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Style of Business Correspondence
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm Style of Business Correspondence title_eng Style of Business Correspondence convertot_1 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_2 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_3 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_4 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_5 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_6 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_7 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_8 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_9 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_10 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_11 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_13 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_14 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_15 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_16 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_17 Style of Business Correspondence convertot_18 Style of Business Correspondence
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Pecularities of Email Writing
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
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1. Email and webmail
title_arm Pecularities of Email Writing title_eng Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_1 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_2 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_3 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_4 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_5 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_6 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_7 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_8 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_9 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_10 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_11 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_13 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_14 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_15 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_16 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_17 Pecularities of Email Writing convertot_18 Pecularities of Email Writing
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Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Abdou, Geneve and Jonathan Lyons. Answering only to God: Faith and Freedom in 21st Century Iran. NewYork: John Macrae, Henry Holt & Co. 2003.
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Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations
title_arm Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations title_eng Iranian Internal and Foreign Relations convertot_1 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_2 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_3 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_4 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_5 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_6 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_7 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_8 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_9 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_10 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_11 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_13 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_14 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_15 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_16 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_17 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations convertot_18 Iranian Internal Politics and Foreign Relations
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referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
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title_arm Sapphire title_eng Sapphire convertot_1 Sapphire convertot_2 Sapphire convertot_3 Sapphire convertot_4 Sapphire convertot_5 Sapphire convertot_6 Sapphire convertot_7 Sapphire convertot_8 Sapphire convertot_9 Sapphire convertot_10 Sapphire convertot_11 Sapphire convertot_13 Sapphire convertot_14 Sapphire convertot_15 Sapphire convertot_16 Sapphire convertot_17 Sapphire convertot_18 Sapphire
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Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Arnold I.V. “Стилистика современного английского языка”. Л., 1973.
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Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style
title_arm Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style title_eng Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_1 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_2 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_3 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_4 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_5 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_6 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_7 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_8 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_9 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_10 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_11 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_13 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_14 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_15 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_16 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_17 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style convertot_18 Syntagmatic peculiarities of publicistic style
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The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Council of Biology Editors (CBE) (Editor), 1994. Scientific style and format. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
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3. Kirman, J., 1992. Good style: writing for science and technology. E. & F.N. Spon, London
4. O'Conner, M. and Woodford, F.P., 1976. Writing scientific papers in English. Elsevier, Amsterdam
The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles
title_arm The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles title_eng The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_1 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_2 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_3 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_4 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_5 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_6 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_7 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_8 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_9 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_10 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_11 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_13 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_14 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_15 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_16 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_17 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles convertot_18 The Structure and Style of Scientific Articles
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world rivers
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Penn, James R., Rivers of the world : a social, geographical, and environmental, sourcebook 2001
2. Luna B. Leopold, A View of the River. Harvard University Press, 1994
3. Middleton, Nick Rivers: a very short introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
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6. http:// www.noaa.gov – NOAA
7. http://oceanography.ru/ - ГОИН
World Rivers
title_arm world rivers title_eng world rivers convertot_1 world rivers convertot_2 world rivers convertot_3 world rivers convertot_4 world rivers convertot_5 world rivers convertot_6 world rivers convertot_7 world rivers convertot_8 world rivers convertot_9 world rivers convertot_10 world rivers convertot_11 world rivers convertot_13 world rivers convertot_14 world rivers convertot_15 world rivers convertot_16 world rivers convertot_17 world rivers convertot_18 world rivers
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The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Council of Biology Editors (CBE) (Editor), 1994. Scientific style and format. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2. Day, R.A. (Editor), 1994. How to write and publish a scientific articles. Oryx Pr., Phoenix,
3. Kirkman, J., 1992. Good style: writing for science and technology. E. & F.N. Spon, London
4. O'Conner, M. and Woodford, F.P., 1976. Writing scientific papers in English. Elsevier, Amsterdam
5. (www.writingenglish.com/englishlang.com)
1. The Style Of Scientific Articles
2. The Structure Of Scientific Articles
title_arm The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles title_eng The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_1 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_2 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_3 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_4 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_5 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_6 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_7 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_8 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_9 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_10 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_11 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_13 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_14 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_15 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_16 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_17 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles convertot_18 The Structure And Style Of Scientific Articles
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referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Lars Colschen: Deutsche Außenpolitik. Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn 2010
2. Gregor Schöllgen: Die Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. 3. Auflage, C.H. Beck, München 2008
3. http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Startseite_node.html (die Seite des auswärtigen Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
title_arm Deutschland title_eng Deutschland convertot_1 Deutschland convertot_2 Deutschland convertot_3 Deutschland convertot_4 Deutschland convertot_5 Deutschland convertot_6 Deutschland convertot_7 Deutschland convertot_8 Deutschland convertot_9 Deutschland convertot_10 Deutschland convertot_11 Deutschland convertot_13 Deutschland convertot_14 Deutschland convertot_15 Deutschland convertot_16 Deutschland convertot_17 Deutschland convertot_18 Deutschland
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Gricean Norms of Communication
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Grice, H.P. (1975).Logic and conversation’ In Cole, P. et al Syntax and
2. Semantics, Volume 3. New York: Academic Press. pp. 41-58.
3. Yule, G. (1996). Pragmatics’: Oxford University Press
Sources of Internet Data
1. http://hancommtheory.blogspot.com/2012/04/maxim-of-joke-telling.html
2. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/linguistics/WPL/WP2000/Davies.pdf Bethan Davies, “Grice’s Cooperative Principle: Getting the Meaning Across”
Gricean Norms of Communication
title_arm Gricean Norms of Communication title_eng Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_1 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_2 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_3 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_4 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_5 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_6 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_7 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_8 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_9 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_10 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_11 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_13 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_14 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_15 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_16 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_17 Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_18 Gricean Norms of Communication
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Arab spring
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Hamid Dabashi- The Arab Spring:The end of Postcolonialism
2. Toby Manhire - Rebellion, revolution and a new world order
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Arab Spring
title_arm Arab spring title_eng Arab spring convertot_1 Arab spring convertot_2 Arab spring convertot_3 Arab spring convertot_4 Arab spring convertot_5 Arab spring convertot_6 Arab spring convertot_7 Arab spring convertot_8 Arab spring convertot_9 Arab spring convertot_10 Arab spring convertot_11 Arab spring convertot_13 Arab spring convertot_14 Arab spring convertot_15 Arab spring convertot_16 Arab spring convertot_17 Arab spring convertot_18 Arab spring
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Women in Politics
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Women in Politics
title_arm Women in Politics title_eng Women in Politics convertot_1 Women in Politics convertot_2 Women in Politics convertot_3 Women in Politics convertot_4 Women in Politics convertot_5 Women in Politics convertot_6 Women in Politics convertot_7 Women in Politics convertot_8 Women in Politics convertot_9 Women in Politics convertot_10 Women in Politics convertot_11 Women in Politics convertot_13 Women in Politics convertot_14 Women in Politics convertot_15 Women in Politics convertot_16 Women in Politics convertot_17 Women in Politics convertot_18 Women in Politics
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Gricean Norms of Communication-1
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
1. Grice, H.P. (1975).Logic and conversation’ In Cole, P. et al Syntax and
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3. Yule, G. (1996).Pragmatics’: Oxford University Press
Sources of Internet Data
1. http://hancommtheory.blogspot.com/2012/04/maxim-of-joke-telling.html
2. http://www.leeds.ac.uk/linguistics/WPL/WP2000/Davies.pdf Bethan Davies, “Grice’s Cooperative
Principle: Getting the Meaning Across”
Gricean Norms of Communication
title_arm Gricean Norms of Communication-1 title_eng Gricean Norms of Communication convertot_1 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_2 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_3 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_4 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_5 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_6 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_7 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_8 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_9 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_10 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_11 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_13 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_14 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_15 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_16 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_17 Gricean Norms of Communication-1 convertot_18 Gricean Norms of Communication-1
Ռեֆերատ | Այլ լեզուներ
Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences
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1. Difference between Child and Adult Learners
2. Difficulties in Pronunciation
title_arm Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences title_eng Child and adult pronunciation differences convertot_1 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_2 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_3 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_4 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_5 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_6 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_7 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_8 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_9 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_10 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_11 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_13 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_14 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_15 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_16 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_17 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences convertot_18 Child and Adult Pronunciation Differences
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The numerals
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 description_2 title_arm The numerals title_eng The numerals convertot_1 The numerals convertot_2 The numerals convertot_3 The numerals convertot_4 The numerals convertot_5 The numerals convertot_6 The numerals convertot_7 The numerals convertot_8 The numerals convertot_9 The numerals convertot_10 The numerals convertot_11 The numerals convertot_13 The numerals convertot_14 The numerals convertot_15 The numerals convertot_16 The numerals convertot_17 The numerals convertot_18 The numerals
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Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի