Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք (Կուրսային - գտնվել է 9563 նյութ)

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Discourse Markers and Gender Differences

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    Chapter 1. Discourse Analysis and Discourse Markers

    Chapter 2. Gender Differences



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    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Games in the English Language Class

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    Chapter 1. The Concept of Games

    Chapter 2. Types of Games



    title_arm Games in the English Language Class title_eng convertot_1 Games in the English Language Class convertot_2 Games in the English Language Class convertot_3 Games in the English Language Class convertot_4 Games in the English Language Class convertot_5 Games in the English Language Class convertot_6 Games in the English Language Class convertot_7 Games in the English Language Class convertot_8 Games in the English Language Class convertot_9 Games in the English Language Class convertot_10 Games in the English Language Class convertot_11 Games in the English Language Class convertot_13 Games in the English Language Class convertot_14 Games in the English Language Class convertot_15 Games in the English Language Class convertot_16 Games in the English Language Class convertot_17 Games in the English Language Class convertot_18 Games in the English Language Class

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    General notion about the category of quantity.

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    6. Ривлина А.А. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка  ,M. 2008
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    10. The Structure of American English. New York, 1958.
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    15. Inbternet:http://www.englishlanguage.ru/main/definitearticle.htm


    Chapter 1.

    General notion about the category of quantity.

    The category of number, singularity and plurality.

    The category of number in verbs

    CHAPTER 2.

    The category of number in nouns, The category of number  in pronouns, The category of number in adjectives


    title_arm General notion about the category of quantity. title_eng convertot_1 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_2 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_3 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_4 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_5 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_6 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_7 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_8 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_9 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_10 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_11 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_13 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_14 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_15 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_16 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_17 General notion about the category of quantity. convertot_18 General notion about the category of quantity.

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby''

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1

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                                            Sources of Language Data

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    15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Scott_Fitzgerald

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    17. http://academians.org/Media/Default/Articles/August2013/August2013-4.pdf





    Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Phraseology

    Chapter 2 Classification and Peculiarities of Translation of Idioms in F. S. Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' 




    title_arm Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' title_eng convertot_1 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_2 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_3 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_4 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_5 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_6 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_7 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_8 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_9 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_10 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_11 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_13 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_14 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_15 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_16 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_17 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby'' convertot_18 Idioms in F. Scott Fitzgerald's ''The Great Gatsby''

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Language Games

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    CHAPTER 1. Phonological Typology of Language Games

    1.1.       Studies in Language Games

    1.2.       Language Specificity  in Phonology

    1.3.       Rearrangement

    1.4.       Substitution

    1.5.       Deletion

    1.6.       Combinations


    CHAPTER 2. Language Games As Phonological Evidence

    2.1. Phonological analysis

    2.2. Quantity Analysis

    2.3. Tonal Analysis



    title_arm Language Games title_eng convertot_1 Language Games convertot_2 Language Games convertot_3 Language Games convertot_4 Language Games convertot_5 Language Games convertot_6 Language Games convertot_7 Language Games convertot_8 Language Games convertot_9 Language Games convertot_10 Language Games convertot_11 Language Games convertot_13 Language Games convertot_14 Language Games convertot_15 Language Games convertot_16 Language Games convertot_17 Language Games convertot_18 Language Games

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    Lexical stylistic devices Metaphor

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    CHAPTER 1.

    Lexical stylistic devices Metaphor


    Metaphors in Edgar Allan Poe stories



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    Listening  Comprehension

    1.1. Stages of Teaching Listening  Activities

    1.2. Types of Listening

    Chapter 2.

    Principles and Strategies for Developing Listening skills

    2.1. Principles of Teaching Listening

    2.2. Strategies for Developing Listening Skills

    Chapter 3.

    Analysis of English Language Textbook of the 5th Form of G. Vereshagina I.N. and Afanasyeva O.V



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    INTRODUCTION.. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.











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    Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works

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    Chapter One

    Tropes and Figures of Speech

    1.1 Types of Metaphor

    1.2 Metaphor in Our Conceptual System

    Chapter Two

    Thinking Metaphorically

    2.1 The Use of Figurative Language 

    2.2 The Study of Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works



    title_arm Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works title_eng convertot_1 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_2 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_3 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_4 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_5 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_6 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_7 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_8 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_9 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_10 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_11 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_13 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_14 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_15 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_16 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_17 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works convertot_18 Metaphorical Expressions in William Saroyan’s Works

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Peculiarities of Reading and Writing

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    Chapter 1

    Peculiarities of Reading and Writing

    1. Writing
    2. ReadingChapter 2

    The Role of Reading in the Development of Writing Skill




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    phraselogical units with body names

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    CHAPTER 1. Ways of forming phraseological units

    1.2 Classification of phraseological idioms

    2.1.1 Classification of Idioms

    CHAPTER 2. Animal Idioms



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    1.1. Political Science and Its Field of Study

    1.2. The Concept of Political Discourse

    1.3. An Overview of Political Discourse Analysys


    2.1. Political Language. Definition and General Characteristics

    2.2. Critical Discourse Analysis

    2.3. A Cognitive Approach to Political Discourse Analysis




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    Proper Names in English Idioms

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    Chapter 1

     A Theoretical Survey of Phraseological Units

    1.1 The Structural- Semantic Peculiarities of Idioms

    1.2 Approaches to the Classification of Phraseological Units

    Chapter 2

     Eponyms and Toponyms in Idioms

    2.1Idioms with Personal Names

    2.2 Idioms with Place Names



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    18. Glencoe Language Arts “Grammar and Composition Handbook” Grade 6, Columbus, Mc,Grow Publishers 2002 pp.79-94
    19. Cramer R, et al. Language Illinois, 1989 pp.200-212
    20. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. М, 1997. с.20-41, 487-489
    21. World Book Encyclopedia Vol.1 NY. 1993 pp.298-299
    22. Internet:http://www.esllessons.edu/mainpage.htm
    23. Internet:http://www.freeesays.com/languages/S.Hal



    1. Introduction

    CHAPTER 1. General Characteristics of English Nouns

    CHAPTER 2. The Main Part

    2.1. Main Features of English Nouns

    2.1.1. The Category of Case

    2.1.2. The Category of Number of English Nouns

    CHAPTER 3.  Structural Semantic Characteristics of English Nouns

    3.1. Morphological Characteristics of Nouns

    3.2. Syntactical Characteristics of Nouns

    3.3. Characteristics of nouns due the way of their composition

    3.4. Semantical Characteristics of Nouns

    1. Conclusion
    2. Bibliography


    title_arm Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish title_eng convertot_1 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_2 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_3 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_4 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_5 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_6 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_7 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_8 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_9 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_10 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_11 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_13 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_14 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_15 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_16 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_17 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish convertot_18 Semantic and structural pecularities of noun+ noun phrases in Modern ENglish

    Կուրսային | Անգլերեն

    Style of Dubliners

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1


    1. Anderson, Chester G. James Joyce and his world. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978.
    2. 1.Belloc H., On Translation, Bookmark 74, 1931.
    3. Belloc H., On Translation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1931.
    4. Bowen, Zack. “Joyce and the Epiphany Concept: A New Approach.” Journal of Modern Literature 9.1 (1981–1982):
    5. Dettmar, Kevin J. H. “The Dubliners Epiphany: (Mis)Reading the Book of Ourselves.” In The Illicit Joyce of Postmodernism: Reading Against the Grain. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. 
    6. Freytag’s Pyramid.” Freytag’s Pyramid. Analyzing a Story’s Plot: Ohio University.
    7. Joyce J., Dubliners, Moscow, 1982.
    8. Newmark P., Application to Translation, Oxford: Pergama Press, 1981.
    9. Newmark P., Approches to Translation, London: Pearson Education Limited, 1982.
    10. Nida E., On translation, Beijing: Translation Publishing Corp., 1984.
    11. Rieu E., Phillips J., Translation of Gospels, Bible Translation 6, 1954.
    12. Wolosky S., The Art of Poetry, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001
    13. Walzi, Florence L. “The Liturgy of the Epiphany Season and the Epiphanies of Joyce.” PMLA 80.4 (1965): 
    14. Գաբրիելյան Ս., Թարգմանաբանության քրեստոմատիա, ուս. ձեռնարկ, Երևան, 2007:
    15.  Կարապետյան Կ., Իդիոմատիկ անգլերեն. պատկերավոր համեմատություններ, Երևան, 2011:
    16. Ջոյս Ջ., Դուբլինցիներ, Երևան, 1986:





    CHAPTER  1

    Literary translation


    Style of Dubliners





    title_arm Style of Dubliners title_eng convertot_1 Style of Dubliners convertot_2 Style of Dubliners convertot_3 Style of Dubliners convertot_4 Style of Dubliners convertot_5 Style of Dubliners convertot_6 Style of Dubliners convertot_7 Style of Dubliners convertot_8 Style of Dubliners convertot_9 Style of Dubliners convertot_10 Style of Dubliners convertot_11 Style of Dubliners convertot_13 Style of Dubliners convertot_14 Style of Dubliners convertot_15 Style of Dubliners convertot_16 Style of Dubliners convertot_17 Style of Dubliners convertot_18 Style of Dubliners


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի