kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1
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4. Buzarov V. V. Essentials of Conversational English Syntax. Moscow, 1998.
5. Brayant M. A Functional English Grammar. N. Y., 1945
6. Curme G. O. A Grammar of the English Language. N. Y., 1935
7.Galperin I.R. Stylistics. Moscow, Vishaja shcola, 1981
8. Guzeeva K. A. An English Grammar. Moscow ,1986
9. Ilish B. A. The Structure of Modern English. Leningrad, 1971
10. Ivanova I. P, Zhigaldo V. N. Modern English Grammar in Theory. Moskva-Leningrad, 1961.
11. Ivan A. Sag and Thomas Wasow Syntactic Theory. Stanford, 1999.
12. Jespersen O.. Analitic Syntax. New York, 1969
13.Kaushanskaya V. A Grammar of the English Language Leningrad, 1976
14.Kruisinga E. A Handbook of Present- Day English. Groningen, 1931
15. Lyons J. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge University Press, 1968
16. Mkhitaryan E., Hambartsoumyan N., Avakyan N., Markaryan A. Basic Engish Grammar. Syntax. Yerevan, 2011.
17 Mkhitaryan E., Chubaryan A. Theoretical Engilsh Grammar. Yerevan, 2008
18.Quirk R. A University Grammar of English. Moscow 1982
19. Skrebnev Yu. M. Typical Syntactical Construction of English Colloquial Speech. Moscow, 1965
20. Sweet H. A New English Grammar, Logical and Historical. Oxford ,1964
Internet sources
1.. sentences /
7. 8.
Chapter1: 1. The Sentence And Its Structure
Chapter 2: 2. One-member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English
2.1 One-member sentences
2.2 Elliptical sentences
Internet Sources
title_arm One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English title_eng convertot_1 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_2 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_3 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_4 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_5 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_6 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_7 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_8 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_9 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_10 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_11 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_13 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_14 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_15 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_16 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_17 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English convertot_18 One-Member and Elliptical Sentences in Modern English