Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք (Կուրսային - գտնվել է 9563 նյութ)

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն


    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Анпшпова А. М., Шахбагова Д. А. Методическое пособие по курсу тео­ретической фонетики английского языка.— М.,  1968.
    2. Антипова А. М. Система английской речевой интонации.—М,, 1979.
    3. Ахманова О. С. Фонология.— М., 1954.
    4. Балинская В. И. Графика современного английского языка.— М., 1964.
    5. Березин Ф. М. История лингвистических учений.— М.,  1984,
    6. Богданова И. М. Текст лекций по теоретической фонетике английского ■языка для студентов-заочников МГПИИЯ им. Мориса Тореза.— М.,  1981.
    7. Бондаренко Л. ВФонетическое описание языка и фонетическое опи­сание речи.— Л.,   1981.
    8. Борисова Л. В., Метлюк А. А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка,— Минск,  1980.
    9. Буланин Л.  ЛФонетика современного русского  языка.— М.,   1980.
    10. Дубовский Ю. А., Карневская Е. Б. Нормативные основы английской речевой  интонации.— Минск,   1979.
    11. Зиндер Л. Р. Общая фонетика.—М., 1979.
    12. Клычков Г. С. К архитектонике фонологической системы // Вопр. язы-жознания,  1983.—№ 6,—С.  73—81.
    13. Кочергина В. А. Введение в языковедение,—М.,  1979.
    14. Панов  М,   В.   Русская   фонетика,— М.,   1967.
    15. Плоткин  В.   ЯЭволюция  фонологических систем.— М.,   1982.— С. 39—50.
    16. Соколова М. А., Гинтовт К. Я., Кантер Л. А. и др. Практическая •фонетика английского языка.— М., 1984.
    17. Степанов Ю.  С. Основы общего языкознания.— М.,   1975.
    18. Торсу ев Г. П. Строение слога и аллофоны в английском языке,— М., 1975.
    19. Торсуева И. Г- Интонация и смысл высказывания,— М,, 1979.
    20. Торсуева И, Г., Брызгунова Е. А. и др. Интонация.— Киев,   1978.
    21. Tpaxmepog А. Л. Практический курс фонетики английского языка.— Д.,   1976.
    22. Трубецкой И. С. Основы фонологии.—М., 1960.
    23. Швейцер А. Д. Литературный английский язык в США и Англии.— М., 4971.
    24. Щерба Л.   В.   Фонетика  французского   языка.—М.,   1957.
    25. Якобсон, Р., Халле М., Фант Г. 1. Фонология и ее отношение к фоне­тике, 2. Введение в анализ речи // Новое в лингвистике.— М., 1962.— Вып. 2.
    26. Arakin V. D. The Practical Course of English (Second Year).—M., 1973.
    27. Bronstetn A. J. The Pronunciation of American English.— Prentice Hall, 1960.
    28. Chitoran, Dumiiru.  Workbook in English Phonetics and Phonology.— Bucuresti,   1977.
    29. Collins, Bavertey, Mees, Inger. The Sounds of English and Dutch.— Lei­den,   1981.
    30. Crystal D. Prosodic Systems and Intonation,—Cambridge, 1969.
    31. Davidov M. V., Egorov G. G, English Phonology. — M., 1971.
    32. Fry D. B. Acoustic Phonetics.— Cambridge, 1976.
    33. GimsonA. С An Introduction to Pronunciation of English.— London. 1964.
    34. Gleason^H. A. An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics.—N. Y., 1961.
    35. Jones D. An Outline of English Phonetics.— 9th ed.— Cambridge, I960.
    36. Jones D. The Pronunciation of English.- Cambridge,  1967.
    37. Kenyan J, S. American Pronunciation.—Ann Arbor, [951.
    38. Kingdon  /?.  English  Pronunciation  Practice.— Longmans,   1960.
    39. Klngdon R. The Groundwork of English Intonation,— Longmans, 1958.
    40. .Leontyeva S.F. A theoretical course of English phonetics. – M.,1988.
    41. Sokolova M.A.  English phonetics. A Theoretical course.-M., 1996/
    42. Соколова М.А. Практическая фонетика английского языка.- М., 2001
    43. Зиндер Л.Р. Общая фонетика.- Л., 1979
    44. Трубецкой Н.С. Основы фонологии.- М., 1960



    CHAPTER 1.

    Assimilation, accommodation and adaptation


    2.1. Subsidiary variants of English consonant phonemes

    2.2. Subsidiary variants of the  English vowel phonemes





    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. – М.: Высшая школа, 1996
    2. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. – М.: Просвещение, 1990.
    3. Вандриес Ж. Язык. М., 1937, с. 147.
    4. Винокур Г. О. Маяковский  –  новатор языка. М., 1943, с. 15 – 16.
    5. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. – М., 19774.
    6. Иванова Т.П., Брандес О.П. Стилистическая интерпретация текста. – М.: Высш. школа, 1991.
    7. Пешковский А. М. Интонация и грамматика. –  «Известия русского языка и словесности».  Л., 1928, т. I. кн. 2, с. 463.
    8. Попов П. С. Суждение и предложение. –  В сб.: Вопросы синтаксиса русского языка. М., 1950, с. 20.
    9. Скребнев Ю.М. Основы стилистики. – М.: Изд-во АСТ, 2003.
    10. Скребнев Ю.М. Очерк теории стилистики. – Горький, 1975.
    11. Burandy, Abhay. 2007. “Longing as a Part of Love”.
    12. Galperin. I.R. Stylistics. – M.: V.Sh., 1981.
    13. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. – M.: Higher School, 1977.
    14. Gasparyan S., Matevosyan A., English style in action.
    15. James De Mille, The Elements of Rhetoric, 1878
    16. Jamilah, Umi. 2011. The Style of O’ Henry as Reflected in ‘Furnished Room’ and ‘The Cop and The Anthem’. Semarang State University.
    17. Jespersen, O. A Modern English Grammar. Ldn, 1928, part III, p. 133.
    18. Lombardi, Ester. 2012. “Classic Literature”.
    19. Malsev V.A. Essays in English Stylistics. – Minsk, 1984.
    20. Morrel, Jessica. 2006. Master the Subtle Elements of Fiction Writing. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books.
    21. Random House Dictionary of the English Language. N. Y., 1967.
    22. Saroyan W., The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze and other stories, New York, 1961
    23. Saroyan W., Selected short stories, Moscow, 1975
    24. Saroyan W., The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, p. 33.
    25. Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. – M.: V.Sh., 1994.
    26. Webster’s Dictionary.  –  Ashland: Landoll. Inc., 1999.
    27. Wiehardt, Ginny. 2012. “Fiction Writing”.
    28. Yagoda, Ben. 2004. Great Writer Talk about Style and Voice in Writing. New York: Harper Resource.
    29. Znamenskaya Т.А. Stylistics of the English Language. Fundamentals of the Course. – М., 2002.
    30. William Saroyan by H.R. Floan (1966)
    31. William Saroyan by A. Saroyan (1983)
    32. William Saroyan by E.H. Foster (1984)
    33. William Saroyan by Barry Gifford and Lawrence Lee (1984)
    34. Willie & Varaz: Memories of My Friend William Saroyan by Varaz Samuelian (1985)
    35. William Saroyan, edited by Leo Harmalian (1987)
    36. William Saroyan: A Study in the Shorter Fiction by E.H. Foster (1991)
    37. Critical Esays in William Saroyan, edited by H. Keyishan (1995)
    38. William Saroyan by Jon Whimore (1995)
    39. Saroyan: A Biography by Lawrence Lee, Barry Gifford (1998, paperback)
    40. The World of William Saroyan by N. Balakian (1998)
    41. A Daring Young Man: A Biography of William Saroyan by John Leggett (2002)


    Chapter 1 Theoretical Aspects of Stylistics

    1.1 Stylistic as a Science

    1.2. Syntactic Expressive Means and Syntactic Stylistic Devices

    Chapter 2. Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories
    2.1. William Saroyan and his Short Stories

    2.2. Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories



    title_arm Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories title_eng convertot_1 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_2 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_3 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_4 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_5 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_6 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_7 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_8 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_9 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_10 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_11 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_13 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_14 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_15 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_16 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_17 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories convertot_18 Syntactic Stylistic Devices in William Saroyan’s Short Stories

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Dialoging Skills

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Perrott, E., Effective Teaching - A practical guide to improving your teaching, Longman Inc., 1982.
    2. Ã.Â. Ðîãîâà “Ìåòîäèêà îáó÷åíèÿ àíãëèéñêîìó ÿçûêó”
    3. Cattegno, Cabel, 1976. The Common Sense of Teaching Foreign Languages. New-York: Educational Solutions
    4. Lado, Robert, 1964 Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach. New-York: McGraw - Hill
    5. Lewis, Glyn E., 1974, Linguistics and Second Language Pedagogy: Theoretical Study
    6. Michael McCarthy, 1991 Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge Language Teaching Library.






    Chapter I.The main peculiarities of teaching dialogue

    1.1.Teaching Dialoging Skills

    1.2.Teaching and Development of Dialoging Skills

    Chapter II Development communicative skills through dialogue

    2.1.Development of dialogue through communication

    2.2.Communicative peculiarities in development dialogue skills

    2.3.Methods of teaching Dialoging Speech Skills


    Textbook analysis



    title_arm Teaching Dialoging Skills title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_2 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_3 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_4 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_5 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_6 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_7 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_8 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_9 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_10 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_11 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_13 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_14 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_15 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_16 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_17 Teaching Dialoging Skills convertot_18 Teaching Dialoging Skills

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Teaching Language Skills Listening

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
    1. Anderson, A. & T. Lynch (1988) Listening. Oxford: OUP.
    2. Bueno, A, D. Madrid and N. McLaren, (eds). (2006) TEFL in Secondary Education.Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada.
    3. Larsen-Feeman, Diane. (2000). Techniques and Principals in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    4. Laubach Literacy Action (1996). Teaching Adults: An ESL resource book. Syracuse, NY: New Reader’s Press.
    5. Lindsay, C. and Knight, P. (2006) Learning and Teaching English. Oxford: OUP.
    6. Morley, J. (1972) Improving aural comprehension. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    7. Nunan, D. (2001) Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: CUP.
    8. Oxford, Rebecca. (2001). Integrated Skills in the ESL/EFL Classroom. ERIC Digest ED456670.
    9. Rivers, W. (1966) Listening comprehension. Modern Language Journal 50(4): 196-204.
    10. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse for ESL Literacy Education. Available from
    11. http://www.ericdigests.org/2002-2/esl.htm






    Chapter 1

    English as a Second Language

    1.1.Some Aspects of Second Language Acquisition

    1.2. Methods of the Second Language Teaching

    Chapter 2

    Teaching Listening

    2.1.The Importance of Listening

    2.2.Examples of Listening Activities in Classroom

    Chapter 3

    Analysis of English language textbook of the 5th form of Vereshagina I.N. and Afanasyeva






    title_arm Teaching Language Skills Listening title_eng convertot_1 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_2 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_3 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_4 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_5 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_6 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_7 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_8 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_9 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_10 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_11 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_13 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_14 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_15 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_16 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_17 Teaching Language Skills Listening convertot_18 Teaching Language Skills Listening

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The category of number and case in English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Beard, R. (1992). Number. In W. Bright (ed.) International Encyclopedia
    2. Kechyan S., A Course of English Grammar, 1 year, Yerevan 2006,pp. 196-206
    3. Corbett, G. (2000). Number. Cambridge University Press.
    4. Deutschbein. M. System der neuenglischen Syntax, 1928; G. Сurme. A Grammar of the English Language. London-New York, 1931.
    5. Francis. W. N. The Structure of American English. New York, 1958, p. 234; see also: R. Quіrk. The Use of English. London, 1964, p. 74.
    6. Fries. Ch. The Structure of English. An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences. London, 1963, pp. 62-63, pp. 94—100.
    7. Illyish B. The structure of Modern English M.- L. 1965
    8. Laycock, Henry. (2005) 'Mass nouns, Count nouns and Non-count nouns' Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier.
    9. Laycock, Henry. (2006) Words without Objects. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Jespersen. Essentials of English Grammar. London, 1933.
    10. Rayevska N.M. (1976) Modern English Grammar, Kiev, pp.67-72.
    11. Sweet. H. A New English Grammar. Oxford, 1955.
    12. Vinokurova, Nadezhda. 2005. Lexical categories and argument structure : a study with reference to Sakha.] Ph.D. diss. University of Utrecht.
    13. Блох. М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1983; стр
    14. Иванова, Л. Л. Иофик. Современный английский язык. М.— Л., 1956;
    15. О. Jespersen. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. London-Copenhagen, 1965;
    16. Смирницкий.И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956;
    17. Щepба. Л. В. О частях речи в русском языке. В сб.: "Русская речь", 1928, р. 6;
    18. www. answers.com/topic/agreement –linguistics



    CHAPTER 1.

    Noun. The category of number and case in English

    2. The category of number

    CHAPTER 2. The function of case and objective case



    title_arm The category of number and case in English title_eng convertot_1 The category of number and case in English convertot_2 The category of number and case in English convertot_3 The category of number and case in English convertot_4 The category of number and case in English convertot_5 The category of number and case in English convertot_6 The category of number and case in English convertot_7 The category of number and case in English convertot_8 The category of number and case in English convertot_9 The category of number and case in English convertot_10 The category of number and case in English convertot_11 The category of number and case in English convertot_13 The category of number and case in English convertot_14 The category of number and case in English convertot_15 The category of number and case in English convertot_16 The category of number and case in English convertot_17 The category of number and case in English convertot_18 The category of number and case in English

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2



    Chapter One

    The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses

    1.  The Definition of Complex Sentence:

     The Attributive Clause and its Peculiarities:

    1.3. The Relative Pronoun and its Usage:

    The Parenthetical Clause:

    1.5. General Description of Adverbial Clauses:

    1.6. The Adverbial clause of Place

    1.7. The Adverbial clause of Time:

    Chapter Two

    The Comparative Analysis of Attributive Clauses and Adverbial Clauses of Time and               Place

    2.1. The General Treatment of Clauses:

    2.2.  The Comparative Analysis of Attributive Clauses and Adverbial Clauses of Time and Place:


    title_arm The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses title_eng convertot_1 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_2 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_3 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_4 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_5 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_6 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_7 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_8 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_9 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_10 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_11 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_13 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_14 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_15 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_16 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_17 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses convertot_18 The Complex Sentence and Types of Subordinate Clauses

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The distinction between modal words and adverbs

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. B. A. Ilish, A grammar of the English language, Leningrad, 1967
    2. H. A. Toqmajyan, Modern English grammar, Yerevan, 1995
    3. M. Ganshina and N. Vasilevskaya, English grammar, Moscow, 1951
    4. N. A. Kobrina, E. A. Korneeva, M. I, Ossovskaya, K. A. Guzeeva, An English grammar, Morphology, Syntax, Peterburg, 1999
    5. E. M. Gordon, Modality in Modern English, Moscow, 1968
    6. E. K. Starshnikova, “Учебник английского языка”., Moscow, 1979

    C O N T E N T S






    title_arm The distinction between modal words and adverbs title_eng convertot_1 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_2 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_3 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_4 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_5 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_6 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_7 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_8 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_9 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_10 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_11 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_13 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_14 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_15 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_16 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_17 The distinction between modal words and adverbs convertot_18 The distinction between modal words and adverbs

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The function of noun and objective case

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Beard, R. (1992). Number. In W. Bright (ed.) International Encyclopedia
    2. Kechyan S., A Course of English Grammar, 1 year, Yerevan 2006,pp. 196-206
    3. Corbett, G. (2000). Number. Cambridge University Press.
    4. Deutschbein. M. System der neuenglischen Syntax, 1928; G. Сurme. A Grammar of the English Language. London-New York, 1931.
    5. Francis. W. N. The Structure of American English. New York, 1958, p. 234; see also: R. Quіrk. The Use of English. London, 1964, p. 74.
    6. Fries. Ch. The Structure of English. An Introduction to the Construction of English Sentences. London, 1963, pp. 62-63, pp. 94—100.
    7. Illyish B. The structure of Modern English M.- L. 1965
    8. Laycock, Henry. (2005) 'Mass nouns, Count nouns and Non-count nouns' Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier.
    9. Laycock, Henry. (2006) Words without Objects. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Jespersen. Essentials of English Grammar. London, 1933.
    10. Rayevska N.M. (1976) Modern English Grammar, Kiev, pp.67-72.
    11. Sweet. H. A New English Grammar. Oxford, 1955.
    12. Vinokurova, Nadezhda. 2005. Lexical categories and argument structure : a study with reference to Sakha.] Ph.D. diss. University of Utrecht.
    13. Блох. М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1983; стр
    14. Иванова, Л. Л. Иофик. Современный английский язык. М.— Л., 1956;
    15. О. Jespersen. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. London-Copenhagen, 1965;
    16. Смирницкий.И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956;
    17. Щepба. Л. В. О частях речи в русском языке. В сб.: "Русская речь", 1928, р. 6;
    18. www. answers.com/topic/agreement –linguistics



    CHAPTER 1.  The Noun in English

    CHAPTER 2. The function of noun and objective case



    title_arm The function of noun and objective case title_eng convertot_1 The function of noun and objective case convertot_2 The function of noun and objective case convertot_3 The function of noun and objective case convertot_4 The function of noun and objective case convertot_5 The function of noun and objective case convertot_6 The function of noun and objective case convertot_7 The function of noun and objective case convertot_8 The function of noun and objective case convertot_9 The function of noun and objective case convertot_10 The function of noun and objective case convertot_11 The function of noun and objective case convertot_13 The function of noun and objective case convertot_14 The function of noun and objective case convertot_15 The function of noun and objective case convertot_16 The function of noun and objective case convertot_17 The function of noun and objective case convertot_18 The function of noun and objective case

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The sentence as the basic unit of language

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1.      Archer, D. and Culpeper, J. (forthcoming) ‘Sociopragmatic Annotation: New Directions and Possibilities in Historical Corpus Linguistics’. In Wilson, A., Rayson, P. and Mc Enery, A. M. (eds.) Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: A Festschrift for Geoffrey Leech. Peter Lang: Frankfurt/Main.

    2.      Brown, P. and Levinson, S. C. (1978, 1987) Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    3.      Brown, R. and Gilman, A. (1960) ‘The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity’.  In Sebeok, T. A. (ed.) (1969) Style in Language. New York: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley & Sons, 253-276.

    4.      Brinton, L. J. (1996) Pragmatic Markers in English: Grammaticalization and Discourse Functions. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

    5.      Buzatov V. V., Essentials of conversational English syntax. Moscow 1998

    6.      Culpeper, J. (1996) ‘Towards an Anatomy of Impoliteness’.  Journal of Pragmatics, 25 (3): 349- 367.

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    8.      Leech, G. (1999) ‘The Distribution and Function of Vocatives in American and British English Conversation’. In Hasselgård, H. and Oksefjell, S. (eds.) Out of Corpora: Studies in Honour of Stig Johansson. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 107-118.

    9.      Milroy, L. (1980, 1987) Language and Social Networks. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

    10.   Paronyan Sh. On the Linguistic of University through Hesitation Markers in Conflit Talk in English, X. 2009, p. 92-98

    11.   Quirk, R. et al., (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, London: Longman.

    12.   Raumolin-Brunberg, H. (1994) ‘Historical Sociolinguistics’.  In Nevalainen, T. and RaumolinBrunberg, H. (eds.) Sociolinguistics and Language History: Studies Based on the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 11-37.

    13.   Salmon, V. (1979) The Study of Language in 17th Century England, Amsterdam: John Benjamin.

    14.   Shiina, M. (2002) Vocatives in Early Modern English Comedies: Vocatives as Pragmatic Markers. A paper presented at the 12th International Conference of English Historical Linguistics. 21st-26th August 2002, Glasgow.

    15.   Shiina, M. (forthcoming) Vocatives in Early Modern English Comedies: A Corpus-Based Approach. Unpublished Ph.D thesis, Lancaster University.

    16.   Spove, S. H. (1979) A Critical Old-Spelling Edition of Richard Brome’s A Mad Couple Well Match’d.  New York and London: Garland Publishing.

    17.   Traugott, E. C. (1989) ‘On the Rise of Epistemic Meaning in English: An Example of Subjectification in Semantic Change’. Language 65 (1): 31-55.

    18.   Traugott, E. C. (forthcoming) ‘From Etymology to Historical Pragmatics’.  In Minkova, D. and

    19.   Stockwell, R. (eds.) Studies in the History of the English Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

    20.   Traugott, E. C. (forthcoming) ‘Historical Pragmatics’.  In Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

    21.   Wales, K. (1983) ‘Thou and You in Early Modern English: Brown and Gilman Re-Appraised’. Studia Lingustica 37 (2): 107-125.

    22.   Watts, R. J. (1992) ‘Linguistic Politeness and Politic Verbal Behaviour: Reconsidering Claims for Universality’.  In Watts, R. J.  et al (eds.) Politeness in Language: Studies in its History, Theory and Practice. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 43-70.




    CHAPTER 1. The Classification of Utterances.

    1. The Basic Units of language

    1.2. The sentence as the basic unit of language

    Verbless imperative sentences

    Imperative sentences


    Vocative Utterances and their responses

    2.2. Responses to vocative sentences



    title_arm The sentence as the basic unit of language title_eng convertot_1 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_2 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_3 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_4 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_5 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_6 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_7 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_8 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_9 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_10 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_11 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_13 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_14 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_15 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_16 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_17 The sentence as the basic unit of language convertot_18 The sentence as the basic unit of language

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The textual category is a property characterizing every text

    Իմանալ ավելին
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    1. Виноградов В.В. О теории художественного речи: Учеб. Пособие. М. 1971
    2. Гальперин И. Р. Текст как объект лингвистического исследования, М. 1981
    3. Неметс Г. П. Актуалные проблемы модальности в современном русском языке. Краснодар, 1991
    4.  Степанов Г. В. Язык. Литература, Поэтика, М., 1988
    5. Туарева З.Я. Лингвистика текста и категория модальности // No.3. M., 1994.
    6. Солганик, Г. Я. Стиликстика текста, М. 2000
    7. Кухаренко  В.А. Интерпретация текста, М. 1988
    8. Мещеряков В.А.- Проспекция, Ретроспекция // Педагогическое речеведение, Словарь-справочник, М. 1998



    CHAPTER1. Text, Text Category

    CHAPTER 2. Gorge Canon and retrospection



    title_arm The textual category is a property characterizing every text title_eng convertot_1 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_2 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_3 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_4 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_5 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_6 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_7 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_8 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_9 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_10 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_11 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_13 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_14 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_15 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_16 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_17 The textual category is a property characterizing every text convertot_18 The textual category is a property characterizing every text

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The words in an English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. ·         B. A. Ilish, A grammar of the English language, Leningrad, 1976
    2. ·         H. A. Tokmajyan, Modern English Language, Yerevan, 1995
    3. ·         E. Arzumanyan, N. Karapetyan, G. Mikaelyan, English Grammar. Syntax, Yerevan, 2009
    4. ·         I. R. Galperin –“ Stylistics ” – Moskva 1977
    5. ·          V. L. Kaushanskaya, R. L. Kovner –“ A grammar of English language ” – Leningrad- 1967

    C O N T E N T S


    CHAPTER 1. Word-order in English and its classification                

    CHAPTER 2. Word-order in Armenia and its classification                  



    title_arm The words in an English title_eng convertot_1 The words in an English convertot_2 The words in an English convertot_3 The words in an English convertot_4 The words in an English convertot_5 The words in an English convertot_6 The words in an English convertot_7 The words in an English convertot_8 The words in an English convertot_9 The words in an English convertot_10 The words in an English convertot_11 The words in an English convertot_13 The words in an English convertot_14 The words in an English convertot_15 The words in an English convertot_16 The words in an English convertot_17 The words in an English convertot_18 The words in an English

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Cody, Sherwin, New art of Writing and Speaking the English language M45 New York 1949 
    2. Edge, Julian. Mistakes of form from Mistakes & Correction. Pearson Education, 1989
    3. Goh, C. (2000). A cognitive perspective on language learners’ listening comprehension problems. System, 28, 55-75.
    4. Harmer Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. L.- New York, 1991
    5. Littlewood, W. (1981).Communicative language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    6. Littlewood, W. (1984).Foreign and second language learning.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
    7. Richards, Jack C. Teaching Listening and Speaking From Theory to Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2008, New York
    8. Rogova G. Methods of Teaching English. Leningrad, 1975
    9. Underwood, M. (1989). Teaching Listening. New York: Longman
    10. Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   
    11. Valdman. Trends in Language Teaching. New York, 1966. 407/v-17





    Chapter 1

    Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking

    1.1. The Most Common Difficulties in Auding and Speaking

    1.2.Psychological Characteristics of Speech

    1.3.Linguistic Characteristics of Speech

    1.4.Prepared and Unprepared Speech

    1.5.Mistakes and How to Correct Them

    Chapter 2

    Speaking in Teaching Practice

    2.1. Speech and Oral Exercises

    2.2. Techniques the Teacher Uses to Develop Hearing

    2.3. Techniques the Teacher Uses for Teaching Speaking

    Chapter 3

    Textbook Analysis



    title_arm Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking title_eng convertot_1 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_2 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_3 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_4 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_5 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_6 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_7 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_8 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_9 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_10 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_11 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_13 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_14 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_15 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_16 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_17 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking convertot_18 Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Speaking

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Translation Teaching Theory and Practice

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1



    1. Duff, A (1989), Translation, OUP.
    2. Richards, Jack C. and Theodore S. Rodgers. 1986. Approaches and methods in language teaching: A description and analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    3. Кривобокова И.Я., Лотарева Т.В. Некоторые приемы обучения английскому языку на начальном этапе // Иностранные языки в школе (1989)
    4. Newmark, Peter. 1995. A Textbook of Translation. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
    5. Kussmaul, Paul. 1995. Training the Translator. John Benjamins Publishing Co
    6. Leonardi, V., 2009. Teaching Business English through Translation. Journal of Language and Translation
    7. Malmkjaer, K., 1998. Translation and Language Teaching. Manchester: St Jerome
    8. Duff, A., 1994. Translation: Resource Books for Teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press


    Internet Sources

    1. http://libback.uqu.edu.sa/hipres/MAGZ/3200019-8.pdf
    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translation 



    Chapter 1

    The Nature of Translation

    1.1 Translation as a language learning method

    1.2 Theoretical background

    1.3 Grammar Translation Method

    Chapter 2

    Translation Teaching Theory and Practice

    2.1 Developing Teaching Strategies

    2.2 Translation Methodology 

    2.3 Analysis of the Textbook



    title_arm Translation Teaching Theory and Practice title_eng convertot_1 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_2 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_3 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_4 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_5 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_6 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_7 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_8 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_9 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_10 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_11 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_13 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_14 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_15 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_16 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_17 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice convertot_18 Translation Teaching Theory and Practice

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    The notion of the sentence

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm The notion of the sentence title_eng convertot_1 The notion of the sentence convertot_2 The notion of the sentence convertot_3 The notion of the sentence convertot_4 The notion of the sentence convertot_5 The notion of the sentence convertot_6 The notion of the sentence convertot_7 The notion of the sentence convertot_8 The notion of the sentence convertot_9 The notion of the sentence convertot_10 The notion of the sentence convertot_11 The notion of the sentence convertot_13 The notion of the sentence convertot_14 The notion of the sentence convertot_15 The notion of the sentence convertot_16 The notion of the sentence convertot_17 The notion of the sentence convertot_18 The notion of the sentence

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    History Stakeholders The European Union Russia

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Marcel Cornis-Pope and John Neubauer, History of the Literary Cultures of EastCentral Europe (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2004), p. 21
    2. . U.S. Department of State, Patterns of Global Terrorism (Appendix B), 1996.
    3. . When Republicans gained a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, the “House Committee on Foreign Affairs” was renamed the “House International Relations Committee.” When Democrats regained the majority in 2007, it changed back to “House Committee on Foreign Affairs.” Republicans retained that name for the 112th session of Congress.
    4. . Paul D. Wolfowitz, Turgut Özal Lecture at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 13, 2002.
    5. . Gündüz Aktan, “How would a relationship be disrupted?” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, March 26, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www. hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=how-would-a-relationshipbe-disrupted-2005-03-26.
    6. . Gündüz Aktan, “Turkish-American relations (2),” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, February 5, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyet dailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=gunduz-aktan-turkish-americanrelations-2-2005-02-05.
    7. . “Turks confidence in EU fading away, says poll,” Journal of Turkish Weekly, December 29, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.turkishweekly .net/news/24263/turks-confidence-in-eu-fading-away-says-poll.html.
    8. . “Erdoğan: Improving Turkish-US ties is a priority,” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, April 28, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=erdogan-improving-turkish-usties-is-a-priority-2005-04-28.
    9. . Armenia Weekly, January 4–10, 2003.
    10. . Gündüz Aktan, “Turkish-American Relations (2).”
    11. . Gündüz Aktan, “Salvation or inquisition?” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, October 5, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyetdaily news.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=salvation-or-inquisition-2005-10-05.
    12. . “Turkish prime minister addresses anti-Turk sentiments in Europe,” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, April 12, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=turkish-prime-ministeraddresses-anti-turk-sentiments-in-europe-2005-04-12.
    13. . “Where Voters Stand,” BBC Europe, March 27, 2007.
    14. . Sebastian Alison, “Armenia hopes Turkey in EU will reopen border.” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, December 11, 2004, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/default.aspx?pageid=438&n=armeniahopes-turkey-in-eu-will-reopen-border-2004-12-11.
    15. . Gündüz Aktan, “Added bonus,” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, January 6, 2005, accessed December 24, 2011, http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /default.aspx?pageid=438&n=added-bonus-2005-01-06.
    16. . “Turks confidence in EU fading away, says poll,” Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, December 28, 2010, accessed January 10, 2012, http://www.hurriyetdaily news.com/default.aspx?pagei



    CHAPTER 1. History


    The European Union


    CHAPTER  2. Freedom of Expression



    title_arm History Stakeholders The European Union Russia title_eng convertot_1 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_2 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_3 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_4 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_5 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_6 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_7 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_8 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_9 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_10 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_11 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_13 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_14 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_15 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_16 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_17 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia convertot_18 History Stakeholders The European Union Russia


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի