Մենք հանդիսանում ենք կապող օղակ հեղինակների և պատվիրատուների միջև:

Որոնման արդյունք (Դիպլոմային - գտնվել է 4136 նյութ)

    Դիպլոմային | Ռուսերեն


    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>&nbsp; Балабанов И.Т.&nbsp;&quot;Основы финансового менеджмента.&mdash; М., ФиС, 2003.</p> <p>&nbsp; Берес В., Хавранек П. &quot;Руководство по оценке эффективности инвестиций&quot;, М.: Интерэксперт, 2005.</p> <p>&nbsp; Бланк И.А., &quot;Инвестиционный менеджмент&quot;, Киев, МП &quot;Итем&quot; Лтд, 2003.</p> <p style="margin-left:7.1pt">&nbsp; Воропаев В.И. &quot;Управление проектом в России&quot;, Москва, &quot;Альянс&quot;, 2005.</p> <p>&nbsp; Мескон М.Х., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф.М., &quot;Основы менеджмента&quot;, Пер.&nbsp;с англ. &mdash; М., Дело, 2007.</p> <p>&nbsp;Методологические рекомендации по оценке эффективности инвестиционных проектов и их отбору для финансирования. Утв. Госстроем России, Минэкономики РФ, Минфином РФ, Госкомпрома России. &mdash; М., Информэлектро, 1996.</p> <p>Мир управления проектами. Перевод с англ. Под ред. Х..Решке, Х.Шеме.&mdash; М., Аланс, 2003.</p> <p>&nbsp; Управление проектами (Зарубежный опыт). Под ред. В.Д.Шапиро.&mdash;Санкт-Петербург:&quot;ДваТри&quot;, 2002.</p> <p>&nbsp; Управление проектами. Под общей ред. В. Д. Шапиро. &mdash; Санкт-Петербург; &quot;ДваТри&quot;, 2006.</p> <p>ФЗ &quot;Об инвестиционной деятельности в Российской Федерации осуществляемый в форме капитальных вложений&quot; от 25.02.99№39-ФЗ.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>Введение&nbsp;</p> <p>Глава 1. Виды инвестиционных проектов и их структура</p> <p>1.1 Объекты инвестиций и их общая характеристика</p> <p>1.2 Виды инвестиционных проектов</p> <p>1.3 Структура и особенности инвестиционных проектов</p> <p>Глава 2. Принципы управления проектами</p> <p>2.1 Понятие управления проектом</p> <p>2.2 Управление проектом как системой управления</p> <p>2.3 Планирование&nbsp; управления проектами</p> <p>2.4 Функции управления проектом</p> <p>2.5 Управление проектом на разных стадиях жизненного цикла</p> <p>Глава 3 Повышение эффективности управления на предприятии&nbsp; при&nbsp; использовании&nbsp; ЛВС</p> <p>Глава 4. Управление проектом создания локальной вычислительной сети</p> <p>4.1&nbsp; Разработка проекта создания ЛВС</p> <p>4.2&nbsp; Структура инвестиционного проекта и его&nbsp; характеристика</p> <p>4.3&nbsp; Управление&nbsp;&nbsp; инвестиционным&nbsp;&nbsp; проектом&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; создания&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Локальной вычислительной сети</p> <p>Заключение</p> <p>Список использованной литературы</p> title_arm Управление title_eng convertot_1 Управление convertot_2 Управление convertot_3 Управление convertot_4 Управление convertot_5 Управление convertot_6 Управление convertot_7 Управление convertot_8 Управление convertot_9 Управление convertot_10 Управление convertot_11 Управление convertot_13 Управление convertot_14 Управление convertot_15 Управление convertot_16 Управление convertot_17 Управление convertot_18 Управление

