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction convertot_18 Teaching Vocabulary at the initial stage of instruction


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի