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1. Partridge 13 for the history and definition of the terms, and H.M. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1965) 315316 for a discussion of the various terms for jargon and slang.
2. Stuart Berg Flexner, preface, Dictionary of American Slang, by Robert L. Chapman (1960; New York: Harper and Row, 1986) xviii.
3. DJchellette 232252 for French acronyms, and individual entries in Brophy. Most acronyms are jargon, but some become slang (see SNAFU, below). A First World War example is the German AEG (allgemeines Etappengeschw@tz=, general headquarters gossip) formed on Allgemeiner Elektrizit@tsgesellschaft (General Electric Company) of Berlin. See Mausser 52.
4. “Slang and the Dictionary” Tony Thorne
5. Dumas, Bethany K. and Lighter, Jonathan (1978) "Is Slang a Word for Linguists?" American Speech 53 (5): 14-15.
6.Croft, William (2000) Explaining Language Change: An Evolutionary Approach. Harlow: Longman: 75-6.
6. A Historical Dictionary of American Slang (2006), ed. Robert Beard, alpha,
7. Beard, Robert (2006) What is Slang?,
8. On changing slang usage, see Stephanie Smith (2006) Household Words: Bloomers, er, s, scab, , cyber. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
9. The Bloomsbury Dictionary of Contemporary Slang.
Chapter I. Characteristic features of Slang
1.Feature Articles: Magical Slang: Ritual, Language and Trench Slang of the Western front
2.Background of Cockney English
Chapter II. Slang and the Dictionary
1.What is slang
2. Slang Lexicographers
3. The Bloomsbury Dictionary Of Contemporary slang
4. Slang at the Millennium
5.Examples of slang
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