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    Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p style="margin-left:18.0pt">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>Бондаренко А.А., М.Л. Калинчук.- &nbsp;&laquo;Формирование навыков литературного произношения у младших школьников&raquo;.&nbsp; - М., 1979.</li> <li>Венгера. Г. Э. -Родное слово.- М.: Просвещение. 1985.</li> <li>Жинкин Н.И. -&laquo;Язык &ndash; речь &ndash; творчество&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1998.</li> <li>Ладыженская Т.А.- &laquo;Живое слово&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1986.</li> <li>Ладыженская Т.А. -&laquo;Методика развития речи на уроках русского языка&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1991.</li> <li>Ладыженская Т. А.- Развитие речи учащихся на основе учебников // &laquo;Русский язык &nbsp;в школе&raquo;.</li> <li>Львов М.Р.- &laquo;Тенденции развития речи учащихся в начальной школе&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1980.</li> <li>Львов М.Р.- &laquo;Речь младших школьников и пути её развития&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1985.</li> <li>Мухина В.С. -Детская психология: Учебник для студентов пед. ин-тов, М., 1982.</li> <li>&nbsp;Мухина В.С.- Шестилетний ребенок в школе. -М., 1986.</li> <li>Немов Р.С. - Психология. Учебник для студентов вузов. &nbsp;М.: Просвещение, 1995.</li> <li>ПавловИ.П.- Избранные произведения Ленинград, 1951.</li> <li>&nbsp;Пиаже Ж.С.- Избранные психологические труды. Психология интеллекта. Генезис числа у ребенка. Логика и психология. - М., 1969.</li> <li>Политова Н.И. - &laquo;Развитие речи учащихся начальных классов на уроках русского языка&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1984.</li> <li>Психология. Словарь/Под общ. ред. А.В. Петровского. - М.: Политиздат, 1990.</li> <li>Развитие мышления и умственное развитие дошкольника/Под ред. Н.Н. Поддъякова. М., 1976.</li> <li>&nbsp;Рождественский Н.С.- &laquo;Речевое развитие младших школьников&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1980.</li> <li>&nbsp;Синицын В.А.- &laquo;Путь к слову&raquo; - М., АО &laquo;Столетие&raquo;, 1996.</li> <li>&nbsp;&laquo;Современные подходы к развитию речи младших школьников&raquo; /Начальная школа, № 2, 2003.</li> <li>&nbsp;Ушаков Н.Н. - &laquo;Вопросы методики развития связной устной речи на уроках русского языка в начальной школе&raquo; - М., Просвещение, 1980.</li> <li>&nbsp;Ушинский К. Д. - &laquo;Опыт педагогической антропологии&raquo; (2 т.) М., 1959.</li> <li>&nbsp;Фомичева Г.А. &ndash; Восприятие речи. - &ldquo; Начальная школа&rdquo;. &ndash; 1987&nbsp;№ 11.</li> <li>&laquo;Формирование речевой деятельности младших школьников на основе дидактических принципов К.Д. Ушинского&raquo; /Начальная школа, № 10, 2001.</li> <li>&nbsp;&laquo;Формирование культуры речи младших школьников&raquo; /Начальная школа,№10, 2003.</li> <li>&nbsp;Хрестоматия по общей психологии: психология мышления. - М.. 1981.</li> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;&laquo;Что такое виды речевой деятельности&raquo; /Начальная школа. Плюс &ndash; минус, № 4, 2003.</li> </ol> description_2 <h1><span style="font-size:12px">Введение</span></h1> <h1><span style="font-size:12px">&nbsp;Глава I. Формирование речевой деятельности &ndash; важнейшая задача&nbsp;в развитии младших школьников. Обзор и анализ методической литературы</span></h1> <h2><span style="font-size:12px">1.1&nbsp;Индивидуальность учащихся и индивидуальный подход&nbsp;</span></h2> <h2><span style="font-size:12px">1.2 Психолого-лингвистические основы речевой деятельности&nbsp;</span></h2> <p><span style="font-size:12px">1.3 Проблемы, возникающие при формировании речевой деятельности&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px">&nbsp;Выводы&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px">Глава II. Развитие речевой деятельности младших школьников на уроках русского языка&nbsp;</span></p> <h2><span style="font-size:12px">2.1 Роль учебника в работе по формированию речевой деятельности</span></h2> <p><span style="font-size:12px">2.2 Пути повышения эффективности в развитии речевой деятельности учащихся</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px">&nbsp; 2.3 Работа над развитием речевой деятельности младших школьников во время прохождения педагогической практики&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:12px">&nbsp; Выводы</span></p> <h1><span style="font-size:12px">Заключение&nbsp;</span></h1> <p><span style="font-size:12px">Список литературы</span></p> title_arm Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача title_eng convertot_1 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_2 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_3 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_4 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_5 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_6 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_7 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_8 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_9 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_10 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_11 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_13 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_14 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_15 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_16 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_17 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача convertot_18 Формирование речевой деятельности – важнейшая задача

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    Экономическое пространство СССР

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1.Зиядуллаев Н. Современная экономическая ситуация в СНГ. Экономист.2002. №1.</p> <p>2. Ломакин В.К. Мировая экономика. М., 2000.</p> <p>3.Гвозденко Д. Состояние и перспективы интеграции стран СНГ. Экономист.2004. №4.</p> <p>4. Косикова Л.&nbsp; экономическое взаимодействие России со странами СНГ и реструктурирование постсоветского пространства; новые условия, тенденции и задачи.</p> <p>5..: Содружество Независимых Государств&nbsp; в 1999г. Стат. Ежегодник. Статкомитет СНГ.-М.: 2000. С89.6. Содружество Независимых Государств в 2000 г. Статежегодник. Статомитет СНГ - М : 2001&nbsp;&nbsp; С.&nbsp;&nbsp; 13,&nbsp; 23, 25, 27, 29, 86.</p> <p>9. Винслав. Ю. Утверждая научные принципы убавления интегрированными корпорациями// Российский экономический журнал. &mdash; 2001. &mdash; №10</p> <p>10.: Шурубович&nbsp;&nbsp; А., Ушакова&nbsp;&nbsp; Н. Присутствие российского капитала на постсоветском экономическом пространстве/ Проблемы постсоветских стран. Вып. 4. &mdash; М, ИМЭПИ РАН, 2002.</p> <p>13..,: Кириченко. В.Эволюция и перспективы экономических отношений&nbsp; со странами СНГ// Российский экономический журнал. &mdash; 1995. &mdash; № 1;</p> <p>14.Смитиенко Б. М., Поспелова В. К. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность. - М. 2002. С. 177</p> <p>15. Синельников С. Бюджетный кризис в России 1985-1995 годы. М.: &laquo;Евразия&raquo;, 1995.</p> <p>16.Гайдар Е.Т. &ldquo;Аномалии экономического роста&rdquo;. М., Евразия, 1997</p> <p>17.Гайдар Е. Экономические реформы и иерархические структуры. М., Наука,1990</p> <p>18.Гайдар Е. &laquo;Экономика переходного периода. Очерки экономической политки посткоммунистической России (1991-1997гг.)</p> <p>19.Gaidar E. Inflationary Pressure and Economic Reform in the Soviet Union. - Economic Transition in Eastern Europe. Oxford. 1993</p> <p>20.Sutela P. Economic Thought and Economic Reform in the Soviet Union. Cambridge. 1991стр.34</p> <p>&nbsp;21.Ципко А.С. Некоторые философские аспекты теории социализма. М.: Наука, 1983.</p> <p>22.Цыбуков В. Проблемы правопреемства в Содружестве Независимых Государств. - М., 1994.</p> <p>&nbsp;23.Торкунов А.В. &quot;Современные международные отношения&quot;, М1999, стр.426</p> <p>24.After the Soviet Union. From Empire to Nations / T.J.Colton, R.Legvold (eds). - N.Y. - L., 1992.</p> <p>&nbsp;25.Косикова Л. Приватизация на Украине: тенденции, проблемы, внешний фактор// Вестник Содружества. &ndash; 2002.- №№9-10.</p> <p>&nbsp;26.Черковец О. Возможности и перспективы экономического сближения России и Белоруссии (точка зрения российского экономиста)// Российский экономический журнал. &ndash; 2003. - №7</p> <p>27.Шурубович&nbsp;&nbsp; А., Ушакова&nbsp;&nbsp; Н. Присутствие российского капитала на постсоветском экономическом пространстве/ Проблемы постсоветских стран. Вып. 4. &mdash; М, ИМЭПИ РАН, 2002.</p> <p>&nbsp;28.Косикова Л. Производственное сотрудничество России с Украиной: тенденции и противоре&shy;чия// Российский экономический журнал//. &mdash; 2002. &mdash; № 2.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>29.Смитиенко Б. М., Поспелова В. К. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность. - М. 2002. С. 177</p> <p>30.Интервью министра обороны Армении Сержа Саркисяна на сайте www.regnum.ru от 18.12.2003</p> <p>&nbsp;31.Н.Гнатовская, Российско &ndash; армянские экономические отношения, ноябрь 2002</p> <p>&nbsp;32.Российско-армянское торгово-экономическое сотрудничество (справочная информация) МИД России, 10.02.2005 www.mid.ru</p> <p>&nbsp;33.Сергей Самохин&nbsp; Единое энергетическое пространство: от Урала до Лиссабона&nbsp; Газета РАО ЕЭС &laquo;Энергия России&raquo; № 31 (137),октябрь 2003 http://www.rao-ees.ru/ru/gazeta/index137.htm</p> <p>&nbsp;34.С.З. Жизнин Основы энергетической дипломатии Москва, 2003&nbsp; с.213</p> <p>35. Российско-армянское торгово-экономическое сотрудничество (справочная информация) МИД России, 10.02.2005 www.mid.ru</p> <p>36.http://ru.wikipedia.org</p> <p>&nbsp;37.http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/caucasus.html&nbsp; December 2004</p> <p>38.Газопровод Иран-Армения может составить конкуренцию &#39;Голубому потоку&#39;, www.regnum.ru 07.02.2005</p> <p>&nbsp;39.&laquo;Республика Армения&raquo;, 19 марта 1999г.</p> <p>&nbsp;40.Интересы России и Европы на Кавказе совпадают: интервью Армена Дарбиняна, &#39;, www.regnum.ru 21.02.05</p> <p>41.Шульга В.А. Экономика СНГ: 10лет реформирования и интеграционного развития, М2001</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>Введение&nbsp;</p> <p>Глава 1. Экономическое пространство СССР&nbsp;</p> <p>1.1. Экономическая система СССР&nbsp;</p> <p>1.2. Распад СССР и его экономические последствия&nbsp;</p> <p>Глава 2. Образование СНГ&nbsp;</p> <p>2.1. Политические предпосылки образования СНГ&nbsp;</p> <p>2.2. Экономические предпосылки образования СНГ</p> <p>2.3. Роль РФ в экономических отношениях со странами СНГ</p> <p>Глава 3. Экономические отношения России с Арменией&nbsp;</p> <p>3.1. Товарооборот между Россией и Арменией&nbsp;</p> <p>Заключение</p> <p>Список &nbsp;литературы</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm Экономическое пространство СССР title_eng convertot_1 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_2 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_3 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_4 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_5 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_6 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_7 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_8 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_9 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_10 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_11 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_13 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_14 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_15 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_16 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_17 Экономическое пространство СССР convertot_18 Экономическое пространство СССР

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    Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;Adolescence as a Developmental Phase: A Tutorial,&quot; by Aspen Publishers Inc., Kathlen A. Whitmire, Rockville, Maryland, 2000.</p> <p>2. &quot;Adolescents&#39; Beliefs about Learning English as a Foreign Language: An Intervention Study&quot; by Fernando Silv&eacute;rio de Lima. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development, Journal of Education and Human Development, June 2014, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 829-845.</p> <p>3. &quot;A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers,&quot; by Tony Pension, TP Publications, Dublin, Ireland, 2005.</p> <p>4. &quot;A Course in Modern English Lexicology,&quot; by R. S. Ginzburg, S. S. Khidekel, G. Y. Knyazeva and A. A. Sankin, Second Edition, Moscow, 1979.</p> <p>5. &quot;A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse,&quot; by Gerard O&#39; Grady, Continuum International Publishing Group, New York, US, 2010.</p> <p>6. &quot;English Grammar,&quot; by Angela Downing and Philip Locke, Second Edition, Routledge, New York. 2006.</p> <p>7. &quot;Oxford Guide to English Grammar,&quot; by John Eastwood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2002.</p> <p>8. &quot;The Language of British Teenagers. A Preliminary Study of its Main Grammatical Features,&quot; by Ignacio M. Palacios Mart&iacute;nez, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, [email protected]</p> <p>Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies &quot;Atlanis.&quot;</p> <p>9. &quot;Translating the Use of Slang&quot; by Mads Holmsgaard Eriksen, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2010.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>CHAPTER I. ADOLESCENCE AND THE ROLE OF ADOLESCENTS IN LANGUAGE CHANGE</p> <p>1.1. Adolescence. General Characteristics.</p> <p>1.2. Different Functions of Language.</p> <p>1.3.Adolescence and Language Development.</p> <p>CHAPTER II. THE LANGUAGE OF ARMENIAN AND ENGLISH TEENAGERS</p> <p>2. 1. An Overview of the Armenian Language.</p> <p>2.2. The English Language. A General Review.</p> <p>2.3. Adolescent Language. Its Peculiarities in Armenian and English.</p> <p>CONCLUSION</p> <p>REFERENCES.</p> title_arm Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian title_eng convertot_1 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_2 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_3 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_4 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_5 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_6 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_7 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_8 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_9 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_10 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_11 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_13 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_14 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_15 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_16 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_17 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian convertot_18 Adolescent language (teentalk) in english and Armenian

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    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;Adolescence as a Developmental Phase: A Tutorial,&quot; Aspen Publishers Inc., Kathlen A. Whitmire, Rockville, Maryland, 2000.</p> <p>2. &quot;Adolescents&#39; Beliefs about Learning English as a Foreign Language: An Intervention Study,&quot; Fernando Silv&eacute;rio de Lima. Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development, Journal of Education and Human Development, June 2014, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 829-845.</p> <p>3. &quot;A Concise Grammar for English Language Teachers,&quot; Tony Pension, TP Publications, Dublin, Ireland, 2005.</p> <p>4. &quot;A Course in Modern English Lexicology,&quot; R. S. Ginzburg, S. S. Khidekel, G. Y. Knyazeva and A. A. Sankin, Second Edition, Moscow, 1979.</p> <p>5. &quot;A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse,&quot; Gerard O&#39; Grady, Continuum International Publishing Group, New York, US, 2010.</p> <p>6. &quot;English Grammar,&quot; Angela Downing and Philip Locke, Second Edition, Routledge, New York. 2006.</p> <p>7. &quot;Oxford Guide to English Grammar,&quot; John Eastwood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2002.</p> <p>8. &quot;The Language of British Teenagers. A Preliminary Study of its Main Grammatical Features,&quot; Ignacio M. Palacios Mart&iacute;nez, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, [email protected]</p> <p>Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies &quot;Atlanis.&quot;</p> <p>9. &quot;Translating the Use of Slang,&quot; Mads Holmsgaard Eriksen, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark, 2010.</p> description_2 <p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>CHAPTER I. ADOLESCENCE AND THE ROLE OF ADOLESCENTS IN LANGUAGE CHANGE</p> <p>1.1. Adolescence. General Characteristics</p> <p>1.2. The Different Functions of Language</p> <p>1.3. Adolescence and Language Development</p> <p>CHAPTER II. THE LANGUAGE OF ARMENIAN AND ENGLISH TEENAGERS</p> <p>2. 1. General Characteristics of the Armenian and English Languages</p> <p>2.2. Adolescent Language. Its Peculiarities in Armenian and English</p> <p>CONCLUSION</p> <p>BIBLIOGRAPHY</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm Adolescents title_eng convertot_1 Adolescents convertot_2 Adolescents convertot_3 Adolescents convertot_4 Adolescents convertot_5 Adolescents convertot_6 Adolescents convertot_7 Adolescents convertot_8 Adolescents convertot_9 Adolescents convertot_10 Adolescents convertot_11 Adolescents convertot_13 Adolescents convertot_14 Adolescents convertot_15 Adolescents convertot_16 Adolescents convertot_17 Adolescents convertot_18 Adolescents

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    Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;A Handbook оf Practical English Grammar Morphology,&quot; Т. Beklyarova, Lingua, Yerevan, 2007.</p> <p>2. &quot;A Handbook of Word Formation,&quot; edited by Pavol Stekauer and Rochelle Lieber, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005.</p> <p>3. &quot;An Introduction to English Morphology. Words and Their Structure,&quot; Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2002.</p> <p>4. &quot;An Introduction to Modern English Word Formation,&quot; Valerie Adams, Longman, London and New York, 1987.</p> <p>5. &quot;Beyond Morphology: Interface Conditions on Word Formation,&quot; Peter Ackema, Ad Neeleman, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.</p> <p>6. &quot;English Brainstormers: Ready-to-Use Games and Activities That Make Language Skills Fun to Learn,&quot; Jack Umstatter, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2002.</p> <p>7. &quot;Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology. The Development of -hood, -dom and -ship in the History of English,&quot; Carola Trips, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2009.</p> <p>8. &quot;Syntactic Heads and Word Formation,&quot; Marit Julien, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.</p> <p>9. &quot;Word Formation in English,&quot; Ingo Plag, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2002.</p> <p>10. &laquo;Лексикология английского языка. Учебник для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков&raquo;, Р.3. Гинзбург, С.С. Хидекель, Г.Ю. Князева, А.А. Санкин. Издательство: &laquo;Высшая школа&raquo;, Москва, 1979.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Links: </strong>http://busyteacher.org/14531-word formation-parts-of-speech-how-to-teach.html for the activities 3-7</p> <p>http://theydiffer.com/difference-between-prefix-and-suffix/</p> <p>http://www.brighthubeducation.com/esl-lesson-plans/59338-word-back-formation-list/</p> <p>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_back-formations</p> <p>https://www.dailywritingtips.com/back-formation/</p> <p>https://www.dailywritingtips.com/the-basics-of-back-formation/</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chapter I. The General Outline of the Word Formation Process in English</p> <p>1.1. Word Formation as a Means of Language Development</p> <p>1.2. The Major Means of Word Formation</p> <p>Chapter II. Back-Formation and Other Secondary Means of Word Formation</p> <p>2.1. The Secondary Means of Word Formation</p> <p>2.2. Back-Formation. General Characteristics</p> <p>Chapter III. Teaching Back-Formation in the EFL Classroom</p> <p>3.1. Tips for Teaching Back-Formation in the EFL Classroom</p> <p>3.2. The List of the Most Common Back-Formations in English</p> title_arm Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom title_eng convertot_1 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_2 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_3 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_4 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_5 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_6 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_7 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_8 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_9 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_10 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_11 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_13 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_14 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_15 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_16 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_17 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom convertot_18 Back - formation as a means of word formaton in modern english and its teaching in the efl classroom

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    Insight into English of advertising

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    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &nbsp;&quot;101 Ways to Advertise Your Business&quot;, Andrew Griffiths, Griffin Press, South Australia, 2004.</p> <p>2. &nbsp;&quot;The Language of Advertising&quot;, Angela Goddard, published in the Taylor &amp; Francis e-Library, New York, 2001.</p> <p>3. &quot;In Defense of Advertising: Arguments from Reason, Ethical Egoism, and Laissez-Faire Capitalism&quot;, Jerry Kirkpatrick, Greenwood Publishing Group, USA, 2007.</p> <p>4. &quot;Culture and Metaphors in Advertising: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United States&quot;, Pamela K. Morris, Jennifer A. Waldman, &quot;International Journal of Communication&quot; #5,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Loyola University, Chicago, 2011.</p> <p>5. &quot;The Use of Metaphors in Advertising. A Case Study and Critical Discourse Analysis of Advertisements in Cosmopolitan&quot;, Abuczki &Aacute;gnes, Kossuth Egyetemi Kiad&oacute;, 2009.</p> <p>6. &quot;Advertising and Societes. Global Issues&quot;, Katherine Toland Frith and Barbara Mueller, Peter Lang Publishing Inc., New York, USA, 2003.</p> <p>7. &quot;Advertising in Tourism and Leisure&quot;, Nigel Morgan and Annete Pritchard, Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd., Oxford, Great Britain, 2000.</p> <p>8. &quot;Processing of Advertisements by EFL College Students&quot;, Reima Sado Al-Jarf, &quot;The Reading Matrix&quot;, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2007.</p> <p>9. &quot;Consumer behaviour and Advertising Management&quot;, Mathin Khan, New Age International Ltd. New Delhi, 2006.</p> <p>10. &quot;Meanings and Metaphors&quot;, Gillian Lazar, Cambridge University Press, 2003.</p> <p>11. &quot;Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer. What Works, What doesn&#39;t, and Why&quot;, Max Sutherland, Griffin Press, Australia, 2008.</p> description_2 <p><strong>&quot;</strong><strong>INSIGHT&nbsp; INTO&nbsp; ENGLISH&nbsp; OF&nbsp; ADVERTISING</strong><strong>&quot;</strong></p> <p>CONTENTS:</p> <p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>CHAPTER I. ADVERTISEMENT</p> <p>1.1.What is the Difference between &quot;Advertisement&quot; and &quot;Advertising?&quot;</p> <p>1.2. The Style of Advertisements.</p> <p>1.3. False Advertising.</p> <p>1.4. Ethics in Advertising.</p> <p>CHAPTER II. OVERVIEW OF ADVERTISING CLAIMS</p> <p>2.1. Different Types of Advertising.</p> <p>2.2. Advertising Claims.</p> <p>2.3. Lexical and Syntactical Featues of Advertising.</p> <p>2.4. The Importance of Advertisement Slogans.</p> <p>CHAPTER III. THE LANGUAGE OF ADVERTISING</p> <p>3.1. The Language of Advertising.</p> <p>3.2. The Language of Advertising Claims.</p> <p>3.3. The Hidden Language of Advertising.</p> <p>3.4. The Use of Metaphors in Advertising.</p> <p>CONCLUSION</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> title_arm Insight into English of advertising title_eng convertot_1 Insight into English of advertising convertot_2 Insight into English of advertising convertot_3 Insight into English of advertising convertot_4 Insight into English of advertising convertot_5 Insight into English of advertising convertot_6 Insight into English of advertising convertot_7 Insight into English of advertising convertot_8 Insight into English of advertising convertot_9 Insight into English of advertising convertot_10 Insight into English of advertising convertot_11 Insight into English of advertising convertot_13 Insight into English of advertising convertot_14 Insight into English of advertising convertot_15 Insight into English of advertising convertot_16 Insight into English of advertising convertot_17 Insight into English of advertising convertot_18 Insight into English of advertising

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    Inversion in English

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;A Glossary of English Grammar,&quot; Geoffrey Leech, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2006.</p> <p>2. &quot;Analysing English Sentences. A Minimalist Approach,&quot; Andrew Radford, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 2009.</p> <p>3. &quot;An Ideal Husband. Webster&#39;s Thesaurus Edition,&quot; Oscar Wilde, ICON Classics, San Diego, 2005.</p> <p>4. &quot;An Introduction to English Grammar,&quot; Sidney Greenbaum, Gerald Nelson, Pearson Education Ltd., London, 2002.</p> <p>5. &quot;English Sentence Analysis. An Introductory Course,&quot; Marjolijn Verspoor and Kim Sauter, John Benjamins Publishing House, Amsterdam, 2000.</p> <p>6. &quot;Oxford Guide to English Grammar,&quot; John Eastwood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.</p> <p>7. &quot;Stability, Variation, and Change of Word-order Patterns Over Time,&quot; edited by Rosanna Sornicola, Erich Poppe and Ariel Shisha-Halevy, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2000.</p> <p>8. &quot;Stylistics,&quot; R. Galperin, Higher School, Moscow, 1977.</p> <p>9. &quot;Stylistics. A Resource Book for Students,&quot; Paul Simpson, Routledge, New York, 2004.</p> <p>10. &quot;The Picture of Dorian Gray. Webster&#39;s Thesaurus Edition,&quot; Oscar Wilde, ICON Classics, San Diego, 2005.</p> <p>11. &quot;Word Order Typology and Comparative Constructions,&quot; Paul Kent Andersen, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1983.</p> <p>12. &laquo;Грамматика английского языка: Морфология. Синтаксис&raquo;, Н. А. Кобрина, Е. А. Корнеева, М. И. Оссовская, К. А. Гузеева. Издательство: &laquo;Союз&raquo;, Санкт-Петербург, 1999.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Links: <a href="http://classroom.synonym.com/types-headlines-8440583.html">http://classroom.synonym.com/types-headlines-8440583.html</a></p> <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_(linguistics)">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inversion_(linguistics)</a></p> <p>http://lawebdelingles.com/nivel-b2/inversiones-en-ingles/</p> <p>http://www.literarydevices.com/inversion/</p> <p>http://literary devices.net/inversion/</p> <p><a href="http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/racing/top-stories/ecclestone-stunted-f1-says-chief-">http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/racing/top-stories/ecclestone-stunted-f1-says-chief-</a>carey/Articleshow/58516222.cms</p> <p><a href="http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/racing/top-stories/no-brexit-contingency-plan">http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/sports/racing/top-stories/no-brexit-contingency-plan</a>-says-renault-f1-boss/articleshow/58658141.cms</p> <p><a href="http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/he-said-what-britains-prince-philip-in-quotes/">http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/uk/he-said-what-britains-prince-philip-in-quotes/</a>articleshow/58516218.cms</p> <p>http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/05/09/faith-based-film-label-needs-to-go-experts-say.html</p> description_2 <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chapter 1. Inversion in the English Language</p> <p>The Types of Inversion</p> <p>The Use and Functions of Inversion</p> <p>Chapter 2. The Use of Inversion in the Newspaper Style</p> <p>The Use of Inversion in the News Headlines</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bibliography</p> title_arm Inversion in English title_eng convertot_1 Inversion in English convertot_2 Inversion in English convertot_3 Inversion in English convertot_4 Inversion in English convertot_5 Inversion in English convertot_6 Inversion in English convertot_7 Inversion in English convertot_8 Inversion in English convertot_9 Inversion in English convertot_10 Inversion in English convertot_11 Inversion in English convertot_13 Inversion in English convertot_14 Inversion in English convertot_15 Inversion in English convertot_16 Inversion in English convertot_17 Inversion in English convertot_18 Inversion in English

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    Linguistic conventions of written academic discourse

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    Oscar Wilde

    Իմանալ ավելին
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Anthroponyms British stories // Bulletin of Novgorod State University. Series &laquo;Humanities&raquo;. &ndash; 2004. &ndash; ʋ 29. &ndash; P. 65&ndash;69.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Literary sources</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>66.&nbsp; Wilde O. The Complete Plays. L.: Heinemann, 2008.</p> <p>67. Wilde O. The Happy Prince // Wilde O. Fairy Tales. М.:Радуга, 2000. -&nbsp; С. 9-17.</p> <p>68. Wilde O. The Portrait of Dorian Grey. New York. Penguin Books, 1981.</p> <p>69. Wilde O. The Remarkable Rocket&nbsp; // Wilde O. Fairy Tales. М.:Радуга, 2000. - С. 43-52.</p> <p>70. Wilde O. The Nightingale and the Rose // Wilde O. Fairy Tales. М.:Радуга, 2000. - С. 19-25.</p> <p>71.&nbsp; Wilde O. The&nbsp; Selfish Giant // Wilde O. Fairy Tales. М.:Радуга, 2000. -&nbsp; С. 26-30.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chapter 1. General Notes on Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices</p> <ol> <li>Style</li> </ol> <p>1.2. The power of Stylistic Devices in Oscar Wilde&rsquo;s plays</p> <p>Chapter 2. Lexical devices as essential part of individual style of Oscar Wilde&#39;s works</p> <p>2.1. The characteristics of&nbsp; Oscar Wilde&#39;s creativity</p> <p>2.2. Stylistic peculiarities of Oscar Wilde works</p> <p>2.3. Lexical stylistic devices in Oscar Wilde&rsquo;s works</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>References</p> title_arm Oscar Wilde title_eng convertot_1 Oscar Wilde convertot_2 Oscar Wilde convertot_3 Oscar Wilde convertot_4 Oscar Wilde convertot_5 Oscar Wilde convertot_6 Oscar Wilde convertot_7 Oscar Wilde convertot_8 Oscar Wilde convertot_9 Oscar Wilde convertot_10 Oscar Wilde convertot_11 Oscar Wilde convertot_13 Oscar Wilde convertot_14 Oscar Wilde convertot_15 Oscar Wilde convertot_16 Oscar Wilde convertot_17 Oscar Wilde convertot_18 Oscar Wilde

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    Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <ol> <li>&quot;Contemporary Peacemaking. Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction,&quot; edited by John Darby and Roger Mac Ginty, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., New York, 2008.</li> <li>&quot;Dictionary of Politics and Government,&quot; P.H. Collin, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, Cambridge, 2004.</li> <li>&quot;Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies,&quot; edited by Charles Webel and Johan Galtung, Routledge, New York, 2007.</li> <li>&quot;Handbook of Persuasive Tactics. A Practical Language Guide,&quot; Joan Mulholland, Routledge, New York, 2005.</li> <li>&quot;Improve your Communication Skills,&quot; Alan Barker, Kogan Page Ltd., London, 2011.</li> <li>&quot;Media Argumentation: Dialect, Persuasion and Rhetoric,&quot; Douglas Walton, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007.</li> <li>&quot;Metaphor and Political Discourse. Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe,&quot; Andreas Musolff, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2004.</li> <li>&quot;Metaphors We Live by,&quot; George Lakoff and Mark Johnsen, the University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 2003.</li> <li>&quot;Political Language and Metaphor. Interpreting and Changing the World,&quot; edited by Terrell Carver and Jernej Pikalo, Routledge, New York, 2008.</li> <li>&quot;Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action,&quot; Routledge, New York, 1994.</li> <li>&quot;Political Language and Metaphor: Interpreting and Changing the World,&quot; edited by Terrell Carver and Jernej Pikalo, Routledge, New York, 2008.</li> <li>&quot;Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation. A Cognitive Approach,&quot; edited by Francesco Aquilar and Mauro Galluccio, Springer, New York and London, 2011.</li> <li>&quot;The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought,&quot; edited by Raymond W. Gibbs, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008.</li> <li>&quot;The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitudes in the 21-st Century,&quot; Richard M. Perloff, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., New Jersey, 2003.</li> <li>&quot;The Power of Words in International Relations. Birth of an Anti-Whaling Discourse,&quot; Charlotte Epstein, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2008.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chapter I. A General Overview of the Peace Negotiations</p> <p>1.1. Peace Negotiations. General Characteristics</p> <p>1.2. The Psychological and Political Strategies for the Peace Negotiations</p> <p>Chapter II. The Role of the Metaphors in the Field of the Peace Negotiations</p> <p>2.1. The Political Language and the Metaphors</p> <p>2.2. The Use of the Metaphors in the Field of the Peace Negotiations</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bibliography</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations title_eng convertot_1 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_2 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_3 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_4 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_5 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_6 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_7 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_8 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_9 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_10 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_11 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_13 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_14 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_15 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_16 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_17 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations convertot_18 Peruasive Effects of Political Metaphors in the Arena of Contemporany. Peace Negotiations

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    Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. Austin J.L. &quot;How to do Things with Words,&quot; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962.</p> <p>2. Bender Y. &quot;The Power of Positive Teaching. 35 Successful Strategies for Active and Enthusiastic Classroom Participation,&quot; Nomad Press, Chicago, 2004.</p> <p>3. Gage N. &quot;A Conception of Teaching,&quot; Springer Publishing House, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2008.</p> <p>4. Goodwyn A., Branson J. &quot;Teaching English: A Handbook for Primary and Secondary School Teachers,&quot; Routledge, New York, 2005.</p> <p>5. Kerns T., Knight-Mendelson M. &quot;ESL New Teacher Resource Guide,&quot; American Institutes for Research, California, 2004.</p> <p>6. Leithwood K., Beatty B. &quot;Leading with Teacher Emotions in Mind,&quot; Corwin Press, California, 2008.</p> <p>7. Medwell J., Wray D. &quot;Primary English Teaching Theory and Practice,&quot; Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, 2009.</p> <p>8. Petrina S. &quot;Advanced Teaching Methods for the Technology Classroom,&quot; Information Science Publishing, Hershey, USA, 2007.</p> <p>9. Richards J.C., Renandya W.A. &quot;Methodology in Language Teaching. An Anthology of Current Practice,&quot; Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006.</p> <p>10. Searle J.R. &quot;Consciousness and Language,&quot; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.</p> <p>11. Tatham M., Morton K. &quot;Expression in Speech. Analysis and Synthesis,&quot; Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.</p> <p>12. Thurston C.M. &quot;Ideas That Really Work! Activities for English and Language Arts,&quot; &nbsp;Cottonwood Press, Colorado, 2009.</p> <p>13. West K. &quot;Inspired English Teaching. A Practical Guide for Teachers,&quot; Continuum International Publishing Group, London, 2010.</p> <p>14. Wragg E.C. &quot;The Routledge Falmer Reader in Teaching and Learning,&quot; Routledge Falmer, New York, 2004.</p> <p>15. Wright A., Betteridge D. &quot;Games for Language Learning,&quot; Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006.</p> <p>16. Wyse D., Jones R. &quot;Teaching English, Language and Literacy,&quot; Routledge, New York, 2001.</p> <p>17. Գասպարյան Գ., Հովհաննիսյան Ն., Քաջբերունի Հ. &laquo;Անգլերեն լեզու: Հանրակրթական դպրոցի 8-րդ դասարանի դասագիրք&raquo;, &laquo;Մանմար&raquo; հրատարակչություն, Երևան, 2015.</p> <p>18. Աստվածատրյան Մ.Գ. &laquo;Օտար լեզուների դասավանդման մեթոդիկա&raquo;, Երևան, 1985:</p> description_2 <p>Introduction</p> <p>Chapter I. The Role of Motivation in Language Achievement</p> <p>1.1. Motivation in Foreign Language Learning</p> <p>1.2. The Formation and Development of Motivation among Foreign Language Learners</p> <p>1. 3. Music as a Way of Motivation in the Learning Process</p> <p>Chapter II. The Role of Positive Emotions in Learning Foreign Languages</p> <p>1.1. The Motivational Properties of Emotions in Foreign Language Learning</p> <p>2.2. Cultivating a Supportive Learning Environment for Learning Foreign Languages</p> <p>2.3. Some Effective Teaching Methods Used in the Classroom</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bibliography</p> title_arm Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language title_eng convertot_1 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_2 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_3 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_4 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_5 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_6 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_7 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_8 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_9 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_10 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_11 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_13 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_14 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_15 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_16 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_17 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language convertot_18 Positive Emotions in learning a foreign Language

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    The economic review of automobile industry

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <ol> <li>Amy Gallo, 2015, A refresher on debt-to -equity ratio,&nbsp;Harvard Business Review,&nbsp;accessed on February 14, 2017.</li> <li>APJEM ArthPrabhand, 2013:&nbsp;A Journal of Economics and Management,&nbsp;Vol.2 Issue 8 August 2013, ISSN 2278-0629 Pinnacle Research Journals 55.</li> <li>DwiMartani, Mulyono, RahfianiKhairurizka( Jun, 2009) The effect of financial ratios, firm size, and cash flow from operating activities in the interim report to the stock return,) Chinese Business Review, Jun. 2009, Volume 8, o.6 , 44-53.</li> <li>Eswar S. Prasad, Kenneth Rogoff, Shang-Jin Wei, and M.AyhanKose&nbsp; Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some Empirical Evidence. International Monetary Fund], 2003.&nbsp; p. 220)</li> <li>Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda Ross Levine Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 35, No. 2. 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K, Mobeen Ur R., 2014&nbsp; IMPACT OF LIQUIDITY &amp; SOLVENCY ON PROFITABILITY CHEMICAL SECTOR OF PAKISTAN EMI, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2014 ISSN: 1804-1299</li> </ol> <p>http://www.accountingtools.com/questions-and-answers/solvency-ratio</p> <p><a href="http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-financial-ratios-3973.htmlhttp:/www.accountingplay.com/debt-solvency-ratios/">http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-financial-ratios-3973.htmlhttp://www.accountingplay.com/debt-solvency-ratios/</a></p> <p>http://annualreport2014.volkswagenag.com/divisions/brands-and-business-fields.html</p> <p><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimler_AG">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimler_AG</a></p> <p>https://www.linkedin.com/company/daimler</p> <p><a href="http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/revenue-">http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/revenue-</a></p> <p>https://www.tutor2u.net/business/reference/strategic-positioning-bowmans-strategy</p> <p>https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2016/01/13/the-year-that-was-volkswagen-2/#324c0116245a</p> <p>http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-12-419_en.htm</p> <p>https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2016/01/13/the-year-that-was-volkswagen-2/#e8c5b21245a9</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p><strong>A</strong>BSTRACT&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>1. INTRODUCTION&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>2. ANALYSIS PART A.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2.1 PROFITABILITY&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2.2 EFFICIENCY&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2.3 LIQUIDITY&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2.4 SOLVENCY&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2.5 CONCLUSIONS&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>3. ANALYSIS PART B&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>4. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>5. REFERENCES&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>6. APPENDIX&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm The economic review of automobile industry title_eng convertot_1 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_2 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_3 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_4 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_5 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_6 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_7 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_8 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_9 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_10 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_11 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_13 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_14 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_15 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_16 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_17 The economic review of automobile industry convertot_18 The economic review of automobile industry

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    The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;The Lecturers&#39; Questions and the Students&#39; Perception of the Lecture Comprehension&quot; by Jaana Suvinitty, the University of Helsinki and Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Helsinki English Studies, 2010.</p> <p>2. &quot;Rhetoric for Beginners: Using Advertisements to Introduce Rhetoric&quot; by Sandra Effinger. Personal Professional Website: <a href="http://www.mseffie.com">http://www.mseffie.com</a></p> <p>3. &quot;Argument-Adjunct Asymmetries in Rhetorical Questions&quot; by Rajesh Bhatt, the University of Delaware, October 18, 1998.</p> <p>4. &quot;Rhetoric&quot; by Aristotle. Translated by W. Rhys Roberts.</p> <p>5. &quot;Typology of Rhetorical Questions as a Stylistic Device in Writing,&quot; Taiwo O. Abioye,&nbsp; &quot;The International Journal of Language Society and Culture,&quot; Issue 29, Nigeria, 2009.</p> <p>6. &quot;Oxford Guide to English Grammar,&quot; John Eastwood, Oxford University Press, UK, 1994.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> description_2 <p>INTRODUCTION</p> <p>CHAPTER I. A GENERAL REVIEW OF RHETORICAL QUESTIONS.</p> <p>1.1.What is a Rhetorical Question?</p> <p>1.2. The Meaning of Rhetorical Questions.</p> <p>1.3. Rhetorical Questions as Indirect Speech Acts.</p> <p>CHAPTER II. THE USE OF RHETORICAL QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH.</p> <p>2.1. The Types of Rhetorical Questions.</p> <p>2.2. Rhetorical Devices.</p> <p>2.3. The Use of Rhetorical Questions in English.</p> <p>CONCLUSION</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english title_eng convertot_1 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_2 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_3 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_4 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_5 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_6 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_7 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_8 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_9 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_10 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_11 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_13 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_14 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_15 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_16 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_17 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english convertot_18 The functions of rhetorical questions in modern english

    Դիպլոմային | Անգլերեն

    The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english

    Իմանալ ավելին
    referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. &quot;Macmillan English Grammar in Context,&quot; Michael Vince, Macmillan Publishers Limited, Oxford, UK, 2007.</p> <p>2. &quot;Oxford Guide to English Grammar,&quot; John Eastwood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2002.</p> <p>3. &quot;The Structure of Modern English,&quot; B. A. Ilyish, Second Edition, Publishing House &nbsp;&quot;Prosveshcheniye,&quot; Leningrad, 1971.</p> <p>4. &laquo;Грамматика английского языка&raquo;, В. Л. Каушанская, Р. Л. Ковнер и др., Издательство: Айрис-пресс, 2008.</p> <p>5. &laquo;Теоретическая грамматика английского языка&raquo;, М. Я. Блох, Издательство: Высшая школа, Москва, 1983.</p> <p>6. &laquo;Грамматика современного английского языка&raquo;, Е. М. Гордон, И. П. Крылова. Издательство: Высшая школа, Москва, 2003.</p> <p>7. &laquo;Современный английский язык. Морфология и синтаксис&raquo;, О. В. Александрова, Т. А. Комова. Издательство: Академия, Москва, 2007.</p> description_2 <p>Introduction.</p> <p>Chapter I. The Verb in Modern English. General Characteristics.</p> <p>1.1. The Verb as a Part of Speech and Its Grammatical Categories.</p> <p>1.2. The Use of the Verb &quot;To Have&quot; in Modern English.</p> <p>Chapter II. The Use of Inclusive and Exclusive Perfect Forms in Modern English.</p> <p>2.1. The Use of the Perfect Forms in English.</p> <p>2.2. The Use of the Perfect Continuous Forms in English.</p> <p>2.3. The Inclusive and Exclusive Meanings of the Perfect Forms in Modern English.</p> <p>Conclusion.</p> <p>Bibliography.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> title_arm The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english title_eng convertot_1 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_2 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_3 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_4 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_5 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_6 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_7 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_8 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_9 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_10 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_11 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_13 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_14 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_15 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_16 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_17 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english convertot_18 The inclusive and exclusive meanings of the perfect forms in modern english


    Եթե չեք գտել նյութը դուք կարող եք պատվիրել այն Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի