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Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1
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The main peculiarities of proverbs and sayings
1.1 The characteristic features and origin of proverbs
1.2 Semantic indefiniteness of proverbs
Comparison English and Armenian proverbs with words denoting time
title_arm Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 title_eng Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words convertot_1 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_2 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_3 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_4 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_5 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_6 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_7 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_8 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_9 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_10 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_11 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_13 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_14 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_15 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_16 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_17 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1 convertot_18 Proverbs and sayings with time denoting words-1
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2010 United Kingdom Student Protests
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. André Gorz, “Destroy the University,” trans. Mitchell Abidor, at Marxists.org, (accessed October 18, 2011); originally published in Les Temps Modernes, no. 285 (April 1970).
2. Shiv Malik, “Students Fear Plans to Reform Law on Squatting May Outlaw Sit-ins,” Guardian, October 2, 2011,
3. Rebecca Camber, Nick Fagge, Katherine Faulkner, Nick McDermott, and Laura Caroe, “Rage of the Girl Rioters,” Daily Mail, November 25, 2010.
4. Karl Marx, “A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” in Karl Marx: Early Writings, ed. T. B. Bottomore (London: Penguin, 1973), 256.
5. "Nick Clegg regrets signing anti-tuition fees pledge". BBC News. 11 November 2010. Archived from the original on 13 November 2010.
6. Len McCluskey, “Unions, Get Set for Battle,” Guardian, December 19, 2010.
7. "Q&A: University funding". BBC. 9 December 2010. Archived from the original on 16 December 2010.
8. "Promote the demo". Demo 2010. National Union of Students and the University and College Union. Archived from the original on 5 October 2010.
9. "Student fee protest turns violent". Reuters'. 10 November 2010. Archived from the original on 13 November 2010.
10.Smith, Patrick (10 November 2010). "Student protest: the NUS lobby wasn't enough for us".
2010 United Kingdom Student Protests
List of Used Literature
title_arm 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests title_eng 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_1 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_2 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_3 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_4 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_5 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_6 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_7 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_8 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_9 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_10 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_11 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_13 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_14 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_15 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_16 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_17 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests convertot_18 2010 United Kingdom Student Protests
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Methods of teaching receptive skills
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Archer A. L. Before Reading Practices / A. L. Archer. - Curriculum Associates, Skills for School Success.
2. Brown, Gillian, Listening to Spoken English, Second Edition. - Longman, 1990
3. Harrison C. Methods of Teaching Reading: Key Issues in Research and Implications for Practice / C. Harrison // Interchange. - 1996. - №39.
4. Lems K. Teaching Reading to English Language Lerners. - NY, London: The Guilford press, 2010.
5. Lowes, Ricky, and Target, Francesca, Helping Students to Learn. - London: Richmond Publishing, 1998.
6. Moreillon J. Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension / J. Moreillon. - Chicago: American Library Association, 2007.
7. Mueller, G. (1980). Visual contextual cues and listening comprehension: An experiment. Modern Language Journal, 64(3).
8. Reading Method [Look and Say teaching Method]. - http://www.readingmethod.com/look-say-method.html
9. Richards, J.C. (1983). Listening comprehension: Approach, design, procedure. TESOL Quarterly
10.Rogova G. V. Methods of teaching English / G. V. Rogova. - Ленинград: Просвешение, 1975.
11.Rost, Michael, Introducing Listening. - Penguin English, 1994.
12.Sylva K. Teaching Reading is Rocket Science / American Federation of Teachers. - New Jersey: 2004.
13.Teaching-reading-in-english. -http://nsambatcoumar. files. wordpress.com/2010/10/teaching-reading-in-english. pdf
14.Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching (Practice and theory). - Longman, 1991.
1. Methods of teaching receptive skills
1.1 Methods of Teaching Reading
1.2 Methods of Teaching Listening
2. Textbook analysis
title_arm Methods of teaching receptive skills title_eng Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_1 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_2 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_3 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_4 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_5 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_6 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_7 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_8 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_9 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_10 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_11 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_13 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_14 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_15 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_16 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_17 Methods of teaching receptive skills convertot_18 Methods of teaching receptive skills
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Rhythm, its Types and Constituents
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. De Groot, A. W. The Description of a Poem. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists. Mouton L. C., 1964
2. Жирмунский В. М. Введение в метрику. Л., 1925
3. Galperin I.R. “Stylistics” Moscow , "Higher school" , 1977
4. Murry, J. Middleton. The Problem of Style. Ldn, 1961
5. Пастернак Б. «Литературная Москваե, 1956
6. Натт, V. М. Metre and Meaning. PMLA, 1954, No. 4
7. Jakobson, R. Linguistics and Poetics. in : "Style in Language".
8. I. R. Galperin's "An Essay in Stylistic Analysis". M., 1968.
9. Воробьев Ю. Некоторые особенности строфики в английской поэзии XVIII и XIX вв. М., Автореферат, 1968.
10.Hymes, Dell H. Some of English Sonnets. – In: "Style in Language", ed. Th. Sebeok, 1960
11.Bloomfield, L. Language. N.Y., 1961
12.Fonagy, Ivan. Communication in Poetry. – "Word", vol. 17, No. 2, 1961
Chapter 1. Stylistic Devices
Chapter 2. Rhythm, its Types and Constituents
title_arm Rhythm, its Types and Constituents title_eng rhythms and its constituents convertot_1 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_2 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_3 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_4 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_5 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_6 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_7 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_8 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_9 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_10 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_11 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_13 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_14 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_15 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_16 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_17 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents convertot_18 Rhythm, its Types and Constituents
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Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Angelo, T.A., and Cross, K.P. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
2. B. S. Bloom ,Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc. 1956.
3. Davis, B.G. 1993. Tools for Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Duncan, D. (2005). Clickers in the Classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
4. R. M. Gagné, The Conditions of Learning (4th ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston . 1985.
Минин М.Г. Диагностика качества знаний и компьютерные технологии обучения. Томск: Изд-во ТГПУ,2000. 216 с.
Chapter 1. Methods of Pupils’ Knowledge Evaluation
Chapter 2. Testing
title_arm Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils title_eng testing evaluation final convertot_1 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_2 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_3 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_4 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_5 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_6 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_7 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_8 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_9 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_10 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_11 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_13 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_14 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_15 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_16 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_17 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils convertot_18 Testing Evaluation of Practical Knowledge of Pupils
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The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Avery, P., & Ehrlich, S. (1992). Teaching American English Pronunciation. Oxford University Press.
2. Gilbert, Judy, Clear Speech From the Start, Basic Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension
in North American English: New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000
3. Graham, Carolyn, Creating Chants and Songs, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006
4. Krashen, Stephen D. and Terrell, Tracy D., The Natural Approach, Language Acquisition in the
Classroom; Prentice Hall, 1995
5. Murcia, M., Brinton, D., & Goodwin, J. (1996). Teaching Pronunciation. Cambridge University Press.
6. Penfield, W., Roberts, L. (1959). Speech and brain mechanisms. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
7. Seliger, H., Krashen, s., & Ladefoged, P. (1978). Maturational constraints in the acquisition of
second language. Language sciences.
Chapter 1. Pronunciation Problems
Chapter 2. Teaching English Pronunciation
title_arm The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils title_eng the difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_1 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_2 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_3 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_4 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_5 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_6 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_7 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_8 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_9 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_10 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_11 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_13 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_14 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_15 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_16 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_17 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils convertot_18 The difficulties in english pronounciation experienced by armenian speaking pupils
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The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Beck, I.S., McKeown, M.G., & Kucan, L. (2002). Bring words to life: Robust your vocabulary instruction. New York: The Guilford Press.
2. Cook, V.2001. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching.3rd ed. London: Arnold, a Member of the Hodder Headline Group.
3. Coppen, H. 1969. Aids to Teaching and Learning. London: Pergamon press.
4. Doff, A.1988.Teach English: A Training Course for Teachers. Cambridge: CUP.
5. Gairns, R. and Redman, R. 1986. Working with Words: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Cambridge: CUP.
6. Hill, David A. Visual Impact: Creative language learning through pictures. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1990. ISBN 0-582-03765-4
7. Hill, J. (1999) Collocational competence’ English Teaching Professional, 11
8. Lewis, M. (1993) The lexical approach. LTP.
9. Lewis, M. (1997) Implementing the lexical approach. LTP
10.Mayer, R.E. and Massa, L.J.2003."Three Facts of Visual and Verbal Learners: Cognitive Ability, Cognitive Style, and Learning Preference." Journal of Educational Psychology. Vol.95,
11.McCarthy, Michael. Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. ISBN 0- 19-437136-0
12.Rigg, R. John, P. and Michael, K. 1969. Audio-Visual Aids and Techniques in Managerial and Supervisory Training. London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
13.Rivers, W.M., Speaking in many tongues, CUP, 1983.
14.Wright Andrew. Haleem Safia. Visuals for the Language Classroom. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1996. ISBN 0-582 047811
15.Wright, A.1976. Visual Materials for Language Teachers. London: Longman.
1. The main characteristics of vocabulary learning and teaching
2. The importance of visual means in teaching vocabulary
3. Textbook analysis
title_arm The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech title_eng the use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_1 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_2 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_3 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_4 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_5 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_6 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_7 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_8 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_9 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_10 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_11 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_13 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_14 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_15 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_16 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_17 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech convertot_18 The use of visual means in teaching vocabulary for oral speech
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The category of case in English
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. M.Y. Blokh «A course in theoretical English grammarե 1983
2. N.A. Kobrina, E.A. Korneyeva, M.I. Ossovskaya, K.A. Guzeyeva «an English grammar syntaxե 1985
3. E.M. Gordon, I.P. Krylova «A grammar of present day Englishե 2004
4. Mkhitaryan E., Chubaryan A., Theoretical Grammar of the English language, Y. vol. 2 pp. 127-130
1. Different approaches to the case theory
2. The basic arguments for grammatical case
title_arm The category of case in English title_eng The category of case in English convertot_1 The category of case in English convertot_2 The category of case in English convertot_3 The category of case in English convertot_4 The category of case in English convertot_5 The category of case in English convertot_6 The category of case in English convertot_7 The category of case in English convertot_8 The category of case in English convertot_9 The category of case in English convertot_10 The category of case in English convertot_11 The category of case in English convertot_13 The category of case in English convertot_14 The category of case in English convertot_15 The category of case in English convertot_16 The category of case in English convertot_17 The category of case in English convertot_18 The category of case in English
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Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Crowley, Terry. (1997) An Introduction to Historical Linguistics. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
2. Savnik, Roman, ed. 1971. Krajevni leksikon Slovenije, vol. 2. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, p. 266.
3. Edwards, J. 1985. Language, society and identity. Oxford: Blackwell.
4. Fasold, R. W. 1987. The Sociolinguistics of Society. Oxford: Blackwell.
5. Giles, H. & Clair, R. 1979. Language and Social Psychology. Oxford: Blackwell.
6. Giles, H. & Coupland, N. 1991. Language: Contexts and Consequences. Keynes: Open University Press.
7. Holmes, J. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London: Longman.
8. Runciman, W. G. 1998. The Social Animal. Great Britain: Harper Collins Publishers.
Chapter 1. Assimilation in Modern English
Chapter 2. Accommodation in Modern English
Chapter 3. Elision in Modern English
title_arm Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English title_eng Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_1 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_2 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_3 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_4 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_5 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_6 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_7 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_8 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_9 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_10 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_11 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_13 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_14 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_15 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_16 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_17 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English convertot_18 Assimilation, accommodation, elision in modern English
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The Peculiarities of Neologisms
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. V. Arnold, A.I. Smirnitsky the interpretation of these term in the textbooks on lexicology
2. D. Borgmann. Beyond Language. Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1965
3. J. Buranov, A.Muminov. A practical course in English Lexicology. 1990
4. M.C. Modie “English idioms and how to use them”, London 1972. p. 112
5. Ross Eckler’s letters to Daria Abrossimova, 2001
6. V.V. Vinogradov. Investigation of English phraseology A.V. Kunin (A.B. Кунин).
7. Randolph Quirk, Ian Svortik. Investigating Linguistic Acceptability. Walter de Gruyter. Inc., 1966. P. 127-128.
8. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary by A. Hornby, E. Gatenby, H. Wake-field; The Universal English Dictionary by H. Wild and Л General Service List of English Words with Semantic Frequencies by M, West.
9. Woodhouse dictionary, 1972, p. 225
Chapter 1. Some Aspects of Word Formation
Chapter 2. The Peculiarities of Neologisms
title_arm The Peculiarities of Neologisms title_eng The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_1 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_2 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_3 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_4 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_5 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_6 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_7 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_8 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_9 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_10 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_11 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_13 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_14 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_15 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_16 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_17 The Peculiarities of Neologisms convertot_18 The Peculiarities of Neologisms
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Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. V.L.Kaushanskaya, A Grammar of the English Language, 1963
2. B.Ilyish, The Structure of the Modern English, 1970
3. V.N. Zhigaldo, I.P.Ivanova, L.L.Iofik, The Modern English Language, M., 1956
4. S.G.Abrahamyan, The Grammar of the Modern Armenian Language, 1975
5. H.A Asmangulyan, English-Russian Dictionary, 2004
Main Part. Attributive word combinations
title_arm Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian title_eng Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_1 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_2 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_3 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_4 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_5 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_6 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_7 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_8 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_9 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_10 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_11 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_13 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_14 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_15 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_16 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_17 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian convertot_18 Attributive word combination and their translations into Armenian
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A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. H. Sweet. A new English grammar. Oxford, 1988.
2. Fowler, H. Watson. 1926. A dictionary of modern English usage. Oxford: University Press.
3. Vallins, G. Henry. 1956. The pattern of English. London: Andre Deutsch Ltd.
4. G.O. Curme. A Grammar of the English Language. London – New-York, 1931.
5. H. Whitehall. Structural Essential of English. New-York, 1956.
6. Jespersen, Otto. Growth and structure of the English language. Leipzig,1905: B.G. Tuebner.
7. Jespersen, Otto. The philosophy of Grammar. London, 1935, A modern English Grammar (Part IV), Heidelberg, 1931.
8. В. Виноградов «Русский язык» Москва, 1947.
9. Erick Segal. Love story.
10.M. Drabble. Jerusalem the Golden.
11.M. Dickens. One Pair of Hands.
12.A. Cassidy. Shopping for One.
13.A. Brookner. A Start in Life.
14.J.R.R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings.
15.Yelena M. Merkulova. English Reading, writing and conversation St. Petersburg “SOYUZ” 2004.
16.Brown, Goold .The Grammar of English Grammars. NewYork: Samuel S. and William, Wood. (Ebook. )
17.Pearsall. J. , The Oxford Dictionary of English Language , Oxford , Oxford University Press, 1998.
18.Francis, James. Semantics of the English Subjunctive. Vancouver: University of British
Columbia Press, 1986.
Chapter 1: Theoretical Approaches to the Subjunctive Mood
Chapter 2: Functional analysis of the Subjunctive Mood in Modern English
title_arm A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English title_eng A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_1 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_2 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_3 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_4 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_5 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_6 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_7 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_8 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_9 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_10 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_11 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_13 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_14 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_15 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_16 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_17 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English convertot_18 A Functional Analysis Of The Subjunctive Mood In Modern English
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Actors in Conflict Resolution
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. W. Zartman, L. Rasmussen: “Peacemaking in International Conflict: methods & techniques”
2. http://scholar.harvard.edu/hckelman/files/Social_psychological_dimensions_of_intl_conflict_2007. pdf
3. http://www.economist.com/node/18895458
4. http://www.usip.org/node/5656
5. http://www.swisspeace.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Media/Topics/Mediation/Resources/Lanz__David__ Damiano_Sguaitamatti_and_Matthias_Siegfried_Towards_Realizing_the_Strengths_and_Mitigating_the_Challenges_of_NGO_Mediators. pdf
6. http://pdc.ceu.hu/archive/00004733/01/INTERNATIONAL_MEDIATION_IN_THEORY_AND_PRACTICE.pdf
7. http://www.javvo.com/colerche/NGOsCon_000.htm
1. The Rise of New Actors
2. The Strengths and Weaknesses of NGOs as Mediators
3. Can NGOs Be Impartial Mediators?
4. How NGOs Approach International Conflict Resolution?
5. The Religious Dimension: Reconciliation …
title_arm Actors in Conflict Resolution title_eng Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_1 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_2 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_3 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_4 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_5 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_6 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_7 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_8 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_9 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_10 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_11 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_13 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_14 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_15 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_16 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_17 Actors in Conflict Resolution convertot_18 Actors in Conflict Resolution
Կուրսային | Այլ լեզուներ
The interior and exterior design
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm The interior and exterior design title_eng The interior and exterior design convertot_1 The interior and exterior design convertot_2 The interior and exterior design convertot_3 The interior and exterior design convertot_4 The interior and exterior design convertot_5 The interior and exterior design convertot_6 The interior and exterior design convertot_7 The interior and exterior design convertot_8 The interior and exterior design convertot_9 The interior and exterior design convertot_10 The interior and exterior design convertot_11 The interior and exterior design convertot_13 The interior and exterior design convertot_14 The interior and exterior design convertot_15 The interior and exterior design convertot_16 The interior and exterior design convertot_17 The interior and exterior design convertot_18 The interior and exterior design
Կուրսային | Այլ լեզուներ
The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
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8. Антрушина, Г.Б., Афанасьева, О.В., Морозожа, Н.Н., (1999). Лексикалогия англиского языка. Москва: “Дрофа”
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Chapter 1. Theoretical Review Of Phraseological Units
1.1 Principles of Classification of Phraseological Units
1.2 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English
Chapter 2. Linguo – Cultural Aspects Of Phraseological Units With Proper Names
title_arm The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English title_eng The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_1 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_2 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_3 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_4 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_5 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_6 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_7 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_8 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_9 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_10 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_11 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_13 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_14 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_15 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_16 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_17 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English convertot_18 The Sources and Origin of Phraseological Units in Modern English
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