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Science fiction
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<li>Asimov, Isaac, ‘The Bicentennial Man’ (1976), in The Complete Robot (London: Grafton 1982)</li>
<li>Broderick, Damien, Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction (London: Routledge 1995)</li>
<li>Clark, Timothy, Martin Heidegger (London: Routledge 2002)</li>
<li>Clute, John and Peter Nicholls, Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (2nd edn., London: Orbit 1993)</li>
<li>Davies, Norman, Europe. A History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1996)</li>
<li>Delany, Samuel, Silent Interviews on Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics: a Collection of Written Interviews (Hanover, NH and London: Wesleyan University Press 1994)</li>
<li>Doody, Margaret Anne, The True Story of the Novel (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 1996)</li>
<li>Eco, Umberto, The Island of the Day Before (1994; transl. William Weaver; London: Minerva 1996)</li>
<li>Empson, William, Essays on Renaissance Literature, ed. John Haffenden, 2 vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993)</li>
<li>Feyerabend, Paul, Against Method (1975; 3rd edn., London: Verso 1993)</li>
<li>Frye, Northrop, The Secular Scripture: a Study of the Structure of Romance (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1976)</li>
<li>Godwin, Francis, The Man in the Moone, with a modern introduction by Andy Johnson and Ron Shoesmith (Herefordshire: Logaston Press 1996)</li>
<li>Gray, Chris Hables (ed.), The Cyborg Handbook (London and New York: Routledge 1995)</li>
<li>Heidegger, Martin, ‘The Question of Technology’ (1953), in David Farrell Krell (ed. And transl.), Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings (London: Routledge 1993)</li>
<li>Herbert, A.J. The structure of Technical English. http://www.uefap.com.materials/history/herbert.pdf.</li>
<li>Jones, Gwyneth, Deconstructing the Starships: Science, Fiction and Reality (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 1999)</li>
<li>Lambourne, Robert, Michael Shallis and Michael Shortland, Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction (Bristol and New York: Adam Hilger 1990)</li>
<li>Parrinder, Patrick, ‘Revisiting Suvin’s Poetics of Science Fiction’, in Parrinder (ed.) Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition and the Politics of Science Fiction and Utopia (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2000), 36–50</li>
<li>Popper, Karl, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (in German 1934, in English 1959; London: Routledge 1999)</li>
<li>Russell, Bertrand, The Scientific Outlook (1931; London: Routledge 2001)</li>
<li>Scharff, Robert C. and Val Dusek (eds), Philosophy of Technology: the Technological Condition (Oxford: Blackwell 2003)</li>
<li>Sturgeon, Theodore, ‘Bookshelf’, Galaxy 34 (1973) 3: 69–73</li>
<li>Suvin, Darko, Positions and Suppositions in Science Fiction (London: Macmillan 1988)</li>
<li>Terminology. Theory and method. Edited by Olga Akhamanova and Galina Agapova. –MGU, 1974. – 206 p.</li>
<li>Walker, Peter (ed.), Chambers Dictionary of Science and Technology (Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap 1999)</li>
<li>Wilkins, John, The Discovery of a World in the Moone (1638).</li>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p><strong>Definition of Science Fiction</strong></p>
title_arm Science fiction title_eng convertot_1 Science fiction convertot_2 Science fiction convertot_3 Science fiction convertot_4 Science fiction convertot_5 Science fiction convertot_6 Science fiction convertot_7 Science fiction convertot_8 Science fiction convertot_9 Science fiction convertot_10 Science fiction convertot_11 Science fiction convertot_13 Science fiction convertot_14 Science fiction convertot_15 Science fiction convertot_16 Science fiction convertot_17 Science fiction convertot_18 Science fiction
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
The study of advertisements for children
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>References</strong></p>
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description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Chapter 1. Literature Review, Forms of Advertisement</strong></p>
<li><strong>Children Advertisement and its Effects</strong></li>
<li><strong>Positive Effects</strong></li>
<li><strong>Negative Effects</strong></li>
<p><strong>Chapter 2. Parental influence on children advertisements</strong></p>
title_arm The study of advertisements for children title_eng convertot_1 The study of advertisements for children convertot_2 The study of advertisements for children convertot_3 The study of advertisements for children convertot_4 The study of advertisements for children convertot_5 The study of advertisements for children convertot_6 The study of advertisements for children convertot_7 The study of advertisements for children convertot_8 The study of advertisements for children convertot_9 The study of advertisements for children convertot_10 The study of advertisements for children convertot_11 The study of advertisements for children convertot_13 The study of advertisements for children convertot_14 The study of advertisements for children convertot_15 The study of advertisements for children convertot_16 The study of advertisements for children convertot_17 The study of advertisements for children convertot_18 The study of advertisements for children