Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք (Կուրսային - գտնվել է 9563 նյութ)

    Կուրսային | Տուրիզմ

    Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու ռեկրեացիոն գոտու բնութագիր

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

    Օգտագործված գրականության ցանկ

    1. Абаренков В.П. « Современные Соединенные Штаты Америки». – М., 1988.
    2. Тимановская Н.. «Spotlight on the USA». – Тула, «Автограф», 1996.,
    3. Worldmark Encyclopaedia of the States. – N.Y., 1986.
    4. http: // www.synnegoria.com
    5. http://amerika-eto-prosto.ru/
    6. http://www.ladyfromrussia.com/karnaval/states/florida.shtml
    7. http://www.orangesmile.com/destinations/florida/index.htm
    8. Eyewitness travel Florida- London: DK Publishing, 2010- pg.177-183
    9. 5http://www.mgh-reallity.ru/stati/transportnaya-infrastruktura-shtata-florida/








    Գլուխ1. Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու աշխարհագրական դիրքի ռեկրեացիոն նահատումը

    1.1 Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու բնական ռեսուրսների և պայմանների ռեկրեացիոն գնահատումը

    1.2 Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու տնտեսաաշխարհագրական դիրքի ռեկրեացիոն գնահատումը

    Գլուխ2.   Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու ռեկրեացիոն ենթակառուցվածքները

    2.1 Պատմամշակութային հուշարձանները որպես ռեկրեացիայի բաղկացուցիչ մաս

    2.2 Լողափերը և լճափերը որպես ռեկրեացիայի գլխավոր պայման

    2.3 Ցեխային և բուժիչ հանքային ջրերը որպես ռեկրեացիայի խթանիչ գործոն

    2.4 Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու ռեկրեացիոն գործում սպասարկման ենթակառուցվածքների դերը


    Օգտագործված գրականության ցանկ

    title_arm Ֆլորիդա թերակղզու ռեկրեացիոն գոտու բնութագիր title_eng convertot_1 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_2 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_3 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_4 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_5 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_6 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_7 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_8 Florida terakghzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_9 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_10 Florida terakghzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_11 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_13 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_14 Flwrida terakxzu rekreaciwn gwtu bnutagir convertot_15 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_16 Florida terakxzy rekreacion goty bnytagir convertot_17 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir convertot_18 Florida terakxzu rekreacion gotu bnutagir

    Կուրսային | Քաղաքագիտություն

    Քաղաքականության վերլուծության որակական մեթոդները

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 1. Амелин В.Н., Дегтярев А.А. Опыт развития прикладной политологии в России // Политические исследования. 1998. № 3. 157 стр.
    2. Ахременко А.С. Политический анализ и прогнозирование : учеб.пособие / Москва, Гардарики 2006 168 стр.
    3. Габриелян О.А. Политическая наука: методы исследования: Учебник , Киев-2012 471 стр.
    4. Галкин А.П. Курсы лекций Качественные и количественные методы в политологии (http://galkin-ap.boxmail.biz/cgi-bin/guide.pl?action=article&id_razdel=113980&id_article=207343) 21.05.2015
    5. Мангейм Д., Рич Р. Политология: Методы исследования.М.,1997, 363 стр.
    6. Мангейм Д., Рич Р. Анализ общественной политики и оценка программ // Политические исследования. 1991. № 3. 5 стр.
    7. Симонов К.В. Политический анализ. М., 2002. 152 стр.
    8. Сморгунов Л.В., Комаровский В.С. Политико-административное управление М., 2004. 496 стр.
    9. http://socialworkstud.ru/lekczii-po-issledovanie-soczialno-ekonomicheskix-i-politicheskix-proczessov/294-xarakteristika-osnovnyx-metodologicheskix-podxodov-k-analizu.html
    description_2 Ներածություն
    Գլուխ 1 Քաղաքականության վերլուծության և քաղաքականության հետազոտության ընդհանուր բնութագիրը
    1. Քաղաքական վերլուծություն հասկացությունը և մեթոդները
    2. Հանրային քաղաքականության հետազոտության տիպերը
    Գլուխ 2 Քաղաքականության վերլուծության մեթոդները և դրանց առանձնահատկությունները
    1. Հարցման մեթոդ
    2. Դիտարկման մեթոդ
    title_arm Քաղաքականության վերլուծության որակական մեթոդները title_eng convertot_1 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_2 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_3 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_4 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_5 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_6 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodnery convertot_7 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_8 Qaghaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_9 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_10 Qaghaqakanutyan verlutsutyan orakakan metodnery convertot_11 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_13 Qaxaqakanutjan verlucutjan orakakan metodner@ convertot_14 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan wrakakan metwdner@ convertot_15 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_16 Qaxaqakanytyan verlycytyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_17 Kaxakakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@ convertot_18 Qaxaqakanutyan verlucutyan orakakan metodner@

    Կուրսային | Տնտեսագիտություն

    Հասարակական բարեկեցության չափանիշները

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Հասարակական բարեկեցության չափանիշները title_eng convertot_1 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_2 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_3 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_4 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanizner@ convertot_5 Hasarakakan barekecutyan 4apanishner@ convertot_6 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishnery convertot_7 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_8 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_9 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_10 Hasarakakan barekecutyan 4apanisnery convertot_11 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_13 Hasarakakan barekecutjan chapanishner@ convertot_14 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_15 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_16 Hasarakakan barekecytyan chapanishner@ convertot_17 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@ convertot_18 Hasarakakan barekecutyan chapanishner@

    Կուրսային | Իրավաբանություն

    Մարդկային կապիտալ հասկացությունը

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Մարդկային կապիտալ հասկացությունը title_eng convertot_1 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_2 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_3 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_4 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_5 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_6 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyuny convertot_7 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_8 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_9 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_10 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyuny convertot_11 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_13 Mardkajin kapital haskacutjun@ convertot_14 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_15 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_16 Mardkayin kapital haskacytyyn@ convertot_17 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@ convertot_18 Mardkayin kapital haskacutyun@

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Computer Assisted Translation

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    • Baker M.,  In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation, London and New York, Routledge,1992
    • Catford, J. C., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, London, 1965
    • Craciunescu, O., Machine Translation and Computer Assisted Translation, Piatra-Neamt, Romania, 2004
    • Crystal D., The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, Cambridge, 1987
    • Hutchins John, Machine Translation and Human Translation, Oxford, 2001
    • Kay, M., An Introduction to Machine Translation, Academic Press, London,1992
    • Newton J., Computers in Translation, London, 1992
    • Nida, E. & Taber R., The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden, Brill, 1969
    • Pinchuck, I., Scientific and Technical Translation, Andre Deutsch, 1977
    • Piron, C., Learning from Translation Mistakes, Academic Press, London, 2003
    • Savory, T., The Art of Translation, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London, 1969
    •  Seferian, S., Hovhannisian, L., Khachaturian, A., Gabrielian. S., Glimpses of Translation Studies, Yerevan, 2012
    • Tytler, A.,  Essay on the Principles of Translation, Edinburgh, 1791
    • Wilss, W., The Science of Translation, Tubingen, Stuttgart, 1982



    • Hornby A. S. – Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford, 1992
    • The Oxford English Reference Dictionary, Oxford, New York, 1996
    • English-Armenian Dictionary, Hayastan Publishing House, Yerevan, 1991









    1.1. Types of Translation

    1.2. A Brief History of Computer Assisted Translation or CAT


    2.1. The Importance of Human Translation

    2. 2. Disadvantages and Advantages of CAT

    2.3. Comparative Analysis of CAT and Human Translation



    title_arm Computer Assisted Translation title_eng convertot_1 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_2 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_3 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_4 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_5 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_6 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_7 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_8 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_9 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_10 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_11 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_13 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_14 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_15 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_16 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_17 Computer Assisted Translation convertot_18 Computer Assisted Translation

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Educational language teaching tools

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2



    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter I

    The importance of  using teaching tools in a language class

    1. Chapter II

    Different types of tools

    1. Conclusion


    title_arm Educational language teaching tools title_eng convertot_1 Educational language teaching tools convertot_2 Educational language teaching tools convertot_3 Educational language teaching tools convertot_4 Educational language teaching tools convertot_5 Educational language teaching tools convertot_6 Educational language teaching tools convertot_7 Educational language teaching tools convertot_8 Educational language teaching tools convertot_9 Educational language teaching tools convertot_10 Educational language teaching tools convertot_11 Educational language teaching tools convertot_13 Educational language teaching tools convertot_14 Educational language teaching tools convertot_15 Educational language teaching tools convertot_16 Educational language teaching tools convertot_17 Educational language teaching tools convertot_18 Educational language teaching tools

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



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    2. Groot, P.J.M., Computer assisted second language vocabulary acquisition, Utrecht University, 2000.
    3. H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, San Francisco State University, 2005.
    4. Meara P., Vocabulary acquisition: A neglected aspect of language learning, Cambridge university press: Language Teaching and Linguistics, 1980.
    5. Papert S., Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas, New York: Basic Books, 1993.
    6. Rivers W. M., Interactive vocabulary teaching, Beijing: People Education Press, 1987.
    7. Բաղդասարյան Ս., Գյուրջայանց Ս., Ավագ դպրոցի 12–րդ դասարանի համար դասագիրք, Երևան: Մանմար, 2011.

    Internet Sources

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    2. www.utc.fr/~untele/2004ppt/alipanahi_2004.pt
    3. www.jstor.org/stable/20199117
    4. www.academia.edu/.../Interactive_Approaches_for_Vocabulary_Teaching
    5. mailer.fsu.edu/~jflake/WWWEd.html
    6. http://ctch603.onmason.com/page/6/





    Chapter 1

    Methods to Second Language Teaching

    Chapter 2

    The Role of the Internet in the Process of Teaching English Vocabulary to Students

    Textbook Analysis



    title_arm Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School title_eng convertot_1 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_2 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_3 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_4 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_5 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_6 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_7 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_8 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_9 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_10 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_11 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_13 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_14 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_15 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_16 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_17 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School convertot_18 Games as a Method of Teaching Foreign Language in Secondary School

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Climate, C. (1997). Men and women talking: The differential use of speech and language by gender. Retrieved from http://www.google…/differential language.html+pronoun +use +men +women+differences&hl=e
    2. Coser, Rose L.. 1960. Laughter among Colleagues. Psychiatry, 23.
    3. D. H. Lawrence’s “Sons and lovers”
    4. D.H. Lawrence’s “ The Rainbow”
    5. Deborah Tannen “Gender and Conversational interaction” , Oxford university press
    6. Penelope Eckert, Sally Mcconnell-Ginet, “Language and Gender”, Cambridge University press
    7. Holmes, J. (1993). An introduction to sociolinguistics. London, UK: Longman
    8. Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and women’s place. New York, NY: Harper and Row.







    Male and female speech differences in D. H.   Lawrence’s  works




    CHAPTER  2

      Male and female speech differences in D. H.   Lawrence’s  “Sons and lovers”  and  “ The Rainbow”




    title_arm Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about title_eng convertot_1 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_2 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_3 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_4 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_5 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_6 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_7 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_8 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_9 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_10 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_11 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_13 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_14 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_15 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_16 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_17 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about convertot_18 Gender linguistics studies the way men and women speak or are spoken about

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Kinship Terms in English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Fox, Robin,  Kinship and Marriage. Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, England, 1984
    2. Keesing, Roger M., Kin Groups and Social Structure. Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York. 1975
    3. Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior; Atheneum, 1982
    4. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, 1992
    5. Geoffrey Leech, Semantics, Chapter 11
    6. Encyclopedia Britannica, “Cousin Marriage”, 1967



    1. Dreiser, American Tragedy
    2. Bronte, Jane Eyre.



    1. http://oakroadsystems.com/
    2. https://www.umanitoba.ca
    3. http://www.merriam-webster.com/
    4. http://www.era.anthropology.ac.uk/Kinship/kinIntro.html


    Chapter 1. Definition of Kinship. Kinship Terminology
    Chapter 2. Relationship terms

    title_arm Kinship Terms in English title_eng convertot_1 Kinship Terms in English convertot_2 Kinship Terms in English convertot_3 Kinship Terms in English convertot_4 Kinship Terms in English convertot_5 Kinship Terms in English convertot_6 Kinship Terms in English convertot_7 Kinship Terms in English convertot_8 Kinship Terms in English convertot_9 Kinship Terms in English convertot_10 Kinship Terms in English convertot_11 Kinship Terms in English convertot_13 Kinship Terms in English convertot_14 Kinship Terms in English convertot_15 Kinship Terms in English convertot_16 Kinship Terms in English convertot_17 Kinship Terms in English convertot_18 Kinship Terms in English

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Machine-oriented Translation

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    • Arnold, D.J., Balkan, L., Meijer S., Humphreys, R.Lee Humphreys, Louisa Sadler, Machine Translation,  London, 1994
    • Catford, J. C., A linguistic theory of translation, London, 1965
    • Crystal D., The Cambridge encyclopedia of language, Cambridge, 1987
    • Hutchins John, Machine translation and human translation, Oxford, 2001
    • Newton J., Computers in translation: a practical appratsal, London, 1992
    • Weaver Warren, Memorandum on Translation,  New Mexico, 1949
    • Vasconcellos M., Bostad D.A., Machine translation in a high-level environment, London, 1992



    • H. A. Asmangulyan, M. I. Hovannisyan, English - Armenian dictionary, Yerevan, 1984
    • Hornby A. S. – Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford, 1992



    Internet Sources





    CHAPTER I Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics

    1.1 Types of Translation

    1.2 The Disadvantages and Advantages of MT

    CHAPTER II Machine Translation vs. Human Translation

    2.1 The Importance of Human Translation



    title_arm Machine-oriented Translation title_eng convertot_1 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_2 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_3 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_4 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_5 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_6 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_7 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_8 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_9 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_10 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_11 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_13 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_14 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_15 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_16 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_17 Machine-oriented Translation convertot_18 Machine-oriented Translation

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Phrasal Verbs with ''Get''

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Berlizon S. English Verbal Collocations. M.; L., 1964,
    2. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка, М.: Высш. шк., 1986.
    3. Жигадло В.Н., Иванова И.П., Иофик Л.Л. Современный английский язык. Теоретический курс грамматики. - М., Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, 1956 г.
    4. Blokh, M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - Moscow, 2000.
    5. Jespersen, O. Essentials of English Grammar. - Ldn, 1946.
    6. Jespersen О. “A Modern English Grammar”
    7. Бархударов Л. С., Штелинг Д. А.. Грамматика английского языка. М., 1960,
    8. Sandra N. Elbaum. Second Edition, Book 2. (Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, 1996.) 
    9. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. A Course in English Grammar. 1966
    10. Воронцова Г. Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. М., 1960
    11. Liz & John Soars. New Headway English Course: Intermediate Student's Book. Oxford University Press 1996. Impression 1998. 160 p.
    12. Ilysh B. “The Structure of Modern English”,  Ленинград, «Просвещение», 1971 



    1. Introduction

    2. Chapter 1. Phrasal verbs. Notion and Types of Phrasal verbs

    3. Chapter 2. The verb "to get". Phrasal verbs with "get". Meaning and explanation.  

    4. Conclusion

    5. Bibliography 

    title_arm Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' title_eng convertot_1 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_2 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_3 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_4 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_5 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_6 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_7 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_8 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_9 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_10 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_11 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_13 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_14 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_15 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_16 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_17 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get'' convertot_18 Phrasal Verbs with ''Get''

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Present Tenses in Modern English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Жигадло В.Н., Иванова И.П., Иофик Л.Л. Современный английский язык. Теоретический курс грамматики. - М., Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, 1956 г.
    2. Иванова И.П. и др. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка: Учебное пособие для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков. - М.: Высшая школа, 1981.
    3. Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. - М., Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, 1957.
    4. Close R.A. A Reference Grammar for Students of English.
    5. Ganshina and Vasilevskaya. English Grammar. M., 1953
    6. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of Modern English.
    7.  Kaushanskaya et. al. A Grammar of the English Language (practice book) L., Prosveshcheniye 1967
    8. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. A Course in English Grammar. 1966
    9. Leech G., Svartvik J., A Communicative Grammar of English
    10. Martin Hewings, Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1999
    11. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use.
    12. Swan M. Practical English Usage.
    13. Quirk R., Greenbaum S. A University Grammar of English.




    1. Bronte  Ch. Jane Eyre, Moscow,  Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1952
    2. Dreiser Th. An American Tragedy, Foreign Languages Publishing House,  Moscow,  1949.
    3. George Orwell. 1984
    4. Isaac Asimov, Fantastic Voyage II—Destination Brain
    5. Swift J. The Annotated Gulliver's Travels, New York, Clarkson N. Potter,   1980
    6. Simak, The Hellhounds of the  Cosmos”



    Chapter 1 . The Notion of Tense

    Chapter 2. The Formation of Present Tenses in English

    1.1. Present Indefinite

    1.2. Present Continuous

    1.3. Comparison of Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses

    1.4 Present Perfect

    1.5.Present Perfect Continuous




    title_arm Present Tenses in Modern English title_eng convertot_1 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_2 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_3 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_4 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_5 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_6 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_7 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_8 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_9 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_10 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_11 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_13 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_14 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_15 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_16 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_17 Present Tenses in Modern English convertot_18 Present Tenses in Modern English

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Stylistic devices used in advertisement

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    Абельсон Р. Структуры убеждений / Р.Абельсон // Язык и моделирование социального взаимодействия. — М., 1987.

    Анатомия рекламного образа / Под общ. ред. А.В.Овруцкого. — СПб.: Питер, 2004.

    Кромптон А. Мастерская рекламного текста / А.Кромптон. М.

    Angela,Goddard, The language of Advertising[M]. London and New York: Routledge, 1998.

    Boove, Courtland L and William F Arens. Contemporary Advertising. Boston: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1992

    Jefkins Frank. Advertising. Plymouth: Macdonald& Evans Ltd., 1985

    Galperin,  Stylistics, 2-ое издание,  на англ.яз., М., Высшая школа, 1977

    McQuarrie, Edward F. and David G. Mick, Figures of Rhetoric in Advertising Language.

    Tanaka, K., 1994. Advertising Language. London: Routledgeournal of Consumer Research, 1996

    Vestergaard, Torben and Kim Schroder. The Language of Advertising. Oxford: Basil Blachwell Publisher Ltd., 1985

    Weilbacher, William M. Advertising. second edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984





    Brief Outline of Stylistics

    Chapter 2

    2.1Types of Advertisement

    2.2 Stylistic Analizes of Advertisement



    title_arm Stylistic devices used in advertisement title_eng convertot_1 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_2 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_3 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_4 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_5 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_6 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_7 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_8 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_9 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_10 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_11 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_13 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_14 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_15 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_16 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_17 Stylistic devices used in advertisement convertot_18 Stylistic devices used in advertisement

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Brown, H.D. (2006). Principles of language learning and teaching. NJ: Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall.

    2. Coppen, H. 1969. Aids to Teaching and Learning. London: Pergamon press.

    3. Doff, A.1988.Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers. Cambridge: CUP.

    4. Gairns, R. and Redman, R. 1986. Working with Words: A Guide to Teaching and

         Learning Vocabulary. Cambridge: CUP.

    5. McCarthy, Michael. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

    6. Rigg, R. John, P. and Michael, K. 1969. Audio-Visual Aids and Techniques in Managerial   

        and Supervisory Training. London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd.

    7. Westrup, Heather. Baker, Joanna. Activities Using Resources. Oxford: Oxford University

        Press, 2005.

    8. Wright, Andrew. Pictures for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University 

        Press, 1990.      



    Internet sources


    1. http://www.eslflow.com/Picturelessonsandteachingideas.html

          2. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/ell-engagment-using-photos

          3. http://blog.britishcouncil.org/2013/12/06/how-english-teachers-can-use-pictures-in-the-classroom/

          4. http://iteslj.org/Articles/Ansary-Textbooks/

          5. http://efkipunirow2008.wordpress.com/2011/07/29/the-analysis-of-english-textbook-based-on-competence-based-curriculum-cbc-for-the-first-year-of-senior-high-school-published-by-pen





    Main body

    1. Pictures in the language classroom

    2. Communication and challenges of pictures

    Textbook Analysis




    title_arm Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_2 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_3 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_4 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_5 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_6 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_7 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_8 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_9 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_10 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_11 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_13 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_14 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_15 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_16 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_17 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures convertot_18 Teaching Foreign Languages with the Help of Pictures

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language title_eng convertot_1 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_2 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_3 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_4 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_5 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_6 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_7 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_8 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_9 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_10 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_11 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_13 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_14 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_15 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_16 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_17 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language convertot_18 The Importance of Mass Media, Another Peculiarity of Newspaper Language


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի