Ռեֆերատ | Իրավաբանություն
Քրեական դատավարության համակարգը և փուլերը
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1. ՀՀ Քրեական դատավարության օրենսգիրք<br />
2. Լալայան Կ. Ա. – ՀՀ Քրեական դատավարության իրավունք, Երևան, 2001<br />
3. Уголовное право, под редакцией Суханова Е.А. , М. 1998г.<br />
4. Уголовний процесс. Учебник. Издание второе, переработанное и дополненное. Под редакцией В.А. Мусина, И.А. Чечериной, Д.М. Чечёта. – М.: «Проспектե, 1999<br />
5. Уголовний процесс. Учебник для вузов. Отв. Редактор проф. Осипов Ю.К. –М.: Издательство «БЕКե, 1996<br />
6. Уголовное процессуальное право России: Учебник. // Под редакцией М.С. Шакаряна.- М.: Юристъ, 2002<br />
7. Мельников С.А. Курс уголовного процессуального права. Т.1: Общая часть. - М.: «Юридическая литератураե, 1998</p>
description_2 <p>Ներածություն</p>
<p>1. Քրեական դատավարության համակարգը և փուլերը</p>
<p>Օգտագործված գրականության ցանկ</p>
title_arm Քրեական դատավարության համակարգը և փուլերը title_eng convertot_1 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_2 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_3 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_4 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_5 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_6 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakargy EV pulery convertot_7 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_8 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_9 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_10 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakargy EV pulery convertot_11 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_13 Qreakan datavarutjan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_14 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_15 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_16 Qreakan datavarytyan hamakarg@ EV pyler@ convertot_17 Kreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ EV puler@ convertot_18 Qreakan datavarutyan hamakarg@ YEV puler@
Ռեֆերատ | Տնտեսագիտություն
Օպերատիվ տնտեսական վերլուծության առանձնահատկությունները
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><br />
1. Առաքելյան Կ. Ա.Կազմակերպության տնտեսական գործունեության վերլուծություն£ Երևան« Զանգակ-97« 2006թ.<br />
2. Ա. Գ. Ճուղուրյան Կառավարչական հաշվառում Երևան ՙՏնտեսագետ՚ 2005թ.</p>
<p>3. Ефимова О. В. Финансовий анализ: методы и процедуры. М. ФиС. 2001г:</p>
description_2 <p>Ներածություն</p>
<p>Օպերատիվ տնտեսական վերլուծության առանձնահատկությունները</p>
<p>Օգտագործած գրականության ցանկ</p>
title_arm Օպերատիվ տնտեսական վերլուծության առանձնահատկությունները title_eng convertot_1 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_2 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arandznahatkutyunner@ convertot_3 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_4 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_5 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_6 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunnery convertot_7 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_8 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_9 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_10 Operativ tntesakan verlutsutyan aranznahatkutyunnery convertot_11 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_13 Operativ tntesakan verlucutjan arancnahatkutjunner@ convertot_14 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_15 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_16 Operativ tntesakan verlycytyan arancnahatkytyynner@ convertot_17 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@ convertot_18 Operativ tntesakan verlucutyan arancnahatkutyunner@
Ռեֆերատ | Տնտեսագիտություն
Օֆշորների առաջացումը և նշանակությունը
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p>1.Климовец О.В.Международный оффшорный бизнес. –Ростов-на-Дону:Феникс, 2004.</p>
<p>2.Макаров В.В., Макарова Ю.С. Организация оффшорного предпринимательства в условиях глобализации экономики. –СПб., 2001.</p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p>Ներածություն</p>
<p>Օֆշորների առաջացումը և նշանակությունը</p>
<p>Գրականության ցանկ</p>
title_arm Օֆշորների առաջացումը և նշանակությունը title_eng convertot_1 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_2 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_3 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_4 Ofzorneri arajacum@ EV nzanakutyun@ convertot_5 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_6 Ofshorneri arajacumy EV nshanakutyuny convertot_7 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_8 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_9 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_10 Ofsorneri arajacumy EV nsanakutyuny convertot_11 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_13 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutjun@ convertot_14 Ofshwrneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_15 Ofshorneri araghacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_16 Ofshorneri arajacym@ EV nshanakytyyn@ convertot_17 Ofshorneri arajacum@ EV nshanakutyun@ convertot_18 Ofshorneri arajacum@ YEV nshanakutyun@
Ռեֆերատ | Տնտեսագիտություն
Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերը
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <ol>
<li>1. Գ.Ե.Կիրակոսյան, Ի.Ե.Խլղաթյան ՙՏնտեսագիտության տեսություն՚, Երևան, Տնտեսագետ 2009թ.,<br />
2. Շ.Դ.Էվինյան ՙՁեռնարկության էկոնոմիկա՚,Երևան 2007թ.,<br />
3. Խաչատուր Սաֆարյան ՙՖինանսաարդյունաբերական խմբերի ձևավորման և զարգացման ուղիները ՀՀ-ում՚, Ատենախոսություն:<br />
4. Ինտերնետային աղբյուրներ</li>
description_2 <p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Ներածություն</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">1.Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերը</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">2.Հոլդինգային ընկերությունները</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">3.Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերի և հոլդինգային ընկերությունների ձևավորման նախադրյալները և զարգացման հեռանկարները.</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Եզրակացություն</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Օգտագործված գրականություն</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt"> </p>
title_arm Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերը title_eng convertot_1 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_2 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_3 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_4 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_5 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_6 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmbery convertot_7 Finansa-ardyunaberakan khmber@ convertot_8 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_9 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_10 Finansa-ardyunaberakan khmbery convertot_11 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_13 Finansa-ardjunaberakan xmber@ convertot_14 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_15 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_16 Finansa-ardyynaberakan xmber@ convertot_17 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@ convertot_18 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmber@
Ռեֆերատ | Տնտեսագիտություն
Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերի և հոլդինգային ընկերությունների ձևավորման նախադրյալները և զարգացման հեռանկարները
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><br />
1. Գ.Ե.Կիրակոսյան, Ի.Ե.Խլղաթյան ՙՏնտեսագիտության տեսություն՚, Երևան, Տնտեսագետ 2009թ.,<br />
2. Շ.Դ.Էվինյան ՙՁեռնարկության էկոնոմիկա՚,Երևան 2007թ.,<br />
3. Խաչատուր Սաֆարյան ՙՖինանսաարդյունաբերական խմբերի ձևավորման և զարգացման ուղիները ՀՀ-ում՚, Ատենախոսություն:<br />
4. Ինտերնետային աղբյուրներ<br />
description_2 <p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Ներածություն</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">1.Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերը</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">2.Հոլդինգային ընկերությունները</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">3.Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերի և հոլդինգային ընկերությունների ձևավորման նախադրյալները և զարգացման հեռանկարները.</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Եզրակացություն</p>
<p style="margin-left:3.6pt">Օգտագործված գրականություն</p>
title_arm Ֆինանսա-արդյունաբերական խմբերի և հոլդինգային ընկերությունների ձևավորման նախադրյալները և զարգացման հեռանկարները title_eng convertot_1 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_2 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri dzEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_3 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_4 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_5 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_6 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin ynkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalnery EV zargacman herankarnery convertot_7 Finansa-ardyunaberakan khmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman nakhadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_8 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_9 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_10 Finansa-ardyunaberakan khmberi EV holdingayin ynkerutyunneri zEVavorman nakhadryalnery EV zargacman herankarnery convertot_11 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_13 Finansa-ardjunaberakan xmberi EV holdingajin @nkerutjunneri cEVavorman naxadrjalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_14 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV hwldingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavwrman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_15 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_16 Finansa-ardyynaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerytyynneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_17 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi EV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cEVavorman naxadryalner@ EV zargacman herankarner@ convertot_18 Finansa-ardyunaberakan xmberi YEV holdingayin @nkerutyunneri cYEVavorman naxadryalner@ YEV zargacman herankarner@
Ռեֆերատ | Տնտեսագիտություն
Ֆինանսական ծառայություններ
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p> </p>
<p>1.Е.В.Виноградова, В.В.Дергачова. Международная экономика. Донецк-2005.</p>
<p>2.П.И. Серебрянников. Международная торговля на рынках услуг. М-2003.</p>
<p>3.Киреев А. П. Международная экономика – Т. 1. М.: «Международные отношения», 2002</p>
<p>4. Подкатилова Е.В. Рынок финансовых услуг и его места в структуре финансого рынка. М.:2006.</p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p>Ներածություն</p>
<p>Ֆինանսական ծառայություններ</p>
<p>Գրականության ցանկ</p>
title_arm Ֆինանսական ծառայություններ title_eng convertot_1 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_2 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_3 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_4 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_5 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_6 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_7 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_8 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_9 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_10 Finansakan tsarayutyunner convertot_11 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_13 Finansakan carajutjunner convertot_14 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_15 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_16 Finansakan carayytyynner convertot_17 Finansakan carayutyunner convertot_18 Finansakan carayutyunner
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Approximators in modern English
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>LITERATURE</strong></p>
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<p>14. Rooij R. van. Vagueness and Linguistics / R. van Rooij // Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. – 2011. – Volume 19. – Pp. 123–170.</p>
<p>15. Rowe R. Approximation Semantics and Expressive Predicate Assignment for Object-Oriented Programming (Extended Abstract) / R. Rowe, Van S. Bakel // Confrerence Absracts. – London, UK : Imperial College, 2011. – Pp. 229–230.</p>
<p>16. Santos D. The Relevance of Vagueness for Translation: Examples from English to Portuguese / D. Santos // TradTerem. – 1998. – Vol. 5. – Issue 5. – Issue 1. – Pp. 71–98.</p>
<p>17. Thomason R.H. A Semantic Theory of Adverbs / R.H. Thomason, R. Stalnaker // Linguistic Inquiry. – 1973. – Pp. 195–220.</p>
<p>18. Wierzbicka A. Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction. Expanded 2-nd Edition / A. Wierzbicka. – Berlin : Mouton de Gruyer, 2003. – 502 p.</p>
<p>19. Wierzbicka A. Lexicography and Conceptual Analysis / A. Wierzbicka. – Ann Arbor : Karoma, 1985. – Pp. x + 390.</p>
<p>20. Wierzbicka A. Precision in Vagueness: The Semantics of English Approximators / A. Wierzbicka // Journal of Pragmatics. – 1986. – 10 (2). – Pp. 597–613.</p>
<p>21. Wright C. The Epistemic Conception of Vagueness / C. Wright // TSouthern Journal of Philosophy. 2010. – Vol. 33. – Issue 1. – Pp. 133–160.</p>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Chapter 1.1. Classification of approximators in Modern English</strong></p>
<p><strong>1.2. Almost and Nearly</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 2 Hardly, Scarcely and Barely</strong></p>
<strong>Chapter 3. Kind of Sort of</strong></pre>
title_arm Approximators in modern English title_eng convertot_1 Approximators in modern English convertot_2 Approximators in modern English convertot_3 Approximators in modern English convertot_4 Approximators in modern English convertot_5 Approximators in modern English convertot_6 Approximators in modern English convertot_7 Approximators in modern English convertot_8 Approximators in modern English convertot_9 Approximators in modern English convertot_10 Approximators in modern English convertot_11 Approximators in modern English convertot_13 Approximators in modern English convertot_14 Approximators in modern English convertot_15 Approximators in modern English convertot_16 Approximators in modern English convertot_17 Approximators in modern English convertot_18 Approximators in modern English
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Confrontative study of metaphor and simile
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<li>Арнольд-Стиль и контекст-Москва;1972:125</li>
<li>Ахманова О.С..-Словарь лингвистических терминов – Москва; 1966:480-4953.</li>
<li>Гаспарян С. К..-Фигура сравнения в функциональном освещении- Ереван; 2000</li>
<li>4.Akhmanova O.S.-“Linguostylistics: Theory and Method”- MGU;1972:1965.</li>
<li>Akhmanova O.S., Izdelis R..-“What is the English we use?”- Moscow; 1978:1576.</li>
<li>Berman R..-“The Great Gatsby” and Modern Times, University of California;1996:13-397.</li>
<li>Blissert A..-The Eyes of Doctor Eckleburg: Caraway and the Fundamental Decencies in “The Great Gatsby”- Mid-Hudson Language Studies; 1985:63-658.</li>
<li>Cooper D..-Metaphor – Oxford, 19869.</li>
<li>Folks W. S..- Language and Character in “The Great Gatsby”-Baer;197710.</li>
<li>Galperin I. R..-Stylistics- Moscow; 198111.</li>
<li>Gasparian S. K., Matevosian A. I..-English Style in Action-Yerevan, LezvakanHorizon;201112.</li>
<li>Hansman C. R..- Metaphor and Art – Cambridge, 198913.</li>
<li>Jacobson R..-Two aspects of language and two types of aphasic disturbances – Mouton Publishers, 197114.</li>
<li>Kiktay E. F..- Metaphor: its cognitive force and linguistic structure– Oxford, 198715.</li>
<li>Leech G..- Linguistics and Figures of Rhetoric. Essays on Style and Language – London, 196616.</li>
<li>MacCormac E. A..-A Cognitive Theory of Metaphor – London, 198517.</li>
<li>MacCormac E. A..-Metaphor and Myth in Science and Religion – Duke UniversityPress, 197618.</li>
<li>Ortony A..- Metaphor and Thought – Cambridge University Press; 197919.</li>
<li>Ortony A..-Similes and the Asymmetry of Similarity-1980:7820.</li>
<li>Owen T..-Metaphor and related subjects – New York, Random House, 196921.</li>
<li>Sanders B. G..-Structural Imagery in “The Great Gatsby”: Metaphor and Metrix-1975:53-7522.</li>
<li>Simpson P.-Stylistics – London-New York:2006</li>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Chapter 1</strong></p>
<p><strong>1.1 General Notes on Style and Stylistics</strong></p>
<p><strong>1.2 The Basic Concepts and Categories of Linguo-stylistics</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 2. Metaphor and Simile</strong></p>
<p><strong>“A newly-discovered metaphor shines like a jewel in a drab vocabulary.”</strong></p>
<p><strong>(Sir Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words)</strong></p>
<p><strong>“Things are best of all learned by simile.”</strong></p>
<p><strong>(G. Belinsky, Russian specialist in literature)</strong></p>
title_arm Confrontative study of metaphor and simile title_eng convertot_1 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_2 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_3 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_4 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_5 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_6 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_7 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_8 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_9 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_10 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_11 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_13 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_14 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_15 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_16 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_17 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile convertot_18 Confrontative study of metaphor and simile
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Double predicate
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>References:</strong></p>
<p>Dragomirescu, Gh. N. (1962). `Atributul predicativ în limba română` In:<em> </em><em>Limbă și literatură</em>, no. 6, 1962 (p. 99-121). București: Societatea de Științe Filologice din România.</p>
<p>Demonte, V. (1999).<em> </em><em>Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española.</em><em> </em>Madrid: Real Academia Española.</p>
<p>Florea, L. (2000). `Au-delà de la phrase simple. L`attribut „second degré”` In: <em>Studia Universitatis «Babeș-Bolyai»</em>, no. 45, 2000 (p. 61-80). Cluj-Napoca: Sfera<em>.</em></p>
<p>Niță, S. (1958a). `Le „doplnok” et son correspondent en roumain` In: <em>Romanoslavica</em>, no. 1, 1958 (p. 63-69). București: Academia de Științe Filologice din Republica Socialistă România.</p>
<p>Niță, S. (1958b). `Predicatul circumstanțial` In: <em>Limba română</em>, no. 7, 1958 (p. 93-98). București: Societatea de Științe Filologice din România.</p>
<p>Sechehaye, Al. (1950). <em>Essai sur la structure logique de la phrase</em>. Paris: Champion.</p>
<p>Tesnière, L. (1959). <em>Eléments de syntaxe structurale</em>. Paris: Klincksieck.</p>
description_2 title_arm Double predicate title_eng convertot_1 Double predicate convertot_2 Double predicate convertot_3 Double predicate convertot_4 Double predicate convertot_5 Double predicate convertot_6 Double predicate convertot_7 Double predicate convertot_8 Double predicate convertot_9 Double predicate convertot_10 Double predicate convertot_11 Double predicate convertot_13 Double predicate convertot_14 Double predicate convertot_15 Double predicate convertot_16 Double predicate convertot_17 Double predicate convertot_18 Double predicate
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
English grammar usage in law
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>References</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<li>Bain Butler, D. (2013). <em>Strategies for clarity in legal writing</em>.,</li>
<li><a href="http://www.toles.co.uk/pages/toles-and-other-legal-english-exams.php">"Legal English TOLES Exam English For Lawyers"</a><cite>.</cite> <cite>TOLES</cite><em>. Retrieved</em> <em>5 April</em> <em>2015</em><cite>.</cite></li>
<li>Bryan Garner's <em>Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage</em> (Oxford University Press).</li>
description_2 <p><strong>Contents</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>English grammar usage in law</strong></p>
title_arm English grammar usage in law title_eng convertot_1 English grammar usage in law convertot_2 English grammar usage in law convertot_3 English grammar usage in law convertot_4 English grammar usage in law convertot_5 English grammar usage in law convertot_6 English grammar usage in law convertot_7 English grammar usage in law convertot_8 English grammar usage in law convertot_9 English grammar usage in law convertot_10 English grammar usage in law convertot_11 English grammar usage in law convertot_13 English grammar usage in law convertot_14 English grammar usage in law convertot_15 English grammar usage in law convertot_16 English grammar usage in law convertot_17 English grammar usage in law convertot_18 English grammar usage in law
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <h1><span style="font-size:14px">Bibliography</span></h1>
<p> </p>
<li>Арнольд И.В. “The English Word”, Москва «Высшая школа», 1973</li>
<li>Кунин A.B. Английская фразеология. M., 1970.</li>
<li>Cмирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка.M., 1956. С. 33.</li>
<li>Attardo, Salvatore. 1994. <em>Linguistic Theories of Humor. </em>Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter</li>
<li>Barbe, Katharina. 1995. <em>Irony in Context</em>. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co.</li>
<li>Bengt, A. <em>On the Phraseology of Spoken English: The Evidence of Recurrent Word-Combinations.</em>Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.</li>
<li>Bolinger, Dwight. The Phrasal Verb in English. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971.</li>
<li>Chafe, Wallace. 1994.<em>Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. </em>Chicago: University of Chicago Press</li>
<li>Croft, W. and A. Cruse. 2004. <em>Cognitive Linguistics. </em>Cambridge: Cambridge University</li>
<li> </li>
<li>Cowie, A.P., and R. Mackin. Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.</li>
<li>Collins V. «А Book of English Idioms»</li>
<li>Crystal, David. Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.</li>
<li>English idioms in: Logan Smith. Words and Idioms. London, 1928.</li>
<li>Fowler, H. WORD The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage. 3<sup>rd</sup> ed. edited by R. WORD Burchfield. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.</li>
<li>Fernando, C. <em>Idioms and Idiomacity</em>. London: Penguin Books, 1996.</li>
<li>Jespersen O.A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles.London, 1946.Pt. VI.P. 137.</li>
<li>Jackendoff, R. (1997). The architecture of the language faculty. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.</li>
<li>Joos, Martin. The English Verb: Form and Meanings. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.</li>
<li>Kindstrand J. F. "The Greek Concept of Proverbs," "Parallel Proverbs" (1964).</li>
<li>Karapetyan, K. <em>Idiomatic English: Similes</em>. Yerevan, Yerevan State University Press, 2011.</li>
<li>Kolln, Martha and Robert Funk. Understanding English Grammar. 5<sup>th</sup> ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.</li>
<li>Kruisinga E. A Handbook of Present-Day English.Gröningen, 1932. Pt. II. P. 72; </li>
<li>McArthur, Tom, ed. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.</li>
<li>McCarthy, M. <em>English Vocabulary in Use</em>. Cambridge University Press, 1994.</li>
<li>Pulman S. The recognition and interpretation of idioms. University of Cambridge,1986.</li>
<li>Raskin, Victor. 1985. <em>Semantic Mechanisms of Humor. </em>Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Pub. Co.</li>
<li>Saeed, John I. <em>Semantics. 2nd edition</em>. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.</li>
<li>Seidl, J. <em>English Idioms</em>. London: Oxford University Press, 1997.</li>
<li>Swan, M. <em>Practical English Usage.</em> Oxford University press, 1995.</li>
<li>Saeed, John I. (2003), Semantics. 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell.</li>
<li>Vinogradov V.V.. Investigation of English phraseology A.V. Kunin (A.B. Кунин).</li>
<li>Wilson, Alan and Gene Dennison. 1970. <em>Laughter: The Navajo Way. </em>Gallup: University of New Mexico Press.</li>
<li>Witherspoon, Gary. 1980. "Language In Culture and Culture In Language." <em>International</em></li>
<p><em>Journal of American Linguistics</em>. New York.</p>
<li>The American Heritage Dictionary. 2nd college ed. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1985.</li>
<li>Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2003).</li>
<li>Dictionary of English idioms and idiomatic expressions: <a href="http://www.usingenglish.com.reference/idioms/">www.usingenglish.com.reference/idioms</a>.</li>
<li>The Advanced Learner's Dictionary by A. Hornby, E. Gatenby, H. Wake-field;</li>
<li>The Universal English Dictionary by H. Wild and General Service List of English Words with Semantic Frequencies by M, West.</li>
<li>Random House Dictionary: 2009. <a href="http://dictionary.reference.com/browde/idiom">http://dictionary.reference.com/browde/idiom</a></li>
<p> </p>
description_2 <h1><span style="font-size:12px">CONTENTS</span></h1>
<p><span style="font-size:12px">Introduction</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:12px"><strong>Linguistic Analysis of Jokes</strong></span></p>
<h1><span style="font-size:12px">Conclusion</span></h1>
<h1><span style="font-size:12px">Bibliography</span></h1>
title_arm Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals title_eng convertot_1 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_2 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_3 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_4 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_5 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_6 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_7 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_8 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_9 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_10 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_11 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_13 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_14 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_15 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_16 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_17 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals convertot_18 Linguocultural analysis of English jokes in category of animals
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>References</strong></p>
<p>1. Galperin, I. (1981) Tekst kak obyekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya. M.: MGU.</p>
<p>2. Galperin, I (1977) Stylistics: M.: “Higher School”.</p>
<p>3. Halliday, M.; Hassan, R. (1976) Cohesion in English. London.</p>
<p>4. Halliday, M.A.K. (1977) Text as a Semantic Unit Choice in Social Contexts. // Grammars and Descriptions (research in text theory 1). / Ed. by T.A. Dijk and Petofi. Berlin and N.Y.</p>
<p>5. Mkhitaryan, Ye.; Chubaryan, À. (2011) Theoretical English Grammar. Yerevan: YSU Press.</p>
<p>6. Ross, W.D. (Ed.) (1959) Art Rhetorica. Oxford: OUP.</p>
<p>7. Vinogradov, V. (1950) O kategorii modalnosti I modalnikh slov. M.: Nauka.</p>
<p>8. Wilde, O. (1970) Fairy Tales. M.: Progress.</p>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p><strong>Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales</strong></p>
title_arm Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales title_eng convertot_1 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_2 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_3 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_4 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_5 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_6 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_7 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_8 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_9 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_10 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_11 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_13 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_14 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_15 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_16 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_17 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales convertot_18 Repetition in Oscar Wilde's fairy tales
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p>
<li>"A Dictionary of Language and Linguistics," Hadumod Bussmann, translated and edited by Gregory Trauth and Kerstin Kazzazi, Routledge, London and New York, 2006.</li>
<li>"A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics," David Crystal, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 2008."</li>
<li>"Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language," edited by Siobhan Chapman and Christopher Routledge, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2009.</li>
<li>"Language, Discourse and Literature. An Introductory Reader in Discourse Stylistics", edited by Ronald Carter and Paul Simpson, Routledge, New York, 1995.</li>
<li>"Science Fiction, Children's Literature and Popular Culture. Coming of Age in Fantasyland," Gary Westfahl, Greenwood Press, Westport, 2000.</li>
<li>"Stylistics. A Practical Coursebook," Laura Wright and Jonathan Hope, Routledge, London and New York, 1996.</li>
<li>"Stylistics," R. Galperin, Higher School, Moscow, 1977.</li>
<li>"Stylistics. A Resource Book for Students," Paul Simpson, Routledge, New York, 2004.</li>
<li>"Stylistics: Prospect and Retrospect," edited by David L. Hoover and Sharon Lattig, Amsterdam and New York, 2007.</li>
<p>Link:[1] See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_fiction</p>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENT</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Chapter I. The Functional Styles of the English Language</p>
<p>1.1. Linguostyltics as a Branch of General Linguistics</p>
<p>1.2. A Brief Outline of the Functional Styles of the English Language</p>
<p>Chapter II. An Overview of the Science Fiction Syle and Its Peculiarities</p>
<p>2.1. Science Fiction. General Characteristics</p>
<p>2.2. The Linguostylistic Peculiarities of the Science Fiction Style</p>
title_arm Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties title_eng convertot_1 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_2 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_3 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_4 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_5 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_6 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_7 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_8 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_9 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_10 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_11 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_13 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_14 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_15 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_16 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_17 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties convertot_18 Science fiction and its' lingostylistic peculiarties
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p>
<li> Alston W.P Illocutionary acts and sentence meaning, Ithaca and London, 2000</li>
<li>Austin, J. L. (1962) <u>How to Do Things with Words</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (Develops the distinction between performative and constative utterances into the first systematic account of speech acts.)</li>
<li>Bach, K. (1994) 'Conversational impliciture', <u>Mind & Language</u> 9: 124-62. (Identifies the middle ground between explicit utterances and Gricean implicatures.)</li>
<li>Bach, K. and R. M. Harnish (1979), <u>Linguistic Commuication and Speech Acts</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. (Combines elements of Austin's taxonomy and Grice's theory of conversation into a systematic account of the roles of the speaker's communicative intention and the hearer's inference in literal, nonliteral and indirect uses of sentences to perform speech acts.)</li>
<li>Grice, H. P. (1989) <u>Studies in the Way of Words</u>, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. (The essays on meaning and conversational implicature provide a framework for distinguishing speaker meaning from linguistic meaning and for explaining their relationship.)</li>
<li>Searle, J. (1969) <u>Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language</u>, Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press. (Presents a theory of speech acts relying on the notion of constitutive rules.)</li>
<li>Strawson, P. F. (1964) 'Intention and convention in speech acts', <u>Philosophical Review</u> 73: 439-60. (Applies Grice's account of meaning to support the claim that most speech acts are communicative rather than conventional, as Austin had suggested.)</li>
<li>Tsohatzidis, S. L., ed. (1994) <u>Foundations of Speech Act Theory</u>: <u>Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives,</u> London: Routledge. (Collection of original essays on outstanding problems in the field, with useful bibliography.)</li>
description_2 <p><strong>Contents</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 1. Theoretical aspect of the problem</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 2. </strong></p>
<p><strong>2.1. Functioning of requests</strong></p>
<p><strong>2.2.</strong> <strong>Phonetic patterns of requests </strong></p>
<p><strong>2.3. Grammatical patterns of requests</strong></p>
<p><strong>2.4. Basic differences of the ways of making request in Armenian and English</strong></p>
title_arm The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian title_eng convertot_1 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_2 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_3 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_4 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_5 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_6 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_7 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_8 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_9 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_10 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_11 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_13 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_14 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_15 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_16 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_17 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian convertot_18 The differences of ways of making request in English and Armenian
Ռեֆերատ | Անգլերեն
The infinitive and the gerund
referat.am kursayinner referatner diplomayinner tezer պատվիրել աշխատանքներ description_1 <p><strong>Bibliography</strong></p>
<p>1. Каушанская В.Л. и др. Грамматика английского языка (на английском языке). 1973 M.</p>
<p>2. Kaushanskaya et. al. A Grammar of the English Language (practice book) L.,Prosveshcheniye 1967</p>
<p>3. Ganshina and Vasilevskaya. English Grammar. M., 1953</p>
<p>4. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. A Course in English Grammar. 1966 p</p>
<p>5. Воронцова Г. Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. М., 1960</p>
<p>6. Ilyish B.L., “The Structure of English Language” M. 1971</p>
<p>7. Jespersen. O. Essentials of English Grammar. N.Y., 1938</p>
<p>8. Бархударов Л. С., Штелинг Д. А. Грамматика английского языка. М., 1960</p>
<p>9. Bryant. M. A Functional English Grammar. Boston, 1945</p>
<p>10. Barber. Linguistic change in Present-Day English. Edinburgh, 1964</p>
<p>11. Ермолаева Л.С. Очерки по сопоставительной грамматике германских языков. – М.,1987.</p>
<p>12. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. – М.,1981.</p>
<p>13. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. – M.,1983.</p>
<p>14. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. М, 1997</p>
<p>15. Зятковская Р.Г. Суффиксальная система современного английского языка. – М., 1971.</p>
<p>16. Смирницкий А.И. Иностранные языки в школе. 1987</p>
<p>17. World Book Encyclopedia Vol.1 NY. 1993</p>
<p>18. Internet:http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs/theory.htm</p>
<p>19. Inbternet:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/verbals.htm</p>
<p>20. Internet:http://edu.eng_grammar.com/verbs/nonfinite.htm</p>
<p>21. Internet:http://www.nvcc.edu/home/rorkwis/verbals/verbals</p>
<p> </p>
description_2 <p><strong>CONTENTS</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 1. The</strong> <strong>Infinitive</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 2. The Gerund</strong></p>
<p><strong>Chapter 3. The gerund and the infinitive</strong></p>
title_arm The infinitive and the gerund title_eng convertot_1 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_2 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_3 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_4 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_5 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_6 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_7 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_8 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_9 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_10 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_11 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_13 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_14 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_15 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_16 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_17 The infinitive and the gerund convertot_18 The infinitive and the gerund
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Արագ, հարմար, հուսալի, մատչելի